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Signed Up February 24, 2013
Last Posted August 28, 2022 at 12:16 PM
Posts 144 (0 per day)
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#2 guys in LAN Discussion

tall dogs with long beaks dont know how to speak

posted about a year ago
#52 [S33] Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#18 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion

hey will i get banned if i post a list of people i wish killed themselves in this community? i can post a sneak preview if anyones interested (dont worry theyre all white)

posted about 5 years ago
#17 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion

is it okay to tell puoskari to kill himself because he's white? really makes my brain activate

posted about 5 years ago
#14 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion

Can someone check up on puoskari? I'm worried

gj admins for protecting toxic people btw

posted about 5 years ago
#117 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
Stinson_Out From what I understand at least muuki (a teammate), if not others, still do not see how any of this warrants an action from our side.

list of things i am not against:
banning pred

list of things i am against:
banning degu
cutting 50% of our prize money
not banning any of the racist or otherwise offensive players on other teams while at the same time removing their warnings for similar behaviour just a couple of weeks prior to this event

here is my official stance that represents me

posted about 5 years ago
#93 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic
ReeroDoomsdayexeMuukiyeah i bet all the 7 players and circlejerkers just "didnt notice" when they tell other people to kill themselves or call them autistic or display jewsmashers and nignogs getting sent to the shadow realm on their steam profile, just an oversight.

if you're gonna apply punishments, apply them equally to everyone :)

Please. Show us evidence and we'll call it out. It isn't a complicated construct. You can't call bias when you're making claims without giving us evidence for us to do anything with in the first place. Silly.
ok muuki has been a retard lately but he isn't completely wrong here

wait, calling me a retard is okay? i thought we were against slurs here

posted about 5 years ago
#89 Ban Pred and Degu v2 in Off Topic

yeah i bet all the 7 players and circlejerkers just "didnt notice" when they tell other people to kill themselves or call them autistic or display jewsmashers and nignogs getting sent to the shadow realm on their steam profile, just an oversight.

if you're gonna apply punishments, apply them equally to everyone :)

posted about 5 years ago
#177 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
StuffedThis cycle of a shitstorm starting and then people forgetting about it and rinse and repeat would be so much easier to break if people knew not to be insensitive cunts or, at the very fucking least, be able to apologise and take responsibility when they do. A shame, because when this community decides not be aids, it can be really great.

its funny because one of the guys apologized and one of them is working and doesnt have time to check this forum all the time unlike half of the people constantly posting

posted about 5 years ago
#173 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

wait... could it be that personal attacks are completely okay as long as theres no racial or sexual slurs in them? i'll keep this in mind

posted about 5 years ago
#170 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
funhaver1998Muuki why do you think your opinion on how she deals with sexual harrassment matters even a little bit? When was last time you even went outside and saw a woman?

Don't really get why virgin neets who hate their lives feel the right to tell others how to express themselves

18 upfrags and counting on such a quality post thats totally not offensive, thanks tftv sjw mob

telling people to kill themselves is ok but calling someone a tranny is a sin deserving of death sentence, never change

posted about 5 years ago
#148 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
oyeaFuxxNickston Uberchain's mentioned she's not ready to do so yet.

Please understand it takes a tremendous amount of courage to speak up about something like this even anonymously.

We are expending a dramatic amount of energy witch-hunting two morons who posted offensive online comments. People are getting up in arms and calling for them (and others like them) to be banned.

However, I'm a pragmatist. For as offensive as two online comments can be, they are not in any way comparable to blackmail, emotional manipulation and sexual abuse. I am being downfragged for considering genuinely traumatizing experiences to be worth more than online comments and debate over whether or not someone using the nickname "nig of the nog" is ban-worthy racism. Do you understand my frustration at this whole circus?

For as long Uberchain refuses to mention names, these people will continue to wander through our community unharmed and unbanned, free of any persecution and free to sexually abuse another person in the future. My aim is to bring these people to justice and this can only be done if we actually identify them. Failure to do this is not only a failure in justice but also negligence which can lead to the abuse of more victims. No, I will not sit down and accept this. I will not allow actual monsters to get to sneak away from the spotlight because we're all channeling our rage to internet comments. One is not like the other.
U were getting downfragged cause u didnt read through what uberchain said, and again, Uberchain said she is not yet ready to name names

why is she ready to make a big deal about if if shes not ready to name names lol

what good does it do to anyone in the community to just blurt out personal things like this while leaving the actual culprits vague other than to seek attention of people that will never be able to help you

posted about 5 years ago
#143 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

the absolute audacity for the biggest flamers of the league to come and talk about people using mean words

posted about 5 years ago
#45 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
BumFreezeMuukiimagine getting this offended when you get told to stop crying about your personal issues on twitter and shaming the tf2 community for not caring about your personal issues and bringing them outside of twitter as well because you are so thirsty for attention

but hey you took a bunch of pictures and drew a couple of logos, cool
ur the one shaming the community by you and your circlejerk unanimously deciding its ok to bully someone for speaking out about their sexual abuse

when did i ever say it's okay? stop inserting words into my mouth please. social media platforms and twitch chat are just very poor places to start crying about your personal problems, it's not like im promoting this kind of behaviour

zxpdid she actually shame the tf2 community or are you projecting your insecurities

have you actually read any twitch chats or posts in general or are you just white knighting

posted about 5 years ago
#40 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

imagine getting this offended when you get told to stop crying about your personal issues on twitter and shaming the tf2 community for not caring about your personal issues and bringing them outside of twitter as well because you are so thirsty for attention

but hey you took a bunch of pictures and drew a couple of logos, cool

posted about 5 years ago
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