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Signed Up November 9, 2019
Last Posted April 17, 2024 at 5:01 PM
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#26 Why use P-REC over integrated demo support? in TF2 General Discussion
shelz0rThe in game demo recording starts as soon as you load in, which means it records all of pregame before both teams ready up. I use it because P-rec is Windows only, but not having to fast forward through 20 minutes of pregame to grab a clip is handy.

This is the correct reason.

posted 9 months ago
#7 Why are EU pugs dead now? in TF2 General Discussion

idk why u deleted rahmixes that shit was fun actually

posted 9 months ago
#1 could banny say the n word (serious) in TF2 General Discussion

i think if banny said the n word(or equivalent slur) realistically nothing would happen. like people would care for a couple days and then forget about it.


posted 9 months ago
#24 OW2 Caster on Demo & Soldier vs Pharah & Junkrat in TF2 General Discussion
Doom1Put a soldier main in OW to learn pharah for a month, then put a pharah main in TF2 to learn soldier for a month see what happens kid...

maybe hot take but the game with 1000x more money in it is gonna be harder to get better at relative to other players cause there's more players and more motivation to improve.
imo if u tell an ow pro to play tf2, them just having the time to play like 8 hours of tf2 a day for a month will get u to at least mid. i don't think like a prem player with a day job can really do something similar in overwatch in a month

posted 9 months ago
#16 the truth about b4nny in TF2 General Discussion
pijukazzall you americans do is hate on b4nny, not that im the biggest fan of him myself but man you guys really on his dick lmfaooo

America is the Most Free and Greatest country to Ever Invented

posted 10 months ago
#25 help me understand why 6s is the way it is in TF2 General Discussion

yeah the weapon that rewards you for not dying by making it harder for you to die definitely doesn't favour defensive play

posted 10 months ago
#73 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion
camp3r101concerted efforts to help the scene

pressing the red button that says ban doesnt sound like taht much effort

posted 10 months ago
#27 animal kingdom matchups in Off Topic

idk if u guys have heard of pokemon but if u have i just came up with something epic
a trillion lions vs every pokemon

posted 10 months ago
#4 Input lag after every windows update in Q/A Help

croatian thread

posted 10 months ago
#10 ltg quote in TF2 General Discussion


posted 11 months ago
#35 wats a game u wish u were good at in Off Topic

anyone eu play me on slippi :)

posted 11 months ago
#52 i71 in September 2023 in LAN Discussion
MakHerpTimDCSWhipWandumafaik rcadia started doing major restructuring internally pretty much right after we were there in november and wont be doing more events for the forseeable futureah, that's unfortunate, I hope that the great folks involved in organising the november lan are keeping a relationship open with the venuedannythe only LAN event they've hosted in 2023 was the smash bros tournament, which was moved to a different location for unknown reasons (most likely to do with energy prices in germany sky-rocketing).

for what its worth, the very first talks about the first rcadia tournament started in april of last year, but now they know the drill they could put together a lan much quicker, so if they get their shit together i see no reason for there to not be a lan later in the year. last i heard they were pretty happy with the overall turnout and attendance from the previous one, so who knows

Appreciate the kind words but in all likelyhood there won't be another LAN at the RCADIA. Not only in 2023 but probably ever.
We (Phoenix Red) are always open for opportunities to fill the november slot, but nothing is imminent for 2023 atm.

We have been approached - especially during the RCADIA LAN last november - by many members of the community whether we would be interested in taking over the summer slot. Again, we are appreciative of the support, but despite everything we wouldn't mess or compete with insomnia (and essentials.tf as the current host, for that matter) due to its deep roots. Should they shoot themselves in the foot or there be no more traction for a TF2 event at the festival, it can be an intriguing option to look for something to fill the void in 2024.
That being said, we would also not touch and save insomnia if essentials were ever to withdraw from organising.

Personally, I think it is a massive mistake of Player1 Events to move the event to another date. Either their business decision is a bad one or they were indeed too late to book the weekend, which is outright embarrassing imo.
My desire to go there was low to begin with and now has dropped to almost zero.
What does DCS mean? Is it like an acronym?


what does idk mean nobody i ask seems to know :(

posted 11 months ago
#7 new spy tech in TF2 General Discussion
cereaIits not a joke because you don't have to break cloak to regain your move speed. and yes i said friendly spy, not teammate

people have had undisguise binds for years which is just disguising as friendly spy
u mostly use it for surfing rockets while ur cloaked to get away from soldiers cause u only take knockback if ur undisguised

posted 11 months ago
#14 How many tries in Off Topic

i think demo on product is the easiest if u can line up ur mouse in spawn and just waddle to mid

posted 11 months ago
#13 How many tries in Off Topic
scratchhscout or medic would no doubt be easier to just remember where you move and turn on the rollout. its pretty easy to get that down to muscle memory, but demo or soldier idk cuz i dont main them but i feel like the use of explosions would be easy to get the damage on mid maybe but if you're monitors off its so easy to un-align yourself during the rollout (running into walls or just completely lost) or something if you plan on actually using your explosives to roll out. This shit would probably just be Impossible TBH. 80 damage is alot for having literally NO EYES

i think scout is easy to get to mid but how r u doing 80 blindfolded

posted 11 months ago
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