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Signed Up May 14, 2014
Last Posted December 29, 2020 at 7:28 PM
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#91 What players do you miss? in TF2 General Discussion

hey...wait a second...

posted about 6 years ago
#65 top 5 snipers in TF2 General Discussion

barycenter was unreal but he made it into plat when all the god snipers started to phase out of the scene. rip.

posted about 6 years ago
#142 Unpopular video game opinions in Other Games

Sorry to necro this thread but... *deep breath*

- honestly the lego games are loads more fun than most titles released nowadays. not to mention you get the full package when you buy the game, no dlc bullshit or anything
- fighting games other than smash deserve more attention
- already mentioned ITT, but the gamecube is the greatest console of all time (also, pokemon colosseum and gale of darkness are super underrated)
- if marvel had a fighting game similar in quality to injustice 2 dc would be blown out of the water on the video games front
- combat in fortnite is fucking stupid. ex: "im out in the open with little to no cover around me oh shit i took 4 points of damage time to build a fucking mansion in 10 seconds" and from my experience basically whoever has a rocket launcher in late game ends up winning. its no wonder the avg player is under 14. good gun mechanics tho.
- overwatch is fun but blizzard is trying waaayy too hard to push it as an esport.
- stun/slow/fear mechanics have absolutely NO place in video games. why would you implement something that prevents you from, well, playing the game??
- stryker from mortal kombat is a total badass. his design/gameplay (basically a swat officer who zones with guns n nades n shit) is why lots of people hate him, but its the reason hes my fav character.
- competitive pokemon (vgc not smogon) has so much potential to be awesome but its terrible because they allow mons that you literally cannot win without (ultra beasts, non-box legendaries with really high stats, etc), taking away from the creativity aspect of teambuilding (seriously, go look up teams from recent tourneys. its the same 20-30 mons)
- if sonic 06 wasnt a buggy mess and there wasnt human on hedgehog action in the plot it probably would have been a solid game

posted about 6 years ago
#1 What do you hear? in Off Topic

Yanny or Laurel


posted about 6 years ago
#39 worst map in TF2 General Discussion

badwater is a really fun pub map but a really really bad hl map. the pro versions made it slightly better but its still fundamentally flawed.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 HLPugs.tf lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

these boys r crazy good and fun to hang out with i love em all to death. definitely gonna be a team to keep an eye on.

posted about 6 years ago
#79 Most overrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion

platinum o__O

posted about 6 years ago
#981 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

*DEAD* ›› wax : u mad
*DEAD* 『*ANGRYDOGNOISES*』 : you killed me fair and square
『*ANGRYDOGNOISES*』 : Your attempt to anger me is admirable
『*ANGRYDOGNOISES*』 : but i cannot be angered

posted about 6 years ago
#830 worst steam profile in Off Topic

lock this thread. this is it. you've found the worst steam profile. there is absolutely nothing that could possibly top this horrific atrocity.

posted about 6 years ago
#843 Vent your anger in Off Topic

i've pretty much accepted that im just not good at shooters. i dont have the mechanical skill to aim properly and my reaction time can be subpar. it really frustrates me since i play with lots of really good players and i'll always be the one thats struggling to keep up while they all improve at a much faster rate.

maybe i should stick to minecraft

posted about 6 years ago
#48 Pretty Scale in Off Topic


posted about 6 years ago
#24 How many languages can you speak? in Off Topic

english, armenian, and rudimentary russian

posted about 6 years ago
#11 carcin lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

best heavy in the world

posted about 6 years ago
#35 Choose one and tell us why? in Off Topic

$5B is more than enough to set u up for life realistically i feel like its the best option

posted about 6 years ago
#103 favorite pokemon in Other Games

who even remembers reuniclus :'(


posted about 6 years ago
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