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SteamID64 76561198142756572
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Country Mongolia
Signed Up May 2, 2015
Last Posted March 22, 2024 at 9:18 AM
Posts 1090 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.4
Windows Sensitivity W10: 6/11, KDE: 8/11
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Basilisk Ultimate
Monitor Viewsonic XG2431
1 ⋅⋅ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ⋅⋅ 72
#72 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion
BrockbrodyBrockwiitabix69420what r u on about
transparency has a value, if you cant digest that and look at whats being said, I don't know to say.

when are you gonna start drawing your acid trip avatars for people again

posted 11 months ago
#2 Shannon Sharpe to Leave Undisputed in World Events

methinks this is it right here

posted 11 months ago
#1 Shannon Sharpe to Leave Undisputed in World Events


posted 11 months ago
#27 TF2 UPDATE SOON in TF2 General Discussion

this means the alien penis gif is fair game and my previous ban was unjustified right

posted 11 months ago
#5 TF2 UPDATE SOON in TF2 General Discussion

two more weeks

posted about a year ago
#76 2022-2023 NBA Season in Off Topic


posted about a year ago
#20 iconic quotes in TF2 General Discussion

"it'd change the mumble atmosphere if we all had sex with each other, y'know what I mean?"

posted about a year ago
#74 2022-2023 NBA Season in Off Topic

scott foster masterclass tonight

posted about a year ago
#3925 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I should be able to get by with 64GB for maybe the first month and a half until the higher resolution PIV data starts flooding in which is gonna need more than that. I should probably just look into getting some used MB that can take up to 128GB off ebay or something, Ive probably been overthinking this

posted about a year ago
#3923 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulYour board supports 64GB of RAM, as it should.
Obviously doesn't help if you really need a full 128GB, but it very much does support 64GB.

I swear to god this shit said 32gb two days ago along with a bunch of other spec sheets I was reading
what the FUCK
anyway thanks, now my heart is at ease

posted about a year ago
#3921 PC Build Thread in Hardware
MSI B450M what?

this yeah it's not the best board when I got it but at the time (zen2 release) I needed an mATX board with a flashback button and this was literally the only one in stock

Wanting a new monitor and GPU (+PSU) is completely unrelated, that's a you problem, don't blame your job for it.

correct, I just can't stomach the idea of dropping $300 just for a partial upgrade, I feel like I might as well go full beans and finish everything off. Like the 7600x + mb + ram is still gonna hit me for around $600, this partial upgrade is like 70% of what it took for my entire current system
tldr; Im flabbergasted by everything being a lot more expensive than what I'm used to. A good part of it probably due to DDR5 being "new" and AM5 being new so they have the early-adopters tax. but whatever, I'll figure something out, thanks for the feedback

posted about a year ago
#3919 PC Build Thread in Hardware
lootI recommend Make Your Employer Pay For It

in this case they won't because they'll just tell me to connect remotely to some of our computers
I could do that but our remote connections are legit total ass. I don't want to deal with ~5 TB of data (that will grow) over such shoddy connection. I've tried it before and I've witnessed how awful it is. Obviously I'll HAVE to do it for now since I dont have capable hardware but I shit you not when I say doing it remotely is awful (and fuck being onsite)

posted about a year ago
#3917 PC Build Thread in Hardware

currently on a 3700X, MSI B450M that maxes out at 32GB RAM (I only have 16 right now), RX 5700

I quite literally NEED 128GB of RAM for work I'll be starting in late June. I could just replace the motherboard and get new RAM but that's gonna spank me for 300 USD EASY and my performance isn't even gonna improve which is absolutely lame

I could also one-up that and grab a 5800X3D too but then thats gonna be like 620 USD just to stay on AM4 which has no further improvement and still DDR4.

Then there's current DDR5 boards which are expensive as shit (like 100 USD more than what I got my current MB for new in 2019) and there's a bunch of bullshit going on with AM5 motherboards right now too
Then there's the 3rd option of sucking it up and going for a full system overhaul which is gonna run me like $1600+ easy since I'd want a new GPU and a new monitor to get off 1080p and I'd have to grab a new PSU too

Setsul I seek your wisdom. am I fucked?

posted about a year ago
#69 2022-2023 NBA Season in Off Topic

I eat sleep and breathe the failure of philthadelphia
embiitch will ALWAYS be a choker

posted about a year ago
#38 biggest valve fuckups in TF2 General Discussion

adding a class with an autoaim mechanic to a first person shooter

posted about a year ago
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