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Last Posted June 1, 2024 at 12:57 AM
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#4 RGL Invite Team Jersey Merchandise in Projects
capnnofapncan u use bpd art hoes to model the jerseys

not escaping the ASKG past

posted 3 months ago
#11 People paying for a demon review, wtf? in TF2 General Discussion

i can understand charging for reviews if for no other reason than to avoid getting swamped by requests of youre like one of the top 5 players
i can't understand paying for a demo review when you can get 90% of the same advice for absolutely free

posted 3 months ago
#13227 stream highlights in Videos


posted 3 months ago
#41 lack of postive energry in the community in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldtry making higher quality posts and you will see an uptick in positive reception towards them and towards you

nah once tftv collectively decides youre a bad poster you get downfragged no matter what you post, lets not pretend that this is a measured and level-headed forum

posted 3 months ago
#5 ya like jazz? in Music, Movies, TV

I tend to like more spiritual jazz or world music, here are some random albums i like:
Wildflower - Wildflower
Alice Coltrane - Journey in Satchidananda
Duval Timothy - Sen Am
Jaimie Branch - Fly or Die
Kokoroko - KOKOROKO
The Source - Ali Farka Touré
Kibrom Birhane - Here And There
Mahmoud Guinia, Floating Points, James Holden - Marhaba

posted 3 months ago
#14 Fav genuine / promo item in TF2 General Discussion


posted 4 months ago
#3 RGL 6s Season 14 - Invite Qualifiers in TF2 General Discussion

i always find it strange how its just decided that invite needs a certain number of teams and then they just vacuum up some advanced teams (which have a 50% chance of dying if forced into invite) just to fill out quals

posted 4 months ago
#21 post good video essays in Off Topic

Ancient Americas is a fantastic history channel that goes into detail about niche topics like pre-Inuit cultures and the amazon delta

posted 4 months ago
#16 Jimmy/rktGOD LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

b4nnys depravity knows no bounds

posted 4 months ago
#3 TF2 update for 1/9/24 (1/10/24 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

love when an update breaks everything, theres a certain charm in the ineptitude

posted 4 months ago
#203 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

no i don't care about royally pissing off Israelis and no, square 1 was a british mandate ceding Palestinian land away which clearly wouldn't be the case
also i think anti arab sentiment is already plenty severe if you've been paying attention, better for them to not have a military and legal system, right?
And sure, i would also like the criminals tried but everyone else to hold hands and sing la dee da, but that wouldn't stop me from supporting peace on the victims terms. the Palestinian opinion is clear: from the river to the sea Palestine will be free and that should be the starting point

also please for the love of god if you're going to keep replying stop just presupposing that israelis have some special right to be there or that israels claim of being a jewish state in palestine is righteous because I'm tired of having to check you on it every time

posted 4 months ago
#190 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
atidereIt is of no fault because of the Palestinians of course, but many Jews who were expelled from their ancestral homeland went to Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Lebanon, etc, only to be kicked out of those homes again down the road on numerous occasions (most recently in 1948)

This really fascinated me because you manage to invent the most bizarre circular logic to justify the existence of Israel. Antisemitism in the arab world, to be clear, is wrong. Yet not only is modern antisemitism a european phenomenon that the middle east adopted from them, but it was only adopted in reaction to how imperial britain was meddling in the region and zionist colonialism. You found a way to take antisemitism that flared up in reaction to zionism, not Jews, as a justification for zionism!

atidereIt is again, in my opinion, quite naïve to think everyone in the IDF agrees with the likes of Netanyahu or Itamar Ben Gvir etc.

the actual audacity to use the word naive while claiming surely the military apparatus and boots on the ground demolishing gaza and carrying out genocide have some disagreements with the government officials talking about how important it is to demolish gaza and ordering them to demolish gaza

atidereI will say, that it never ceases to amaze me that people feel comfortable criticizing the Israeli government and its systems/policies, and with the same comfort level, they will then propose a solution that involves whatever they are accusing of the Israeli government of committing. It really is a phenomenon that I may never come to understand.

im assuming this is a soft argument against what i said here:

Wild_RumpusJews lived in Palestine before zionism was invented and im sure they will live in Palestine after it is defeated. If you're asking if every Israeli citizen can rest assured that they get to keep going on as usual just under a palestinian state then the answer is no, settlers still need to be ousted from homes they dont own, war criminals and genociders still need to stand trial.

in which case i couldnt have made a more illustrative example of liberal zionism myself because not only is it cloaked in a sense of moral superiority, not only is there an assumption of israel's legitamacy woven in, but it is completely and utterly devoid of even an attempt to understand the issue systemically, understand the power dynamics. If a woman is returned her purse would you call her a thief for taking it back after it's stolen? In what way is the return the homes and land of a people back to them the same as the original theft? They are the exact opposite

posted 4 months ago
#188 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
atidereI guess our definitions of "liberal Zionism" are different. However, I don't think that is important to find out. If by Israel you mean Netanyahu and the Likud party (especially since he's retaken power), then I can't say you are far off. But if this is what you think the majority of Israelis think, it's just my opinion that that is a naïve conclusion to come to.

Here is a group of public opinion polls in israel: https://en.idi.org.il/articles/51198 (this is an israeli organization so you could argue that they may overrepresent the popularity of the state's actions)

What i want to point out is that yes, netanyahu is unpopular among the israeli "left". But as this poll shows a main split between left and right is that the right wants to wait until the so-called war is over to figure out blame fot the "failure of october 7th" whereas the "left" doesnt (or rather still dows but just kinda less so".

Combined with the fact that an insane 80 PERCENT of the israeli "left" are more trusting of the IDF than netanyahu this clearly paints the grim picture that the Israeli "left" doesnt have a problem with the ongoing genocide, otherwise they would trust the idk carrying it out, but instead just dont like that netanyahu let oct 7 happen

so yes, liberal zionists are pretty much exactly like ive described. people who are truly anti-zionist tend to leave israel if able

atidere I've got to ask, do you believe that Jews around the world have a right to live there too if they choose to do so? Again, appreciate the responses.

Jews lived in Palestine before zionism was invented and im sure they will live in Palestine after it is defeated. If you're asking if every Israeli citizen can rest assured that they get to keep going on as usual just under a palestinian state then the answer is no, settlers still need to be ousted from homes they dont own, war criminals and genociders still need to stand trial.

posted 4 months ago
#185 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
atidereVery insightful.

i can appreciate that empathy is important but what you've shared is not an ideologically-netural enlightened stance, its just basic liberal zionism. there are plenty of nominally "left-wing" israelis and israeli politics that would tell you (in many cases sincerely) that loss of palestinian life is a tragedy and that they just wish they could live together in peace. that israel is a good place that happens to be doing bad things, and its existence is self-evidently just
but if you actually tease this ideology apart, if you actually inquire why israel has to push palestinians out rather than make them equal citizens, why israel is so adament about recruiting new settlers, or what they think of the right of return for palestinians (an internationally-recognized right) and you will be shocked how quickly the humanist appearcance switches to talks of demographic rates, arabization, and maintaining ethnic purity.
so no, i dont find this kind of stuff very insightful. because at best youll find people who will condemn the nakba or maybe even condemn the current genocide but who would be entirely resistant to rectifying them and at worst a well-spoken ethnic supremacist who cries crocodile tears as they continue to benefit from the erasure and cleansing of palestine

posted 4 months ago
#11 gotten lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

loved playing with gotten

posted 4 months ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 38