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SteamID64 76561198103904286
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Country Sweden
Signed Up April 24, 2018
Last Posted April 24, 2024 at 5:13 PM
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#1 Looking for pocket soldier mentor (EU) in Mentoring

Im playing my first season in Low, 6s.

discord: schlasen

posted 4 months ago
#214 Item giveaway in TF2 General Discussion

Awesome that you guys are doing a give away! Sad to see people leave though ..

posted about 6 years ago
#1324 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I need help, I fucked up!
I changed one command (mat_colorcorrection 0 to mat_colorcorrection 1)
saved it
Then when i started TF2 there was an error. "Unknown version 538976258 for vpk..."
Tried to reverse the settings but it didn't work either. What should i do?

And while am at it, can i ask what "mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1/0" does?
which setting is prefered and what are the difference.

Thanks! So far this config has been great.
Edit: Read some previous comments and found the answear... I feel a bit dumb :)
Although i'm still curious about my second question.

posted about 6 years ago