cbearhttp://www.twitch.tv/cbear/c/2389785 - learn to triple rocket jump!
Stream chat went nuts over this, so hilarious :D
cbearhttp://www.twitch.tv/cbear/c/2389785 - learn to triple rocket jump!
Stream chat went nuts over this, so hilarious :D
iunno, maybe? :)
http://www.twitch.tv/atmo_/b/415217225?t=2h2m50s I dunno if my teammate sounding like Super Mario is worthy of a highlight
this is a mode called gg200, it is played 2v2 or 3v3 on cp_orange with low grav, direct hit, gunboats, paintrain. We did bo3 with respawn time of 10s and the match took forever...
More gg200 moments here http://www.twitch.tv/atmo_/videos?kind=bookmarks#
cbearhttp://www.twitch.tv/cbear/c/2389785 - learn to triple rocket jump!
http://www.twitch.tv/cbear/c/2389794 - What are the chances of this? Seriously. Brian...?
This makes me think we need a highlight reel for cbear's facial expressions...
http://www.twitch.tv/testifyx/c/2412673 - 10000% skilled airshot.
http://www.twitch.tv/killing123/c/2411755 The story of #ss and #heat
Killinghttp://www.twitch.tv/killing123/c/2411755 The story of #ss and #heat
fucking perfect music
Broder strategy session with the great Mirelin swedish sissy conspiracy
Broder strategy session with the great Mirelin swedish sissy conspiracy
"why you heff to be mad, is only game"
Killinghttp://www.twitch.tv/killing123/c/2411755 The story of #ss and #heat
This is amazing. I'm not going to upload it because not many people that are subscribed to the channel will understand it (also it's kinda brutal). But at the same time I really wish I knew some sort of animation. Having some shitty animation with that audio dubbed over it would be golden.
I also need to catch up with this again. I keep forgetting to upload stuff.
how to annoy your medic
I'm gonna out DM you
I'm gonna out DM you
watching this gave me autism from listening to a buncha bronies rip
phobiaKaoruhttp://www.twitch.tv/masukutv/c/2417478watching this gave me autism from listening to a buncha bronies rip
I'm gonna out DM you
are you developing a PHOBIA???
the crack plays
3 Back-caps to victory, last one is the main highlight but lead up by the 1st two.
1:37:41, 1:48:27, 1:57:15, 1:59:00(row raging)
might want to lower your volume a bit
If ruwin doesn't have time or know how to make highlights someone should tell him that he can give certain people access to his dashboard by adding editors to his channel. Obviously he'll need trustworthy people because you get access to vods, highlights and the ability to change the title of the stream. Just give him this link and tell him to give it to the admins or trustworthy people in his streamchat: http://www.twitch.tv/broadcast/permissions
That's probably the best way to get highlights from his stream. The little time I've had to watch his stream I've really enjoyed, hopefully we can get some cool/funny stuff from him!
Arx's song is on this video; I'm just before it starts at 5:49:14. Sorry for not providing a better link, Iunno how to use this Twitch stuff.
My crappy capture of Arx's song off of ruwin's stream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFdXa19O2A8