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Signed Up July 28, 2022
Last Posted June 2, 2024 at 8:53 AM
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#2 Create your ideal teammate in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Hello baba boss I think you are my ideal teammate have a good day baba boss

posted 1 week ago
#218 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

Still in shock that Dallas choked so hard.

posted 1 week ago
#44 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

etf2l is the ugliest side of tf2 because the winger and spoon are banned

posted 2 weeks ago
#9 What makes bagel better? in TF2 General Discussion

2 flanks are better than 1

posted 3 weeks ago
#8 12v12 comp format in TF2 General Discussion
NatalexeiLFT Main Spy for 12v12. Here are links to my frag movie and accolades for appropriate assessment. Don't contact me, I already know I'm perfect for your team, I'll be at your residence soon.

Hey are you looking for a gunspy subclass for your 12s team? My accolades include donating to starrykrow on patreon

posted 4 weeks ago
#3 12v12 comp format in TF2 General Discussion

Forcing players onto gimmick subclasses fulltime genuinely sounds worse than simply forcing players onto a class fulltime in highlander.

posted 4 weeks ago
#58 This person should not be in this community in Off Topic
thedittogirlBlu2th1000thedittogirlit was reported to tf2cc but nothing came of it
This is the equivalent of reporting a robber to the first window cashier at mcdonalds. Please report it to where Mario linked to. TF2CC mirrors RGL bans, not the other way around.

I reported it there and not rgl because I felt like I had some leverage being a pug runner and could at least do something, I doubted the quality of the evidence I have/had and if it would be enough for an rgl report

Why post on tftv if you don’t have enough evidence? Besides to witchhunt the individual? I have no personal investment in the matter but it feels kind of strange to allege that someone is a pedophile and then not be able to fully substantiate it.

posted 1 month ago
#27 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion

Why would I play a class that relies on the rest of my team not being retarded to have fun on? In pugs of all places too…

posted 1 month ago
#2 Why is the Dragons Fury not used outside of 6's? in TF2 General Discussion

pyro's most valuable contribution to a team is oftentimes associated with his airblast and aoe. neutering it to win deathmatches as a class that generally sucks at deathmatching probably isn't what people play pyro for.

posted 1 month ago
#3 Where are all the EU streamers at in Off Topic
RahmedTf2 twitch is now half-vtuber content

sign of a game not dying.

posted 1 month ago
#18 game barely works after 64-bit update in TF2 General Discussion

What’s in your launch options? If you’ve already identified your config as the culprit I’d uninstall it. The stuttering you’re describing can have a million causes, and trying to find the singular command giving you trouble is more effort than it’s worth tbh.

posted 1 month ago
#3 heavy to mid in TF2 General Discussion

Main argument for him would be lasering soldiers out of the sky and controlling space by inching around the map with ur full ramp-up minigun.
I think it’s a gamble u surprise a team and deathball them. After that initial midfight I wouldn’t be surprised if players adapt to the slower mids tho.

posted 1 month ago
#21 RGL 6s Season 15 - Map Pool, Season Changes, Final in TF2 General Discussion
brodywhy do higher and lower divs have considerably different map pools?

Open players’ minds would warp if they had to learn granary

posted 1 month ago
#175 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

I think there should be an open cheating division

posted 2 months ago
#26 I Miss The News : ( in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanitymustardoverlordPrime-SanityGrapeJuiceIIII miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.
I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.

I'll keep it a hundred with you, because a lot of people seem to facetiously egg you on at times. You haven't really demonstrated an ability to string well-written and coherent sentences together, nor the inclination to discuss storylines that do not entirely revolve around yourself. If you can grow in those areas, maybe RGL or tftv would let you write news articles for them.
I will work on my craft.

Inb4 “Who is young sanity”

posted 2 months ago
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