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Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 5:42 PM
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#10 Ruleset Adjustment in TF2 General Discussion

Not convinced having a 43 minute round is an issue exclusive to this ruleset. I think that might lead to a bad game in other rulesets too.

posted 7 months ago
#13143 stream highlights in Videos


posted 7 months ago
#30 OMG 3 in TF2 General Discussion
MAGICwhat using this crosshair for one day will do


This is a powerful scrying sigil. It imparts an arcane knowledge to those who use it, telling them the location of any player they focus in their mind's eye.

posted 8 months ago
#17 favorite strokes song? in Music, Movies, TV


posted 8 months ago
#44 most underrated weapons? in TF2 General Discussion
ZestyThe loch n load Zestythe market gardener


posted 9 months ago
#2 Insomnia71 is the debut of the "TF2 Zone" in News
Jynxiisneak peak at what to expect


posted 9 months ago
#26 Why are EU pugs dead now? in TF2 General Discussion
AMSThe pick system definitely disincentivizes people from adding. Not just the noobies but also higher level players might have to wait 30min for a pug that they dont get picked in. In the past we had pickup2 for prem/div1 players and an open system on tf2pickup.net that would start as soon as 12 players added. We could have both of those on tf2.online, if copper would want to make that happen.

Imho though when you take current size of our scene into consideration, it would probably make the most sense to just turn tf2.online into an open system and prem players can have their own discords for higher level games.

You can have a pretty happy medium for an open system by just using Elo to pick a set of 12 players from those added which prioritizes higher average Elo and lower Elo standard deviation. You probably want a separate medic queue along with this so that people in that queue are automatically picked. Then once you have 12 players you can do what you want- have a captain system or make it work like mixchamp used to where you create two teams with roughly equivalent Elo.

I wrote something quick in python in about 15 mins that does this: When there were 14 players queued and 10 needed to be picked with a reasonable Elo spread (e.g. if there were 2 meds added) it would pick the high Elo players ~80% of the time and the worse players ~30% of the time. Nobody has awful chances - but it'll usually generate a better pug than a random set of 12.


If there's one player who's way better than everyone else in the draft (e.g. they missed an A pug), a system like this can make them less likely to play so don't get a player who missed an A pug dominating a B pug. This is tunable of course, you could make high skill pugs more important than balanced ones if you wanted to. This example shows that with 12 players picked from 16 added (no medic queue).


Here's another example with 24 players added and 10 being picked. You're going to make an A pug predominantly composed of higher Elo players.


If you combined this with a captain system, it works much more similarly to a doublemix (with 1st to 12 system), but with more balanced games. Not sure why more pug sites haven't tried it.

posted 9 months ago
#3 I got my 4th star today in Off Topic
subhumanTFTV Illuminati Swinger's Party

First thing I've read on this website to actually make me gag in revulsion.

posted 9 months ago
#2 can someone explain what happened here? in TF2 General Discussion

the game never lies

posted 9 months ago
#4 happy 30th birthday b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, ok man, he was born in "the nineties". You really expect me to believe that decade actually happened?

posted 9 months ago
#37 animal kingdom matchups in Off Topic

Don't care. All of them lose their matchups against this guy:


posted 10 months ago
#32 Config porn in Customization

https://clips.twitch.tv/AggressiveCoweringCaribouMrDestructoid there was this one too.

posted 10 months ago
#1844 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

Played a pub the other day, the map vote happened and a guy kept spamming "JUNCTION SWEEP" and "First map to be played a Junctillion times!" in chat. It actually worked and junction got picked, at which point he typed "haha, enjoy losers!" and left the server.

posted 10 months ago
#1842 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

Margaret Thatcher (real) : under socialism every team would be red

posted 10 months ago
#15 Config porn in Customization
SpaceGhostsCoffeepaging blaster

i know he has some eldritch horror configs that aren't meant for human eyes


posted 10 months ago
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