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SteamID64 76561198042111402
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Country United States
Signed Up November 13, 2012
Last Posted January 14, 2018 at 4:29 PM
Posts 363 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.1
Windows Sensitivity 5
Raw Input  
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK1
Keyboard CM Storm Quickfire Rapid
Mousepad Steel Series QCK+
Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M50s
Monitor Dell?
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#4947 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
nimtra - item meters
overwatch hud in tf2. no idea how to make the selection thing go under the text as of right now. still WIP. thinking of just removing the character image

I can help you with the horizontal health bar if you want. pm me

posted about 8 years ago
#24 vintage tf2 memorabilia in TF2 General Discussion
matchui based my lifestyle off of harbleu i need this shirt

posted about 8 years ago
#193 medHUD in Customization


hey kids.

it's the hud.


v26 - bi-yearly?

  • matchmaking - updated
  • winpanel - updated
  • medhud - updated.


posted about 8 years ago
#23 Make UGC Great Again in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#10 chair options? in Hardware

Gamer Posture™
now in EPIC black and SWEET red!!!!

posted about 8 years ago
#12 TF2 update for 5/11/16 in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#77 Froyo Black? in TF2 General Discussion

black frozen yogurt sounds disgusting

posted about 8 years ago
#79 clockwork retires, blaze returns to froyotech in News
EnterimLyreixHi this took longer than I expected
really captured his fuck-me eyes

posted about 8 years ago
#4802 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
EevoveA new HUD I am working on, still a lot to update. Got a lot of inspiration from Rawrsor's Material HUD, so big thanks to him!


the full 255 white looks like the hud is calling for nonexistent colors from the clientscheme (even if a full 255 white is intended, it looks that way). maybe try for a tanlight so it isn't so glaring, along with making the text in the targetids and tournament spec contrast more with the background?
the numbers for health, ammo, and targetid are a little small as well, maybe expand those more for better visibility?

otherwise, nice use of blur. the colors remind me of delihud. if i didn't have my own hud projects i would strongly consider using this.

posted about 8 years ago
#4741 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
JarateKingPlanning on releasing soon, and hopefully putting screenshots will motivate me to finish it :B
More Screenshots
Really trying a lot of experimental stuff, like teamcolored text (as you can see), different damaged health points with different anims, some weird and silly workarounds for things (no bg on the chat window for example), etc. etc.
Planning on implementing Devamar's casting hud into it too but that's going to be tedious af to get that stuff working. A fair bit of other stuff too but that's most of the cool things.

this is some revolutionary stuff, man. a lot of blood, sweat, and mostly tears have definitely been put into this. workarounds up the ass, for sure

posted about 8 years ago
#9 MM problems in Q/A Help
AcyridAnd can I have mat_phong 0?

lots of settings are default on matchmaking

posted about 8 years ago
#4607 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
RawrsorC O M P B O Y S

anyone know how to edit the stats text color?

slick & sexy

posted about 8 years ago
#10 MM small changes wishlist in TF2 General Discussion
smoboIntellectualit's really good against buildings because it's intended to be the anti-building weapon. this extra damage being exclusive to buildings rather than all around is far more balanced than before.
the demoman loses his extra damage from rollers as well as a fourth pipe. removing the speed bonus makes this weapon simply the worst gl rather than a situational one.

are you saying that is current downsides are not enough?
every time it's been tested in comp, people unanimously agree that it's better than stock

because of the speed?

posted about 8 years ago
#8 MM small changes wishlist in TF2 General Discussion
KonceptLegacy3. Loch n load

-Despite it having 1 less shot than the stock grenade launcher, the projectile speed is very rewarding, allowing targets to be hit a little more consistently than the stock. Also, the extra damage against buildings is a big upside when pushing last against a sentry gun.

it's really good against buildings because it's intended to be the anti-building weapon. this extra damage being exclusive to buildings rather than all around is far more balanced than before.
the demoman loses his extra damage from rollers as well as a fourth pipe. removing the speed bonus makes this weapon simply the worst gl rather than a situational one.

are you saying that is current downsides are not enough?

posted about 8 years ago
#112 Changes for MatchMaking in TF2 General Discussion
basketnoidayCompetitive HUD Changes:

Your medic's uber (assuming there is going to be a classlimit of 1 at some point) should be displayed on the screen at all times. This contributes to the natural flow of the 6s format by having everyone on your team be on the same page, regardless of skill level, with the most important advantage your team can have: ubercharge.

Players alive/dead on both teams on main hud. The main difference between watching a TF2 pro vs a CSGO pro is the TF2 player is constantly toggling his scoreboard just to see the one thing every other game already has on the main hud: alive/dead players. Having it centralized on the main hud like csgo will make the 6s format a lot easier to adopt for newer players and make the game itself a lot more intuitive and faster paced.

The medigun healrate should be visually represented in the hud other than the combat text. The medic needs to know which patient has the higher healrate before clicking. Simplest implementation is using the pre-existing medic caller balloons and adding healrate animations for them. So pressing E isn't just calling for medic, it's actually giving your medic useful information. Along those lines, having the x-ray teammates on indefinitely while playing medic could be a helpful mechanic for making the 6s format easier to learn as a lot of newer medics will struggle to group up with their teammates who are just as unfamiliar with the 6s format as they are. Another alternative to that is incorporating it all into the E key - so when you press E, you're telling your medic a) what your heal rate is and b) where exactly you are on the map (assuming having xray on indefinitely proves to be problematic) This mechanic will make learning the healrate, a staple of any competitive TF2 medic main, a visual event in the game itself so even if you've never played medic before, you'll see a scout calling for medic with a big flashing teal or whatever color balloon and you'll instantly know to give him a quick buff or crit heal. Without this mechanic, a newer medic player simply won't see this as it's not information that is visually presented to the player.

This post has been minus fragged into oblivion but no one has made any comments about it. I assume this is due to the utterly ridiculous quick fix rework, which I won't touch. The section that I have quoted consists of many undeniably good changes that I haven't seen anybody else suggest.

It's a simple question really: Why should a player in matchmaking ever have to press tab? We've all become so used to it that I've personally never even considered it. In a pub it is necessary to have player/score/etc information on a toggle because of the variability and number of players in a server, but in 6v6 game all critical information (death state, ally spawn times and health, medigun type and uber percentage) can embedded in the HUD without clutter. Currently all of this information must be gathered with an obtrusive scoreboard and comms when it could just be displayed on screen at all times.

The current design presents such a needless detriment to new and veteran players alike. Making this basic information constantly visible can only enhance the flow of the game since its so critical in decision making. For example, new players would have instant feedback as to why their bomb/initiation failed after glancing at their ally information and seeing their teammates are all in the red. They would quickly learn to coordinate plays with the readiness of their team. Similarly an uber element of the HUD would spur them into pushing when a full advantage is advertised. All of this information is readily, but clumsily, available right now, so it can't be argued this change would coddle players or dumb down the game.

valve just needs to make a new hud for tf2, tbh

but somehow make it so custom huds still work?

posted about 8 years ago
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