Paprika_holy shit why do u shake ur aim that much
Hes on thaigrrs stash
Hes on thaigrrs stash
Paprika_holy shit why do u shake ur aim that much
It’s a very complex maneuver that you soft aimers just wouldn’t understand. You see, it’s a constant and calculated adjustment in where the we think the enemy player will be by the time we shoot our rocket and where they will be when our rocket actually hits them. Heh, you need to have a really high IQ to understand the concept so I wouldn’t be too upset if a virgin soft aimer like you doesn’t understand what goes on inside us chad hard aimers minds.
It’s a very complex maneuver that you soft aimers just wouldn’t understand. You see, it’s a constant and calculated adjustment in where the we think the enemy player will be by the time we shoot our rocket and where they will be when our rocket actually hits them. Heh, you need to have a really high IQ to understand the concept so I wouldn’t be too upset if a virgin soft aimer like you doesn’t understand what goes on inside us chad hard aimers minds.
GrapeJuiceIIIPaprika_holy shit why do u shake ur aim that muchIt’s a very complex maneuver that you soft aimers just wouldn’t understand. You see, it’s a constant and calculated adjustment in where the we think the enemy player will be by the time we shoot our rocket and where they will be when our rocket actually hits them. Heh, you need to have a really high IQ to understand the concept so I wouldn’t be too upset if a virgin soft aimer like you doesn’t understand what goes on inside us chad hard aimers minds.
burgers acting like they know what they are talking about smh
It’s a very complex maneuver that you soft aimers just wouldn’t understand. You see, it’s a constant and calculated adjustment in where the we think the enemy player will be by the time we shoot our rocket and where they will be when our rocket actually hits them. Heh, you need to have a really high IQ to understand the concept so I wouldn’t be too upset if a virgin soft aimer like you doesn’t understand what goes on inside us chad hard aimers minds.[/quote]
burgers acting like they know what they are talking about smh
Canadians are allowed to be hard aimers, if u drink tap water in the United States ur consuming aim softening chemicals.
Canada used to be a part of the British Empire so I’m basically a Tier 2 brit
There have been 3 Golden pan drops in the past two days wtf going on
vulcThere have been 3 Golden pan drops in the past two days wtf going on
Golden pan drops.
Golden pan drops.