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SteamID64 76561198101942178
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:70838225
Country Australia
Signed Up July 13, 2016
Last Posted December 4, 2023 at 1:51 AM
Posts 152 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.4
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Mouse Razor Deathadder Chroma
Keyboard Steel Series Apex500
Mousepad Steel Series Qck +
Headphones Turtle Beach x11's
Monitor Dell?
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#72 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion
AnnaAndHerBellesDoanne yeah call him cheater all day you guys want
this your captain?

this also your captain?

harassing women and being a general freak the whole season not a great look for any legitimacy to his argument

posted 6 months ago
#51 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion
tototomSassyTheSasquatchtototomThis idiot speaks of professionalism, but yet has he the communication skills of a single celled organism. He has been like this since Week 1, and when it finally comes to bite him in the ass he comes crying for validation in a tf2 thread with people who have no insight on the situation; his need for an echo chamber is crazy. Claiming the admins are racist when noone ever mentioned anything regarding race is crazy, and pretty much sums up how desperate he is to feel like he's "won". We got 2 minutes notice via match comms. Even with his communication a time and day was agreed upon. Confirmed by admins dming myself, confirmed by match comms up until 2 minutes before 8:30. The admins and other team leaders had 5 hours that they could have dmed another captain or in the admins case reach out to me who they already confirmed the game was being played on Sunday.

So you just gonna ignore the insane false racism allegations, or the fact that he has been like this since Week 1 and you've had plenty of time to mutiny but decided its ok for him to make every other teams lives miserable trying to sort out matches with him since its not you who has to deal with it?

Edit: take some accountability challenge: impossible

womp womp

You dont like him cool, thats fair enough. You are basically saying I dont like him and other people dont like him, so the admins can change the time of the game 13 minutes AFTER the time they are proposing and that is okay.

posted 6 months ago
#47 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion
tototomThis idiot speaks of professionalism, but yet has he the communication skills of a single celled organism. He has been like this since Week 1, and when it finally comes to bite him in the ass he comes crying for validation in a tf2 thread with people who have no insight on the situation; his need for an echo chamber is crazy. Claiming the admins are racist when noone ever mentioned anything regarding race is crazy, and pretty much sums up how desperate he is to feel like he's "won". We got 2 minutes notice via match comms. Even with his communication a time and day was agreed upon. Confirmed by admins dming myself, confirmed by match comms up until 2 minutes before 8:30. The admins and other team leaders had 5 hours that they could have dmed another captain or in the admins case reach out to me who they already confirmed the game was being played on Sunday.

posted 6 months ago
#16 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickAnd y'all wonder why competitive players are a minority...

I had a similar situation happen with a playoff game back with UGC 6 or 7 years ago, after a culmination of events following it lead me to stop playing. I have now come back for a brief period of time and an even worse situation has occured. Have you had any terrible experiences with admins?

posted 6 months ago
#14 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion

This image album shows some of the errors and miscommunication admins had made in regards to this situation. I could take more showing the bias, however with the context and outcome it should be obvious who and what outcome they favoured over all others.

My favourite has got to be the one where the admin updates the match comms after the time he posted. That one was good!

posted 6 months ago
#1 OZF 6S S37 Open GF: Left 4 bread vs. fking hl mains in Events

starting 10 hour pipe meditation now

posted 9 months ago
#5 How Not To Attack Area 51! in Music, Movies, TV
Fanta_Addictionwhy do you keep changing shirts

I recorded on 2 days and I was meant to record the whole thing in the 2nd shirt but both had bits that were way too windy so I had to compromise.

I should have just said I had a changing shirt

posted about 4 years ago
#1 How Not To Attack Area 51! in Music, Movies, TV

Hey guys these are the ways that you could die attacking Area 51:


posted about 4 years ago
#12 When you cant find your phone (funny) in Off Topic
Mitch_are you still banned from twitch sassy

Ya it sucks man :(

posted about 4 years ago
#8 When you cant find your phone (funny) in Off Topic

Awkward bump

posted about 4 years ago
#7 When you cant find your phone (funny) in Off Topic

another bruh, how beautiful. My phone wasnt in the toilet tho

posted about 4 years ago
#5 When you cant find your phone (funny) in Off Topic

what do you think

posted about 4 years ago
#4 When you cant find your phone (funny) in Off Topic

I mean its up to you to decide but its got Jaxon so it has to be

posted about 4 years ago
#1 When you cant find your phone (funny) in Off Topic

Hey guys I recently made a video with Jaxon Fairbairn, Boyd and my misses.

I thought I would share it here as I think it is funny and its just cool

here it is:


posted about 4 years ago
#1 IEM Sydney 2019! in CS2 General Discussion

Hey guys I just want to put my predictions out there for this event here:

Also any Sydney gamers that remember feel free to get in contact with me too catch up! Anyways thanks and please let me know your thoughts on this event!

Also will be making 5 minutes of tf2 soon :)

posted about 5 years ago
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