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SteamID64 76561198059645150
SteamID3 [U:1:99379422]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:49689711
Country United States
Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted May 28, 2024 at 9:03 PM
Posts 3814 (0.9 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.88
Windows Sensitivity stock
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse zowie za11
Keyboard quickfire tk mx blue
Mousepad puretrak talent
Headphones grado sr225i
Monitor asus vg248qe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 253
#58 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

just let people captain lol humans are better at picking than some dumb system

posted 6 months ago
#37 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

just get rid of the auto scheduler garbage it never works (or at least stop waiting till monday to run it, ppl have complained about this for so long and it still happens)

posted 6 months ago
#1 RGL 6s S13 Invite Stage 2 Seeding: fgp vs. GlobalClan Ice in Matches

gecks cast or riot

posted 6 months ago
#10 Disturbing trend among new players in TF2 General Discussion

arie you should make a way to see logs calculated the same way sizzlingstats did (iirc it was no overkill damage, so killing someone at 1hp only gave you 1 extra damage on stats), would be cool to compare

posted 7 months ago
#11 RGB LAN 6 in LAN Discussion

booked my stuff cu@ nerds (this shit better not cancelled again or ima be pissed)
edit: lft !

posted 7 months ago
#3 GeoGuessr World Cup in Esports

Such an entertaining game to watch, ggglygy used to stream himself playing it and it was so interesting, all these little tells you learn over time I guess

Here’s a link to all the top clips

posted 7 months ago
#9 Local host philly pictures in LAN Discussion

Didn’t get to take too many photos but figure I’ll post what I have (mainly Ford, Global Clan, and The Sisters)

edit: added people's names (see the filename on the bottom of the screen, no other way to do it unfortunately)

posted 7 months ago
#6 RGB LAN 6 in LAN Discussion
GundengungonIn the rule set can you make sure that round timer is set to 4 minutes? Last RGB the round timer was 10 minutes long and it felt incredibly dated to play.this and please use the b4nny config

last lan there were multiple games that went over 60 minutes and everyone involved wanted to neck themselves, plz have some sort of time limit so games dont go wildly overtime and mess up the timing of the tournament

posted 7 months ago
#57 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

cu@ (also this merch is kinda fire hahah whoever did the designs did a great job)

posted 8 months ago
#11 24" -> 27" in Hardware
BrimstonebearodactylIf you get a 4k monitor get bigger than 27 inch tho lol windows sucks ass and the buttons in half the applications (mumble) are tiny and don't scale right no matter what magnification settings tweaks and stuff you do

this fixed mumble for me

yea that makes it more usable but it still has certain ui bits that are fucked up and overlap, theres some other apps that just straight up suck even with this ticked but idr which off hand

posted 8 months ago
#8 24" -> 27" in Hardware

If you get a 4k monitor get bigger than 27 inch tho lol windows sucks ass and the buttons in half the applications (mumble) are tiny and don't scale right no matter what magnification settings tweaks and stuff you do

posted 8 months ago
#7 rgl youtube membership in TF2 General Discussion

Imagine having a standout match that you want to show people and it's been put behind a paywall by RGL lol

posted 9 months ago
#23 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion

Also, I tried to play the last two seasons in main and then advanced, and it was a gigantic headache both times going back and forth with admins about restrictions. Figuring out which players they'll let us play with/on what classes and then them going back on their previous decisions, shit is so dumb and has definitely made me and most of my friends not want to bother playing again. My essentially pubber/6+ year since playing open friends tried to play a few years ago and got put in main because Niko Jims plays highlander engineer, they got like 5 rounds total in the entire season (3 of which were me ringing on medic lol), they were all so frustrated with the experience they said screw this and didn't play again.

Obviously I get not wanting a super sandbag team to roll the division, but a no-scrimming team of washed up invite players who haven't properly played in 3+ years is not that big of a deal lol. All the restrictions actually end up doing is rewarding players who are scrimming actively now (vs 3 years ago) and actively deter older heads from wanting to play. Directly undermining player retention, at the benefit of *theoretically* saving newer players from the terrible fate of having to play vs better players (pro tip: it actually makes you better at the game to play better opponents!) is not a very good strategy long-term.

posted 9 months ago
#22 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion
lootAn actual open division with no fees, prizes, or class restrictions would be cool. It's increasingly not worth it for people like me who just want to play a couple times a week with friends.PTSunnyyMy quick thought it to fix some of these points is removing IM, and making main free & mostly unrestricted. This allows teams to just play for fun in main, where there is a wide variety of skill. At the same time, make advanced open to register for all teams. Sure advanced loses the round robin, but it being the lowest paid div still will make it very competitive. The majority of the playerbase will have options when deciding a div, and won't feel forced to a div. (especially when moving up from AM)

+1 to the idea of an unrestricted div, i know i and plenty of other people would love to be able to play the game, but don't care enough to practice for advanced, and get restricted or wouldn't be able to play main (also having cups and/or maybe shorter seasons for the unpaid one? would be nice too)

It sucks but I think another reality is pugs were a huge lifeblood of the game and the current abysmal state of them definitely hurts the game, RGL pugs seem like they'll never be a thing but literally if tsc just put pugchamp/mixchamp up again or hell if dango put back up even, any sane functioning system would be infinitely better than the scattered/dead before midnight discord pugs we have now

posted 9 months ago
#7 Retrospection Chats in Videos

cool idea, excited for the marxist one, i could listen to that man talk about anything for hours on end

would love to see more with previous casters like for example if by some miracle someone got cbear or djc or bloodsire or someone i feel like they would be super interesting to hear talk about the game in retrospect

no idea if they'd want to but id be curious to hear from ppl who don't stream or post much publicly like bdonski, blaze, etc (or for example lansky is around in twitch chats from time to time, would be dope to hear an interview with him)

posted 9 months ago
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