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Country Netherlands
Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted May 22, 2024 at 6:31 PM
Posts 706 (0.2 per day)
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#2 Ping in out of region games. in Q/A Help

For serveme SEA (OVH Singapore), your ISP, which is also my ISP, routes through Los Angeles for the return journey. This leads to a ~300ms scoreboard ping.
With SDR, this drops to 195ms for me.

For serveme AU (OVH Sydney), again it gets routed through LA, both directions this time. 330ms scoreboard ping.
With SDR, this drops to 284ms for me.

posted 1 week ago
#5 TF2 constantly laggy in Customization

Record a video with net_graph 5 enabled when it happens.

posted 1 week ago
#2 which is worse? in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 weeks ago
#5 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic

It's insane for sure

Like looking at a magician sawing a lady in half and thinking they can do surgery.

posted 2 weeks ago
#22 RGL 6s Season 15 - Map Pool, Season Changes, Final in TF2 General Discussion

Is it really koth_clearcut_b15d? The RGL custom maps and server configs page mentions koth_clearcut_b16a, even though it links to a download of b15d :)

posted 1 month ago
#184 - free server reservations in Projects

The 64 bit TF2 update broke servers in a few ways. We've tried switching all our servers to 64-bit, but there are quite a few missing 64-bit extensions for competitive play at the moment.

So we're sticking with 32-bit servers for now, you can just connect with your 64-bit client to those. Almost everything seems to work, apart from automatic whitelist updating/downloading.

posted 1 month ago
#155 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
DolphInN...the problem of our API keys being blocked...

We don't have a feature that blocks API keys (we're fully open source, it doesn't exist), if you can see an API key in your serveme settings, you can use it. We do have a Discord, you could have contacted us like the other PUG sites and projects if you were having issues.

Having enough servers available for a PUG service (for $3/month for as many servers as you need I might add) is a solved problem in the EU, NA, SEA and AU regions. So seeing PUGs limited or unavailable on a new service due to lack of servers makes me sad.

posted 1 month ago
#153 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
DolphInN...but we felt being able to directly handle the servers to insert our custom configs and plugins...
If we were able to 1. access to API, and 2. upload custom plugins, then we'd gladly explore using it.

This API is now a decade old and TF2Center has been running pugs without extra requirements. You can have a TF2Center game on a stock TF2 server as long as it has the map you're trying to play.
The other services don't require custom plugins, but even so, the previous incarnation of RGL pugs had a working API integration and their own custom plugin installed on all servers for stuff like team and nickname management.

posted 1 month ago
#150 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
JuustinWe went from 4+ servers, to 2 servers, and then back to only using 1 server?

Meanwhile at TF2Center, TF2Pugs and TF2Pickup......

posted 1 month ago
#15 Cheeto Crew. in The Dumpster

OK great, unbanned.

Here's a random free tip. If you have an RGL ban for racism, harassment and ban evasion, and regularly try to play with VPNs on my service....don't pretend you are part of a group that is banned for racism, harassment and ban evasion that regularly tries to play with VPNs on my service.

posted 1 month ago
#11 Cheeto Crew. in The Dumpster

Thank you for this post and 2 more cheeto alt bans from anything I control.

posted 2 months ago
#35 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
HighImpactDolphinIs it feasible to make a mod or plugin for the TF2 client...

To make it, sure, to get it signed by Valve so it can be used on VAC servers, probably not. You'd also be looking for someone to ingest 12-18x the amount of data gets.

posted 2 months ago
#4 x Fireside Casts Highlander Charity Cup in TF2 General Discussion

Before his steam account got posthumously community-banned, every once in a while I'd see "hospital wifi" in my friends list, last online, years ago. Sobering as that was, it did have this avatar :)

Rest in peace Miggy

posted 2 months ago
#342 match stats in Projects

Disabling the manual file upload on the website would be a good first step.

posted 3 months ago
#28 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
PupsiMaxnot to mention Arie checking the serveme history and finding nothing to corroborate this.

RGL staff have access to more sources of information than me. From the statement and some information provided to me, I get their concerns.

posted 4 months ago
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