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Signed Up May 15, 2016
Last Posted December 21, 2023 at 2:51 AM
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#8 RGL S7 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Why did the 6-0 team die?


posted about 2 years ago
#30 RGL S7 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Generally, updates will come on the weekends, so I won't make an update post every time unless there's a major change to note.

As always, contact Giblert#3041 if you have any suggestions, feedback, or a shoutout to someone who you feel deserves the next highlight.

11/16 Update: Final End of Regular Season Update

Spreadsheet Link

posted about 2 years ago
#17 RGL S7 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

For this season of the Power Rankings, I'll be trying a different format, somewhat inspired by the current Main rankings.

Rather than bloating the TF.TV thread with long-ass text posts, I'll be keeping the information in a public spreadsheet with occasional TF.TV posts when there are major updates. To view the commentary on each team, hover over the team's name to view the comment. If reading it is tough on the eyes, there's also a Google Doc link at the bottom of the spreadsheet for easier viewing.

Also, as commenting on each team has become repetitive over the last few seasons, instead I'll be making more frequent weekly updates, but only commenting on the noteworthy developments rather than commenting on every team as I've done for the past few seasons.

As always, contact Giblert#3041 if you have any suggestions or feedback.

Last updated 11/16 - Final Update

The Spreadsheet

posted about 2 years ago
#1 LFP Adv./Inv. Qualifier S7 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Anglerfish Holdings now hiring.

Our team finished 5th in Advanced last season. We're hoping to make top 3 in Advanced this season or potentially play invite qualifiers depending on our off season performance.

TheGreatMage may not play this coming season and so we may (or may not) need tryouts for scout or soldier (either role). We will know more definitively if we need a new player by around Weds. next week (8/18) but go ahead and contact us if you might be interested.

At minimum, we definitely need some subs for the upcoming season.

Scouts: ally, [you?]
Soldiers: tristen, golden, [you?]
Demo: Georgi
Medic: wbacon aka Giblert

Subs: TheGreatMage?, zia, frog

Message Giblert#3041 on Discord.

Edit: No longer LFP for advanced/invite, we are now playing different classes in main, but still LFP for all classes except med and combo scout.

posted about 2 years ago
#7 XBS lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Gives great demo reviews, will definitely help your team improve in that regard.

posted about 2 years ago
#218 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

https://clips.twitch.tv/KnottyCleverAardvarkUncleNox-8GiXLt-Iwd3YgjdX POG

posted about 2 years ago
#79 RGL S6 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

ggs ludicolo

posted about 2 years ago
#1 [stream] wbacon in Requests

Name: wbacon
Country: USA
Twitch: twitch.tv/wbacon
ESEA: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198002965000

posted about 2 years ago
#1 LFP Billdozer Cup in Recruitment (looking for players)

Message Giblert#3041

Edit: have 6 now thank you

posted about 2 years ago
#16 How has upgrading from 60hz to 144hz effected you? in TF2 General Discussion

My monitor broke while I was moving so I borrowed a normal 60hz monitor for one night of scrims. Even on med it felt horrible and I felt like I was eating every projectile (more so than usual). Especially if you play with a high sens, looking around quickly gets kind of disorienting.

It ended up being more worth it to play with a broken 144hz monitor like this than to go back to 60hz: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/809573988136517670/815810241630437386/20210228_222606_HDR.jpg?width=1201&height=675

I used to play scout on 60hz when I was a kid with no money but never played any other class much. I had always assumed playing non-scout wouldn't be that bad on 60hz but it actually does make a difference (not as much obviously but if you have some extra $, it's enough that it's worth even if you don't play scout in my opinion).

posted about 2 years ago
#65 RGL S6 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

(Continued from above)

For the most part, our forecast was correct and they've performed roughly according to expectations. That comes with the exception of their misfire against watch This on Product where they suffered a rough 0-4 loss. I expected them to be an excellent Product team as it seemed their cast's strengths catered to the map, though stylistically it seems that isn't the case.

#12 All Caked Up (5-3) [+5]
This team has run through a pretty chill schedule with ease. However, that's not the main reason this team has risen up the rankings. Moving Air to scout will definitely allow him to have a greater impact on the game and should overall give them some extra firepower. Even if Air does decide to run Shortstop.

#13 Obese Whales (3-5)
They've really had a whale of the time with their major roster switch-ups, legal issues, the death of their team and subsequent resurrection. Despite all those mishaps, they've managed to float along well enough with a 3-5 record.

#14 Fresh Installs: Black (3-5) [-3]
Kronky showed up in time to snipe for Product and nearly helped them bring an end to RHDP's win streak. Although a loss, it's still an impressive showing given their limited practice schedule. On the other hand, it's not too surprising; Product does play almost perfectly to their team's strengths.

#15 watch This (3-5) [-3]
Now without their previous captain Maze, Jaytee has taken over combo scout duties to well, roughly the same effect as before. Mechanics wise, Maze might have been stronger, but the change in atmosphere makes it all pan out about the same for now. As always, we'll just have to watch and see how it develops.

#16 My Team Spins The Wheel (4-4)
The wheels keeps turning as The S4rr and crew enter the midpoint going even. Looking at results so far, they've finished off most of the lower advanced teams so things are going to get a lot, lot harder from here on out.

#17 Genetically Engineered Cat Girls (3-5) [+3]
As with many teams who have struggled to start the season, this team has re-engineered their roster quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. While adding former Invite medic Virgil on combo scout might not bring the sickest of damage output, it'll at least bring some much needed experience to the roster. Maelstrom has also hopped aboard and while he may have a few cobwebs to paw off, he can definitely be a force for this team.

#18 Los Angeles Anglerfish (2-6) [+2]
No longer at risk of going winless, the Anglerfish have caught not one but two trophies: one over Portland and another over fygisawesome.com featuring ScrewB who dropped 400+ dpm (and was shortly after removed from the team). Many roster shuffles later including the... questionable Reako demoman, they're more or less back to their original configuration, now with je'mond instead of mopsy on demoman.

#19 fygisawesome.com (1-7) [-1]
Fortune hasn't improved too much yet, though on the brightside, they'll be able to skip past half of Villa week as they pick up a free BYE win. On the other hand, could have one less match make them a little less prepared for the one they do play? Either way, they still have some winnable games on the schedule and time left to work with.

#20 Portland Burnsiders (1-7) [-1]

#NA Anglerfish Holdings (6-2)

The Graveyard: Chicago Kids (2-6)
Good luck to everyone on Villa. Final update on week 6.

The final update was never finished due to general busyness.

[+/-] disregards changes due to Anglerfish Holdings being moved to #NA.

posted about 2 years ago
#64 RGL S6 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

RGL S6 Advanced Power Rankings, Pt. 2 of 3 Pt. 2 of 2

Roster Spreadsheet

Video Commentary with je'mond, slugmundo, and alfredodan

Once again, the RGL season moves into the mid-point after a busy Snakewater week, leaving no team with their zero.

The next three maps are all incredibly distinct with a new-ish map in Villa, the projectile-centric Gullywash, and of course new addition (to non-Invite, at least) Bagel. The division is already competitive enough and I'm sure this'll throw another wrench into things.

#1 una limonada por favor (7-1)
In spite of a 4-5 loss to end Snakewater week (historically a weaker map for these players), I don't think you can hold it against them too much considering how close it was and that they've beaten every other contender they've played yet. Of course, it does prove true what we mentioned last week in that they're far from unbeatable. This next week will be interesting as well as Dunker is on leave, forcing them to shuffle their roster.

#2 RHDP (6-2) [+3]
After a series of unfortunate events in their first week resulting in back to back losses, RHDP has brought it back hard and won six in a row. They had a close call winning 4-3 on Product against Fresh Installs, then scraped by THE GOBLIN ZONE in a slow-burn 3-2. Now that they've regrouped, they've got two tough matches with serious playoff implications coming up versus una limonada por favor and Anglerfish Holdings.

#3 THE GOBLIN ZONE (6-2) [+1]
I've said enough about this team over the last few seasons that there isn't much left to say. I don't see them having the extra spark to win the division outright, but stranger things have happened and I can imagine this these guys beating anyone on the right day.

#4 Lombre (5-3) [-1]
Lombre lurked down the middle of the table for a while not through any fault of their own, it's simply that they played their last Snakewater match late. Now with that one in the bag, they've rightfully re-entered the playoff zone in the official standings. Even though a 5-3 record isn't the hottest, two of their losses were by a single round, one to BLANC on Product and one to fellow top Spanish themed team una limonada on Metalworks. Keeping that in mind, they're still definitely contenders.

#5 GlobalClan Lightning (5-3) [-3]
Even the mighty KJKUOD was not enough to stop una limonada from sweeping them 4-0 on Product. They rebounded with back to back wins over bubble boys BLANC and anilist.co. However, shockingly enough, Journey hit them with an absolute earthquake of 5-0 roll on Snakewater. I critique against them too harshly considering they had a sub (ump) and that they've generally been the more consistent team, however, in such a competitive season that's going to be a tough hit for the playoff seedings.

#6 Journey (4-4) [+2]
As mentioned above, Journey showed up in a big way and completely grounded GlobalClan Lightning. It's an impressive win for sure - yet with only a 4-4 record there's still a shitload of work to be done before Journey can start feeling comfortable with where they're at. The pressure's on now to prove it was no fluke.

#7 TAINTED Gaming (5-3) [+2]
Beep_boop's squad had a hot showing on Product before simmering down with two tough losses on Snakewater. Their King of the Hill performances definitely impress, but they still have yet to prove themselves with a big win on a 5CP map, which considering that's most of the map pool, is more important. The recent loss of vin on combo scout also taints their recent success as roster changes this late in the season can lead to unpredictable results.

Note, Vin left after this was drafted so that was not taken into account for ranking purposes. XBS is now on scout.

#8 BLANC Esports (4-4) [-1]
For better or for worse and aside from what's already been mentioned prior in relation to other teams, there isn't much more new about BLANC at this point. Tery's crew is chugging along steady as always.

#9 anilist.co (5-3) [-3]
anilist, or Gentleman's Mafia as they prefer, is much like BLANC is that there isn't a whole lot else to mention that hasn't been said already. That said, they did have a notably lackluster performance as they very gradually grinded out a win over watch This, a team which has had it's share of internal struggle recently. Nonetheless, a win is a win at the end of the day (unlike the first two seasons of RGL, cough cough).

#10 @37 (4-4) [+4]
Considering they don't scrim at all minus pre-games, a 50% win rate is a more than respectable showing. That said, with unfamiliar maps coming up in the latter half of the season, it'll be intriguing to see how they handle those going in raw.

(Continued below due to char. limit)

posted about 2 years ago
#2 LFP Adv. Season 6 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Bump, still need subs for all classes.
Going to finish this week somewhere between 4-2 and 6-0.

posted about 3 years ago
#56 RGL S6 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

(Continued from above)

#13 watch This (wholesome arc) (2-2)

The Maze Redemption Quest has had some obstacles along the way after a rough start to the season. With some easier match-ups on Metalworks, they've turned it around. This is their third consecutive season as a core together so they've at least got teamplay advantage going for them which will help make up for the fact that they don't have any crazy DM players outside of Maze now that Assterick has returned to the Obese Whales.

#14 Obese Whales (1-3)

The Whales surfaced from the depths, seemingly out of nowhere, to win the bloodbath Season 4 of Main. They seemed a bit DM reliant and realistically, that shouldn't carry them as far in Advanced. However, they do have some existing synergy and they do at least have the requisite mechanical skill to hang in the division for sure so I expect them to hover around the middle of the table.

#15 @37 (1-2)

If this team tried and scrimmed regularly, they'd be a real force even with their plentiful restrictions. Of course, people have other responsibilities so that probably won't happen. Nonetheless, everyone here is a real competitive veteran and can play the game well enough to put up a fight against nearly anyone.

#16 Chicago Kids (2-2)

The boys from the Windy City once again keep the young mudkip, frosters, and .json (?) together as they rise to the occasion for their first run in Advanced. How that turns out remains to be seen; there isn't a ton of interesting data yet as the team has performed mostly as predicted with some solid wins against low end teams and hard losses to playoff teams.

#17 My Team Spins The Wheel (1-3)

The S4rr cobbles together a roster at the last minute and claims his first win in Advanced 6v6. That aside, the commentary is about the same you'd expect from every other Highlander Lord team.

#18 All Caked Up (1-3)

Air, Grapejuice, and pals have regrouped most of their Season 2 Main line-up (with the classes switched up) for a relaxing summer vibe season - fun classes, low stakes, flexible hours. Even though expectations are low, when they decide to turn up the heat with Air on scout or GrapeJuice not running shotgun roamer, they could give other teams a challenge.

#19 fygisawesome.com (1-3)

Fygg has experience playing at a fairly high level and Q is a strong caller which seems like a solid recipe. In practice, this team seems like it's just lacking firepower. No one is a bad player mechanics wise. The issue is that no one is really outstanding in the DM department. I'm sure there are other internal teamplay issues, but without that extra oomph it's hard to make up for any flaws in coordination if they don't play perfectly.

#20 Portland Burnsiders (0-3)

Following an unsuccessful run at the qualifiers, the new Extine backed crew feat. the meatshot master is chilling in Advanced. Sadly, Stoper has already departed, they've led off 0-3, and they've already got two minor penalties for failure to submit demos. They aren't quite destined to go 0-16 though. They at least made it close with All Caked Up, so there are some wins to be had if they can stay together.

#21 Genetic-Engineered Cat Girls (1-3)

The Cat Girls, with some help from megawac ringing for Trobort, managed to claw back for their first win after going down 1-4 in week 2B. That aside, the Cat Girls have struggled to get much rolling. Understandable since many of their players are new to the division or have been away from the game for quite some time.

#22 Los Angeles Anglerfish (0-4)

The Anglerfish subsidiary choked away a 4-1 lead on Metalworks to the Cat Girls, a closely contested match-up between two teams trying to get a good learning season in. They've also lost mopsy following the loss. Even though
she isn't a demoman main, the experience she brought will be sorely missed by the mostly green LA Anglerfish.

Good luck to everyone headed into Product week.

posted about 3 years ago
#55 RGL S6 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

RGL S6 Advanced Power Rankings, Pt. 1 of 3

Roster Spreadsheet

Video Commentary with je'mond and alfredodan

The latest season of RGL is under way and while a few teams have risen to the top, no one has completely established themselves as unstoppable yet. The middle of the table is also ripe with talent vying for one of the spare playoff spots. It should be an interesting season as always.

#1 Una limonda por favor (4-0)

The latest MILKIES spin-off sports another great scout duo with Saila/Dunker who have both placed well in Advanced/ESEA-IM, a sick demoman in Kobe1920, powerful soldiers in Damn/Slugmundo, and the rare example of a player who actually likes playing medic in Luddy (psychopath). I expected this team to dominate and while they're definitely at the top right now, I don't see them as being unbeatable looking at current results. I could see them making it through the regular season 16-0, but I could almost as easily see them not.

#2 GlobalClan Lightning (3-1)

The electric-type GlobalClan fell inches short of making it through the Invite qualifier and dropped to Advanced alongside the Portland Burnsiders. It's little surprise then that they've made quick work of most teams they've played since their roster is packed with recognizeable names who have proven themselves at a high advanced or better level. Metalworks wasn't their best week as they dropped a game to Anglerfish Holdings and gave away two rounds to the theoretically much weaker Chicago Kids. In the grand scheme of things, though, I doubt it's much of a hinderence and shouldn't stop them from finishing the regular season in the top 5.

#3 Lombre (2-2)

This team is a bit of an oddity as every name is recognizeable as a high advanced/Invite level/Invite champion player in 6s, Highlander, or both except for Caban who has only played a couple of ESEA matches and a season of Amateur. Having him rise to the occasion will be a big storyline for this team as if he can keep playing at a divison average level or better, they've got a serious chance of winning it all with all this talent conglomerated together. It's also important to note this team looks way different without Exile. Without him, they didn't look nearly as strong in their Week 2A match as they lost to THE GOBLIN ZONE 1-5.


With the death of Lobsters.tf, THE GOBLIN ZONE is one of few teams left to have played every season of RGL (plus some time in ESEA)*. Bringing Magma and Bear (as scouts) into the zone has also been a more than adequate replacement for Bloompi and Waldo (with saam moving to medic). Really though, the story looks like the same as last season. They might not be the scariest team to scrim against, but time and time again, they've shown that they show up on match day as they're off to a 4-0 start, including a dominant win over Lombre (sans Exile, though).


#5 RHDP (2-2)

Starting out 0-2 was shocking for this team considering they're coming in with a pretty stacked roster. Cirumstance wise, it's forgiveable as they had to play two great teams in the opening week and only lost by one round in both games. On top of that, one of the losses was in part caused by serious technical issues which have reportedly been resolved. With that in mind, I don't think this stumble out of the gate is going to hurt their final standing too much.

#6 Anglerfish Holdings (4-0) (Placed by je'mond and alfredodan)

My team, biased, no comment, etc.

#7 anilist.co (3-1)

Safrix and his disciples have had a tough strength of schedule so far and claimed wins over BLANC and RHDP already. Their first Metalworks match featured a series of unfortunate events that led to bleeding rounds. However, that appeared to be an off night and otherwise, they've looked sharp. The one risk seems to be that when Safrix isn't in the fight, the team's coordination takes a hit. The upside is that when he is, they can really shine.

#8 BLANC Esports (2-2)

At least on paper, this edition of BLANC looks to be one of the strongest ever. No player is an apparent weakness and even though this exact line-up is pretty new, most of the guys are at least acquainted with each other. The only real kicker keeping them from the top seems to be a lack of aggression, maybe it's a playstyle thing or a comms issue. All the pieces are in place - it feels like all they need is the right voice to activate them.

#9 Journey (2-2)

It's been a while since they took home the Season 3 Main Bronze. A year later, they're back with Cadet taking the reins at combo scout, freeing Souyant to make the big plays on the flank. In their second week, they've missed their first two chances to make noise and upset top level teams. Not a huge concern early in the season, especially since Metalworks is one of their weaker maps. However, I'm sure the chance will rise later in the season and they'll need to answer that call if they want to make their mark as contenders. It could be hard considering their low volume of scrims.

#10 TAINTED Gaming (3-1)

Last season this core group, formerly known as Abby Shapiro's Mommy Milkers, had a hot run at the end of the season to finish 8-8 and barely fall outside of the playoffs. This season kicked off with a fun rivalry match-up as they faced off with Cadet's new team (a 2-5 loss). Since then, they've got on another streak and ended week 2 with a promising 3-1 record albeit against mid tier competition. If they want to take it all the way to the post-season this time, they'll need to get the ball rolling early and start knocking off some other contenders. With Anglerfish Holdings and anilist.co coming up, they'll have that chance.


Trux and Mak are a low-key powerful scout duo. The rest of the team ain't bad either. They've also proven that can take the pressure as they scraped a tight 4-3 win over Nazara's crew. I have yet to see them really have a coming out party against any of the playoff contenders, but I'd keep an eye on them as they could dominate the middle of the table and potential parlay that into a playoff seed with a touch of scheduling luck.

#12 Fresh Installs: Black (2-2)

The newest and crudest edition of The Notorious Segamw's FRESH INSTALLS (now sans Segamw) is coming off a Main championship, defeating the rival VideoGameHighSchoolDropouts to bring home gold. Most critically, they've added Jetz on scout to the roster who brings excellent comms, tons of meatshots, and high level experience to a still fairly raw team. His impact was shown in full display in the match versus watchThis as he took home 66 kills and top DPM in the server.

(Continued below due to char. limit)

posted about 3 years ago
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