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Signed Up March 14, 2017
Last Posted January 4, 2024 at 10:51 AM
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#18 KRIT Esports - TF2 Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

I was not around when this change happened (assuming you were talking about the change to high-mid-open system, which is the only significant ETF2L change that I know of). How exactly do you link it to fewer signups ?

posted about 6 years ago
#5 ETF2L Season 27 Highlights in Videos


Maybe he plans on making a separate video for playoffs like he did for season 24.

posted about 6 years ago
#18 arctic foxes give default win to lego in TF2 General Discussion

# 17
I'm out of the loop, could someone explain ?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 ETF2L S27 W2: LEGO vs. nerdRage in Matches

By the way, does anyone know why Médico stopped playing ? He's still on the nerdrage roster.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Lowpander default loss ? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#74 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help
JarateKinggood counterpoint

That is very true, I had not seen things like this but what you're saying totally makes sense.
That's a shame because I love gimmicks (typical euro)
That said, I still think that the whitelist suggested in page one ( could use a few more items, so here are my suggestions :

  • Winger : Already allowed, nothing wrong with it.
  • Black Box : Allows for a more sustainable roamer but with one less rocket. Quite a negative trade, especially with the crossbow in the game, but it can be used on big maps or by roamers who like to go really far behind.
  • Direct Hit : Kinda the same as the Black Box, trading splash for raw damage isn't great, but it can be quite efficient in the right hands.
  • Battalion's Backup and Concheror : Okay for pushing last when the ubers are equal, IMO the concheror is a bit better considering that a speed boost is more useful than a defensive buff in a uber fight and charges quicker, but the backup provides more survivability so you don't have to flash as much.
  • Market Gardener : Not too sure about this one, on one hand it's a nice alternative to the classic bombs and it's fun to watch, but on the other I don't want to see some players doing the smallest jump possible or bhopping to deliver 195 dmg, that would be dumb. Maybe a nice fix would be to have some air time requirement before you can crit.
  • Loose Cannon : Apparently a lot of players dislike this weapon ? I think it's fine as it is.
  • Quickiebomb Launcher : Pretty good for clearing stickies off last and long range kritz, worse than stock at everything else. So, situationally good.
  • Ambassador and L'Etranger : Ambassador is only good if you're good with it, but it can be a nice alternative to the pure damage of the stock. Same goes for L'Etranger, who trades more cloak for less damage.

I also think that the crossbow is too strong right now, which is a shame considering that it is very fun to use. Maybe decreasing the heals so that they are the same as it's damage would do the trick, also arrow-building needs to go.

posted about 7 years ago
#67 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help

@59 But that's not a huge deal, a lot of the useless weapons can't even be used for a cheesy play (back scatter, liberty launcher, most of the mêlées) while the few that can (shields, backburner or phlog) will only work like once a map and their efficiency is not guaranteed either.
IMO we should only ban the weapons that are too good or force the other team to run them. The "useless" weapons actually have 2 uses : gimmicks and creating the illusion of choice for newer players, who won't feel forced to run a specific weapon. Everyone will tell them to use the good ones anyway, and they can try them in a pug or a scrim once, see that it sucks and change it.

posted about 7 years ago
#58 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help

Maybe this is a noob question, but why do we need to ban the useless unlocks as well ?

posted about 7 years ago
#17 New ChampGG.K roster in TF2 General Discussion

Lemmings are dead ?

posted about 7 years ago
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