Account Details
SteamID64 76561198116423071
SteamID3 [U:1:156157343]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:78078671
Country United States
Signed Up September 16, 2015
Last Posted September 16, 2020 at 8:48 PM
Posts 1671 (0.5 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.3
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Glorious Model D
Keyboard Mistel MD770
Mousepad Aorus AMP500
Headphones Sennheiser PC37X
Monitor MSI MAG251RX
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#10 gink, kaidus, raymon + nubbi in new Valorant team in Esports
JWBis hafficool still on the team that sil was temporarily on? i assume kaidus has fully departed from that team to join this one?

gl to the boys anyway hope they do well. always nice to see tf2 players making it in other games.

hafficool is giving overwatch another run

posted about 3 years ago
#15 please pass it down :) in Off Topic

posted about 3 years ago
#7 is looking for new writers! in News

Honestly, it's thanks to me getting started with writing here that I've been able to do some big things in the past 2 years, including writing for an esports org (even though I got ghosted after doing one article for them :< ) and even a gaming peripheral brand.

Would highly recommend applying, especially for you nerdstar seekers and for potential TFTV Illuminati access

posted about 4 years ago
#1515 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

You Dummies : haven't showered in 2 days andf my crotch smells like a locker room and sewer

posted about 4 years ago
#118 VALORANT in Other Games
ayatollahcan people who have played the game a lot give character tier list?

S tier:
Sage - So much good utility in her kit, can't really go wrong just sinking all of your time into learning her
Sova - Honestly if Sage's kit didn't completely overshadow his in terms of applicability he'd be the best in the game imo

A tier:
Cypher - I didn't put him in S tier because there's a decent amount of outplay that can be done against him, particularly his tripwire and camera
Brimstone - So many people sleep on Brimstone's stim beacon, and his smokes seem to last forever. I wouldn't be surprised if parts of his kit get nerfed in the future

B tier:
Breach - Really underrated kit, but I feel like that's because people haven't really seen how much of an impact he can have in a match when setting up engagements. He will be really good against teams that just slow peek corners or don't play at a fast enough tempo to avoid his abilities
Viper - Her toxic wall provides lots of good opportunities to push aggressively into sites and get plants, forcing the defenders to potentially take a bad engagement. Also her ult by itself could be considered A tier because it forces enemies to come to you and take action. I feel like she's really slept on
Phoenix - I've seen a lot of varying opinions about him, but his entire kit has a bunch of utility that people unfortunately see as useless. I will say that other agents (namely Viper and Breach) have abilities that are just upgrades to his

C tier:
Jett - I think Jett is going to turn into the "I couldn't pick Phoenix fast enough but I still want to try and frag on my own" agent for play. If 1/3 of her kit can be used for her team while the remaining 2/3 is reserved for her own personal abilities, I personally don't see that as enough justification to make her B tier
Omen - Omen is kind of weird. On paper his kit should be good enough to put him into B tier, but there's just something missing with it. Kind of tied with Jett, if not a notch below her to round out C tier

F tier:
Raze - Honestly she just needs a rework. Too much of her kit just doesn't belong in a tactical shooter. Her ultimate is a slight redeemer for her, but I expect Raze to be a cheese pick against newer players that are either new to the game, or just don't understand the concept of angles and general flow of the game. Outside of that, she's pretty bad. At least you can teamkill potential cheaters with your c4, if that's even something to be considered redeemable

posted about 4 years ago
#114 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Console, as someone who was one of my first friends when I started playing organized TF2, it breaks my heart to see something so utterly disgusting happen to someone like you.

Like Snivy, I haven't been in the loop with what's happening in TF2 for a while now, but never did I think someone like dashner would turn out this way. To say that I'm shocked and disgusted are just the beginning of a long list of thoughts and emotions related to this subject.

Snivydashner should not be allowed in the TF2 community anymore, and to a further extent the entire esports scene.

Very well said. Nobody should ever have to go through something like this.

posted about 4 years ago
#22 Excellent Theory of Dunk scores SPOT in INVITE in News

jeffington to farm

posted about 5 years ago
#1 name change in Requests

Hudsyn -> Hudsen

Also if my stream could be updated from .tv/hudsyn_ to .tv/huds3n that'd be great

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Silent mechanical keyboard in Hardware

I used the Corsair STRAFE RGB for a while and they've got a number of MX Silent keyboards on their site that you can choose from. Now I use the FNATIC miniSTREAK and have been really enjoying using it for both gaming and writing stuff. They're sold out right now but there's also the STREAK and RUSH pro keyboards that have MX Silent switches available, although only the STREAK (full size) has MX Silent switches available (at the time of writing this post). Only thing I'm not too happy about with it is the keycaps, which feel a bit cheap. They work for my use anyway.

Rocket Jump Ninja even has a discount code that you can use to get 10% off at checkout. I even had an issue where my top row malfunctioned and I couldn't use it, and after talking to support they eventually sent me another one for free since it was under warranty. Works perfectly now.

I definitely enjoy the wrist rest of the miniSTREAK (I'd assume the STREAK has a similar wrist rest) in comparison to the STRAFE that I used to use on a regular basis. It's just more comfortable and feels like an actual cushion rather than textured plastic and you can extend it out if you have larger hands like I do. Ducky keyboards are really solid quality and never a bad choice in my eyes, but I guess it depends on your budget. The $100 USD price tag plus discount code to me was the best that I could get given the money that I was willing to spend at the time.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Nixeus releasing G400/MX518 clone in Hardware

This looks sick. I wasn't playing computer games when this was popular but if it's as good as some people claim it was I might pick one up

posted about 5 years ago
#2 change name in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Mouse accel driver in Customization
Nick130What are the benefits of using accel?

Think of it being a way for low sensitivity players to track well without needing to swipe their mouse 2-3 times just to do a 180. It's sort of like having 2 sensitivities for 2 practical uses.

I believe how the Quake Live one works is your sens in game would increase the faster you move your mouse, and the reason why it's gotten such a bad rap is because of windows accel and other mice from the gaming specific brands (Razer is the first one that comes to mind for me) have really awful accel drivers that don't give you the same thing that the one that ScrewB is likely referring to.

If I explained that incredibly poorly, then just read this blog post. It explains things better than I can since the guys behind this specific accel driver REALLY know their stuff.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 RGB LAN in Recruitment (looking for players)

Post your roster for any people that might be interested in joining :)

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Signed Item Giveaway in TF2 General Discussion

if the grape signed gunboats are gone already, I'll happily give the yomps crafted gunboats a good home

posted about 5 years ago
#2 fps issue in Q/A Help

sounds like something (or some things) is/are overheating in your computer

posted about 5 years ago
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