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SteamID64 76561198040048374
SteamID3 [U:1:79782646]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted May 22, 2024 at 8:19 PM
Posts 808 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse ASUS ROG Sica
Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 54
#1 TF2 update for 7/25/23 in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Added check to make Mann vs. Machine invaders immune to pushback while leaving their spawn
- Added -unrestricted_maxplayers to raise the maxplayer count to 100 (feature is unsupported and not recommended)
- Fixed VSH and other player-destruction gamemodes leaking their HUDs into one another
- Fixed Saxton Hale's weapons showing up as being carried by an incorrect/invalid player in VSH
- Fixed Saxton Hale's weapons sometimes showing up as invalid in VSH
- Fixed a crash that can occur when changing from VSH to another map
- Fixed a crash that can occur related to MP3s on VSH maps
- Fixed a crash that can occur when using changing model detail setting or using r_flushlod
- Fixed a crash when going between two sv_pure servers with maps packing custom content
- Fixed changing model detail setting or using r_flushlod not always taking effect
- Fixed packed replacement materials/textures/models in a custom map could leak into other maps or rendering as wireframe
- Fixed custom particle overrides not being reloaded on servers without sv_pure
- Fixed game mode descriptions for some of the summer map stamps
- Fixed embedded workshop map soundscripts not being loaded on clients (community fix from 'Jakub' (ficool2))
- Fixed a crash when using the game_ui entity and players discconnecting (community fix from 'Jakub' (ficool2))
- Fixed teleporter particle effects (community fix from 'Jakub' (ficool2))
- Updated/Added some tournament medals

- Updated cp_altitude
- Increased size of C capture area
- Reduced initial round timer from 6 to 5 minutes
- Increased max round timer length from 6 to 8 minutes
- Increased Blu respawn wave time on A from 3 to 4
- Increased Red respawn wave time on C from 8 to 9
- Reduced Blu respawn wave time on C from 3 to 2
- Various visual fixes and adjustments

- Updated koth_cascade
- Various player and projectile collision fixes
- Various visual fixes and adjustments
- Adjusted resupply locker positions

- Updated cp_steel
- Fixed missing glass from bullet blocked windows
- Removed some more ceiling light collisions
- Improved clipping around B -> C building
- Small safety improvement to Blu flank balcony to B
- Some extra block bullets around B floor

- Updated pl_phoenix
- Increased Red respawn wave time on D from 8 to 9
- Fixed projectile collision bug around the payload elevator track
- Fixed a case where the payload cart could get stuck at the base of the elevator
- Various clipping fixes
- Various visual fixes

- Updated vsh_distillery, vsh_tinyrock, vsh_nucleus, vsh_skirmish
- The script no longer forces mp_winlimit and mp_maxrounds to 0
- Community servers now can expand the Script by creating a new file at scripts/vscripts/vsh_addons/main.nut
- Community servers now can select the next Hale via SetNextBossByEntity, SetNextBossByEntityIndex and SetNextBossByUserId functions
- The Diamondback now gains 2 guaranteed crits upon backstab
- Hale's attacks now pierce through damage absorption of the Wrangler shield
- Hale will now receive an instructional notification if they haven't performed a Brave Jump during the first 30 seconds of a round
- Fixed bugs related to Your Eternal Reward's on-backstab disguise
- Fixed Festive Eyelander not gaining heads on-hit
- (Hopefully) Fixed Hale sometimes appearing to hold the Necro Smasher or the Sandvich
- (Hopefully) Fixed some players being unable to punch as Hale ("A-posing")
- Fixed Hale disappearing when the game tries (and fails) to gib him
- Both sides dying simultaneously now counts as Stalemate

- Updated vsh_skirmish (additional changes)
- Added a live feed to the office
- Improved clipping in multiple areas

Rumor has it:

- Playback of POV demos created before this update is broken. A previous version branch named "pre_07-25-23_demos" was put up by Valve early in the evening on 7/26/23 for those who want or need to view a demo recorded before this update
- To opt in, right-click on TF2 in your Steam library, then click Properties, then go to the Betas tab, and select pre_07-25-23_demos from the dropdown. (size when opting in is a bit over 225 MB)
- This does come at the cost of losing both the pre_jungleinferno_demos and the pre_smissmas_2022_demos branches however - the former was re-made for a very short while before being removed again. If you need either of these builds, you'll have to resort to using DepotDownloader and feeding it period-correct manifest IDs

- Size is ~210 MB

posted 10 months ago
#1 TF2 update for 7/20/23 (7/21/23 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Added main menu character for the Summer event
- Fixed pd_watergate capture zone not working properly
- Fixed geometry collision issue with the Wildflower Meadows Unusual effect
- Fixed the Deepsea Rave Unusual effect's ground particles not being visible on some surfaces
- Fixed Bubble Breeze, Global Clusters, Celestial Starburst, and Sylicone Succiduous Unusual effects not following moving players
- Fixed the Strange Filter prefix for pd_selbyen
- Fixed broken materials for the second style of the Cranium Cover

- Updated koth_sharkbay
- Fixed the flying boat
- Removed collision from seagulls
- Updated Map Stamp icons

- Updated koth_rotunda
- Aligned various textures
- Improved clipping slightly
- Raised gate to flank route for ease of access
- Aligned some props

- Updated cp_hardwood_final
- Fixed a crash affecting a small number of players
- Minor clipping adjustments throughout the map
- Minor lighting issues fixed throughout the map
- Adjusted areaportalwindow fade brush textures
- Adjusted collisions for some props

- Updated cp_steel
- More blockbullet /clipbrush swaps where needed
- Fixed some stairs/ramp brushes needed to be extended to the bottom of the ramp
- Fixed more small unnecessary prop collision/clip removals
- Fixed blatant texture misalignment
- Addressed perch spot outside Red spawn on wood beam
- Closed some accidental holes in geometry
- Additional fixes to a sticky/shooting exploit through and under Red's E platform area
- Increased pit damage to kill some certain class loadouts in a single trigger
- Moved Blu spawns forward a little to previous distance
- Extended projectile blocker brush along the top side of the Blu spawn building's roof
- Fixed Sniper sightline into Red's first spawn points from E

- Updated koth_rotunda
- Aligned various textures and fixed cubemap issue
- Improved clipping
- Improved lighting and reduced visual noise on some textures
- Raised gate to flank route for ease of access
- Aligned some props
- Fixed out-of-bounds exploit related to func_tracktrain (Thank you, The Nubing!)
- Added missing collision to some props
- Sealed the map more

- Updated cp_sulfur
- Fixed a case where Blu could win too well and lock the timer, not correctly allowing them to win when their timer hit 0 and they owned the main control point
- Fixed a case where Blu could contest their own win
- Fixed a case where you could build a teleporter under a platform and become trapped
- Altered Blu spawn positions to better lead players towards the point they should be attacking during different states of the game
- Altered Red spawn positons to spread them out when defending main point
- Lowered Red's initial time to defend slightly
- Convinced the boiling water to properly scald people that are submerged below the surface
- Gravity density in the potplants has been correctly calibrated
- Reduced time added to Red's clock when Blu captures A, B and C slightly - further calibration going forward
- B can no longer be capped from the outside of the building
- Area under Point A can no longer be accessed
- Fixed numerous perch points, clipping errors and small visual errors - special thanks to Wicket on Steam discussions for reporting most of these

- Updated pd_selbyen
- Fixed exploit that would let you build in spawn
- Seal will now select a random skin every time it teleports to the break room (3 possible skins)
- Adjusted oob seal animation timings
- Fixed seal swimming animation
- Added missing resupply cabinet on the Blu side
- Added some missing clipping that would let players build in undesirable places
- Fixed some floating windows
- Fixed some props clipping through stuff
- Fixed some displacements clipping through stuff
- Fixed some displacement seams
- Fixed some visible nodraws
- Fixed some z-fighting
- Various detailing additions

- Updated vsh_distillery, vsh_tinyrock, vsh_nucleus, vsh_skirmish
- TF_Bots now function in Versus Saxton Hale
- Fixed first-person spectators not seeing Hale's arms glow when he uses his abilities
- Fixed players dropping Player Destruction pickups
- Fixed Hale sometimes holding Necro Smasher or Sandvich
- Fixed Hale's "Dispenser Down..." line playing for any type of building destroyed
- By community request, added Pyro VSH lines, performed by James McGuinn
- Updated VSH voice lines for Spy
- "Behind you" and "Above you" now play exclusively for the player the line is addressed to
- Reduced the frequency of Hale's on-kill lines with more than 20 players currently alive
- Mad Milk recharge rate returned to stock value
- Demoman's Swords now deal less knockback than other melee weapons
- Demoman's Shields will now break when absorbing a Hale punch
- Fixed a bug relating to sending a class-restricted duel to Hale during Setup

- Updated vsh_skirmish (additional changes)
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to build out of bounds
- Added decals to ammo pack locations throughout the map

- Updated vsh_distillery (additional change)
- Fixed crash when using mat_phong 0

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~450 MB - data capped users should be aware

posted 10 months ago
#1 MAJOR CS2 update for 6/29/23 (6/30/23 UTC) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

- Added Casual game mode.

- Fixed rare cases where bullets would not follow spray pattern.

[ MAPS ]
- Added Nuke to Deathmatch, Casual, and Competitive game modes.
- Added Office to Deathmatch and Casual game modes.
- Removed Mirage.

- Added distance effects to all positional sound sources.
- Improvements to 3d sound processing.
- General mix tweaks and improvements.
- Fixed bug where sometimes sounds would not respect the occlusion values of surrounding geometry resulting in sources appearing closer than what they were.
- Fixed missing low frequencies at certain distances away from sound sources such as grenades and weapon fire.
- Fixed a bug where some sounds would be slightly louder or quieter depending on the listeners orientation.
- Added music cues to Match Accept and Loading screens.
- Added unique audio occlusion layer to help with vertical sound positioning in Nuke.

- Grenades can now be inspected.
- Improved healthshot animations
- Improved inspect behavior for various weapons

- Fixed cases of unintended slow crouch/uncrouch.
- Bunny hopping feel should now closely match CS:GO running at 128 tick.
- Added convar sv_jump_spam_penalty_time to allow fine tuning of bunny hop feel.
- The readout for cl_showpos has been enhanced to show the maximum speed of the last 3 seconds; this number is in parenthesis on the 'vel' line
- Players can no longer jump at the end of warmup time

- Sending game delta frames is now asynchronous, reducing dedicated server main thread CPU usage, thus reducing probability of dropped ticks.

[ MISC ]
- Fixed a case where a holstered weapon would be rendered on a dead player
- Added a team-agnostic equip icon for inventory/loadout item tiles
- When possible, switching to spectator mode will default to in-eye spectating
- Adjusted the transition between spectator chase cam and roaming cam
- Centered game mode text in the loading screen
- Removed "Best out of X rounds" from the loading screen
posted 10 months ago
#1 CS2 update for 6/20/23 (6/21/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve[ MISC ]
- Fixed a bug with the sell-back feature
- Fixed a few financial fun facts
- Adjusted the main menu position of CTs holding the Dual Elites
- Fixed tooltips sometimes staying up when you exit the loadout screen
- Fixed some texture streaming issues
- Various improvements to stickers
- Improved sound synchronization for the first bullets during automatic fire
- Fixed a case where the death panel would appear if killed during the end of match screen

- Various lightmap fixes
- Smoke clouds now pass through the metal rollup grating in underpass

- Fixed a bug that would cause the player to sometimes move too far forward
- Various bug fixes
posted 11 months ago
#1 CS2 update for 6/15/23 (6/16/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve[ MISC ]
- Fixed auto rebuy not working if you survived through the Deathmatch warmup
- Pressing the jump key to respawn in Deathmatch no longer results in an actual jump
- The buy menu now closes on right mouse button DOWN instead of UP
- Refunds are now correctly accounted for when tracking total money spent by user
- Fixed bad kerning in accolade descriptions
- Fixed a freeze/hang in Hammer
- The CS2 Workshop Tools convar helper page now has better descriptions
- Fixed aspect ratio for workshop submission screenshot
- Various improvements to the look of the M249, MP5-SD, Desert Eagle, Dual Elites, and Taser
- Added Zeus x27 to workshop submission weapon list

[ MAPS ]
- Various map fixes
posted 11 months ago
#1 CS2 update for 6/14/23 (6/15/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve[ MAPS ]
- Fixed a spot near bench that caused the server to lag
- Fixed various strange wallbangs
- Adjusted end of match screen

- Fixed some edge case issues with sell back
- Buy menu color now matches cl_hud_color

- Fixed edge cases with inspecting items
- Fixed a bad interaction between the acknowledge panel and inventory
- Fixed a glitch while refreshing the loadout tab
- Fixed some localization bugs
- Fixed various crash

[ MISC ]
- Fixed movement bug that would cause a slide along curbs in Dust II
- Flashbangs can be redeployed after thrown so that players can quickly throw multiple in sequence
- Reduced the single-frame flash effect when zooming out with sniper rifles

Rumor has it:

- There is also another round of localization file updates which are made possible in part by contributions from Translators Like You - Thank You

posted 11 months ago
#1 CS:GO/CS2 updates for 6/9/23 (6/10/23 UTC, 1.38.8. in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

For CS:GO:

- Players now get a weapon case with their first weekly XP rank up, rather than after some amount of (idle) playtime.

For Counter-Strike 2:

- A second tranche of users are in process of being added to the limited test.

[ MAPS ]

- Removed wallbang through door towards connector.
- Blocked gap in box stack top of mid.
- Blocked pixel gap by ticket booth.
- Added back jump onto firebox in A site.
- Fixed various player and grenade collision bugs.
- Fixed various minor graphical bugs.

- Fixed disconnecting players taking C4 explosive with them.
- Deathmatch bonus weapons now offer weapons from equipped loadout options.
- Added "Replace for CT" context menu loadout shortcut for USP-S when P2000 is equipped and vice versa.
- Automatically cancel drag and drop operation when switching away from loadout menu.
- Improved the look of SCAR-20, G3SG1.

- Fixed asset compiler bug creating stray files when running in directories that have spaces.

Rumor has it:

- Today's update to CS:GO is a server-side change, as such there will be nothing to download

- Otherwise, for the CS2 crowd, there's another round of localization file updates which are made possible in part by contributions from Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~260 MB for Counter-Strike 2

posted 11 months ago
#1 CS:GO update for 5/5/23 ( in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

Valve[ PARIS 2023 MAJOR ]
- Adjusted 9INE team and autograph stickers.
- Updated the UploadTournamentPredictions WebAPI for third-party integration websites, to allow placing all group predictions in a single batch. More details are available here.

Rumor has it:

- Additionally:

- CRUC1AL (from Into The Breach) is now spelled properly (was "Cru1cal")
- volt (also from Into The Breach) has become lowercase
- nawwk (from Apeks) lost a W (was "nawwwk")

- Size is ~20 MB

posted about a year ago
#1 CS:GO update for 5/4/23 (5/5/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

– The “Paris 2023 Viewer Pass” and the “Paris 2023 Viewer Pass + 3 Souvenir Tokens” are now available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the players, teams, and organizations taking part in the BLAST.TV Paris Major.
– With a Viewer Pass, you’ll get:
— An upgradable Paris 2023 Event Coin.
— Access to the Paris Pick’Em Challenge.
— Unlimited team graffiti for the duration of the event.
Steam.tv team flair.
— Access to Paris 2023 Souvenir Packages.
– Team stickers and Player Autograph stickers are available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the players, teams, and organizations taking part in the BLAST.TV Paris Major.

Rumor has it:

- Auto-mutes for excessive communications abuse reports have been tweaked to also consider whether someone has a Steam Community ban

- Size is ~150 MB

posted about a year ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/30/23 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve - Fixed an exploit related to using The Snack Attack to block the movement of other entities
posted about a year ago
#1 MAJOR CS:GO update for 3/22/23 (CS2 Limited Test) in CS2 General Discussion

Via the Steam Community:

- Shipped the mechanism for players to gain access to the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test.
- If you have been selected to participate in the limited test, you will see an invitation banner when you launch CS:GO with further instructions.

-Introducing Ember spring update
-The chickens have laid colourful eggs
-Replaced cannonballs with eggs
-Festive Tablet image
-General updates
-Added new path at Swimming Pool
-Players no longer take damage from slow rolling cannonballs

Rumor has it:

- For the changes specific to CS:GO as we know it today, size is ~130 MB

- Updates specific to CS2 will be titled as such going forward, just FYI

posted about a year ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/20/23 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Security and stability improvements
- Added check to not set Marked-for-Death when mixing Mannpower and Player Destruction (community request)
- Added a check to prevent td_buyback audio spam after the round has started
- Fixed grapple movement slowing players when mixing Mannpower and Player Destruction. Only team leaders will receive a grapple movement penalty. (community request)
- Fixed missing localization string in the recipe for the Tide Turner
- Fixed self-illumination effect for the High Roller's Rocket Launcher and the High Roller's Medi Gun (community fix from makaroffilya)
- Updated the crocodile model to fix a twisted ankle
- Updated pl_enclosure_final to fix an exploit that allowed players to get out of bounds

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~45 MB

posted about a year ago
#5 TF2 update for 3/1/23 in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 update #2 for 3/1/23 (3/2/23 UTC):

Via the Steam Community:

Valve- Added missing Summer tag for Workshop maps

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~260 KB

posted about a year ago
#1 TF2 update for 3/1/23 in TF2 General Discussion


Valve - Added check to URLLabel to prevent invalid URLs
- Added new Workshop tags for Summer, Player Destruction, and Community Fix
- Added check to ensure bullet effects are not duplicated (community fix from mastercoms)
- Deleted some unused Steam API queries to improve client perf (community fix from mastercoms)
- Fixed exploit related to using the td_buyback command during Mann vs. Machine matches
- Fixed Stat Clock cancelling out ÜberCharge and self-illuminating materials on weapons using War Paints (community fix from makaroffilya)
- Fixed not seeing the correct inspect image for the Red Rock Roscoe after previewing another paintkit item
- Fixed missing/incorrect style strings for a few items
- Reverted the previous change to the equip_region for the Cranial Cowl
- Updated cp_gravelpit_snowy to adjust clipping throughout the map

Rumor has it:

- Size is ~20 MB

posted about a year ago
#1 CS:GO update for 2/15/23 (2/16/23 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– The AWP | Doodle Lore has been replaced by the AWP | Duality in the Revolution Case
– Existing AWP | Doodle Lore inventory items have been converted to the AWP | Duality

– Seasonal celebrations have ended in Ember land.
– Map lighting, theme, textures, and models have returned to their pre-seasonal state.
– Cave rock textures are now using $seamless_scale for improved texture quality and look.
– Various texture improvements.
– Fixed an areaportal issue.

Rumor has it:

- Here's what the AWP Duality looks like:


- Its updated description reads as follows: "It has been custom painted with a snake on either side. One snake is red and the other is gold. There's two sides to every story"

- The reason for the AWP Doodle Lore being replaced was due to a DMCA complaint
- Note that the Steam Community Market may be slow to react to this change and you may see lingering Doodle Lore entries cached. The item has been completely replaced at the item schema level with the Duality inheriting the same item identifier as if Doodle Lore never existed to begin with. So if it was not yet obvious by way of Valve's two bullets above, don't purchase them at a ridiculous price expecting to get the Doodle Lore design

- Otherwise, same old map updates and localization file updates, the latter of which is made possible with the help of Translators Like You - Thank You

- Size is ~155 MB

posted about a year ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 54