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SteamID64 76561198359434436
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:199584354
Country Russian Federation
Signed Up April 23, 2020
Last Posted May 16, 2024 at 9:01 AM
Posts 56 (0 per day)
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60 FPS
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Mousepad Wood
Headphones Earbud
Monitor 1024x768
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#11 SWAGTOWN - Vanilla TF2 Community Server in TF2 General Discussion

sack of shit stop using this site for free promo try doing a giveaway or two to get you rserver more popular or a reffle stop taking shortcuts to get more players on ur servers this is for discussions not for u to fu*king advert

posted 2 weeks ago
#1 TF2 NEW Charity event - Save the Babies! in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 weeks ago
#25 The Final Thread / 05/01/24 in TF2 General Discussion

posted 4 weeks ago
#1 New editions in escape frm tarkov, edits in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Hey if you dont know theres a new edition for escape from tarkov. it costs 250 dollars but youll get lots of goodies and get advantegaes over other players

it might seem outrageos to buy this much money for one game but the advantages are soo good itllpay back for itself with all the fun you have.
Before u make a flaming comment how this wont have anything to do with tf2 well ihave a great idea. the game is f2p with rpemium purchase but many players chose to remain a f2p due to lack of incentive to upgrade and no rewards.

heres a new idea i hade

5$ edition - the newguy ytoul get 5 random hats and 20 random weapons. 2 name tag and 2 desc tag to spruce up your fav boomstick, 1 exclusive taunt "The new guy"

10$ edition All eyes on me- get all stock stranges, a unique name color regardless of team, 2 ranomd taunts and as well as everything from the last edition

20$ the hero of badlands - one low class unusal (this unusal wont be tradeable, a random class with a low tier effect) and get 5 random taunts. get a geunine badge "the suppertor of game"

Me i think its a great offer. these items will be untradeable,.

posted 1 month ago
#1 No girls ever in any tf2 games? in TF2 General Discussion

Other games you can play like lauge of legends, valorant, cs2, lol and more will have girl players nearly every single or second game, its nice. but in tf2 its a total sausage party, every singel sever you join its just fulll of guys. obviously i dont play games just to see girls but its a nice change of pace and its cool to see a girl gaming or meeting a nice chick lol what do you think

posted 1 month ago
#3 need a NEET mge buddy in TF2 General Discussion Look look theyre hiring you can go work

posted 1 month ago
#2 Grape Gauntlet in TF2 General Discussion

Hmmm, so what? a challenge without a prize? its not worth doing. im not gonna upload big vidoes that take upGBs of space on my harddrive for some guy to see what i KNOW i can do. unelss you intend on getting me a reward then i wont particiapte.

Besides that record a video itll be better if you make a pic you can just edit it and lie. i dont think you can do these maps so ill only believe you if you record a video and upload it to Y.T

posted 1 month ago
#40 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion
buudETF2L has both MG and LNL banned and I think everyone has been satisfied since said bans, I see no reason why market gardener isn't banned in RGL but understand why loch n load might be a bit controversial and why people might be split on it. For weapons that need more of an in depth discussion on ban / no ban because the way they affect gameplay is more indirect than eating BS damage there was an argument, among others, that much less weapons are banned in NA (so we should just bite the bullet and keep unbanned). My suggestion to you guys, and something etf2l has been better at recently was admin communication, there was a meeting with the top teams' leaders and admins and an open discussion was held about weapon bans / plugins, and then the community (outside of prem as well) was polled on the points of discussion. What would also be cool, although hard to do, would be syncing RGL and ETF2L configs more, this game is small AF and I feel like deviating from each other more and more decreases the already very very small chances of an international LAN or tournament.

p.s. i dont see how tftv thread will solve anything, surely you guys have a way of talking to the admin team or something, its not like this is the NBA or something. these ppl shouldnt be unreachable theres like 100 people playing this game

posted 1 month ago
#1 Tf2 events for other holidays in TF2 General Discussion

We have tf2 events for halloween and christmas but thats about it. Id like to see events for other bigger holidays like ramadan or Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos). Bringing this would add more variety to the game and different players will respect the game more because they feel like the game cares about them. When its a big holiday, we can add cosmetics or noisemakers, it would be easy to implement, low dew eloper time and it would have huge returns because players will respect the game more.

Thank you

posted 1 month ago
#6 Just got scammed out of 200 dollars worth of keys in TF2 General Discussion


posted 1 month ago
#1 RGL 4v4 PASS TIME Cup #2: Video Game Dunkers vs. Pegglers 2: Peg Harder in Events

you posted it twice moron

posted 1 month ago
#1 New idea for tf2 merchandise in TF2 General Discussion

We know all of the popular very sucsessful tf2 merch items ( soundtrack cd, chess set of tf2, playing figurines with promo codes to get hats)

I think the new step will be a TF2 jigsaw puzzle. You can make it hard or difficult, and release many sets for players to buy. the first one they can make is the classic scene with all 9 of the charachters and Team fortress 2 text, the one at the end of every "meet the team" video. A more dificult scene would be some of the most famous moments in tf2s updates like special delivery doomsday, the launch of the rocket. or one of the horrifying halloween upates with the labyrinth maps. for buying these puzzles, youd receive the promotional item "Multi-Colored Puzzle Piece Ribon".

I dont know what the price would be but it sohuldnt be too expensive and the shipping shouldnt be too much so that more players can afford it. puzzles are colored pieces of cardboard so it shouldnt be too harrd to produce.

posted 2 months ago
#11 if u could bring back 1 thing from old TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

i want the old map two inteliligent briefcase

posted 2 months ago
#1 a new rule for all tf2 servers in TF2 General Discussion

if youre toxic in one server youll chat banned 24h all servers
if you continue then yo cant chat 7 days week
breaking the biggest rule results your account cant chat at all
What do you think

posted 2 months ago
#1 Did tf2 ever get you into trouble in TF2 General Discussion

when i was 12 year old playing tf2 i played it for too long one night playing a mvm match it wasnt even mann up it was boot camp i caldnt affort the ticket but fucking the robots back on coaltown was too fun me and me team won. but i stayed up way too late it was 1 or 2 am and the next day i had to wake up early for school, i didnt get enough sleep and i failed my geography test. but the thing is lots of smartesses thought they could outsmart the system so they refused to do the test. they all failed it and me i still did the test the teacher was like welll everyone who resfued youll get an F and everyone who did it youll get a passing grade lol so in the end i wasnt even into trouble but still it was too close for comfort. since then i never stayed up too late to play games even to this day and ill always get enough sleep.

Has TF2 ever gotten you into trouble? Thanks

posted 2 months ago
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