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Country Poland
Signed Up September 9, 2016
Last Posted September 26, 2016 at 11:46 AM
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#4 Looking for komorebi. in Off Topic

I have his name, but it's very popular and I don't know how does he look like nad only have a vague idea of where he could be living.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Looking for komorebi. in Off Topic

I went down the memory lane reading my goodbye thread on this lonely day and realized how many people who were a huge part of my life during days are now missing from it. I wanted to get in touch with komorebi, but he hasn't been online since 78 days ago.
Does anyone have his Facebook or anything? My memory has been getting worse and worse recently so I can only recall few things from that time, but I know he's been living in Ecuador for some time and is either from California or Florida. I also found his real name in my old files, but I don't know if I should share it.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Working in China. in Off Topic
Blithefade--protowhy would you want to move to china? i know poland is not the most desirable country to live in but im sure its better than china...

if you do go to china keep in mind the government sees its citizens as numbers, not people

idk where you've been but i'm chinese (second generation immigrant)

i went to fuzhou / fujian for a month or so a while ago and honestly i cannot say it's the hellhole that u describe it as, it's not all sweatshops and sex slaves like you have this image of

unless you've stayed in both poland and china (actually LIVED there) please don't give your opinion

and as someone who has lived for years in canada (toronto), both coasts of the us (berkeley and upstate ny), and spent a month living with family in china, america's literally the biggest shithole ever compared to both toronto and china

ok, you make some valid points, and I understand NY being a shithole, but Berkeley being a shithole? really?

I actually loved Berkeley and Bay Area in general (shoutout to Mana for having me), not sure if I know if I liked Toronto more, but both are pretty rad!

strazyyydon't forget to renew your work visa each year (takes up two whole pages of your passport!)
-protoif you do go to china keep in mind the government sees its citizens as numbers, not people
he's not moving to the DPRK, china's not THAT bad.

I'm also applying in HK and I'm gonna be there in 9 days. Let me know if you wanna hang out! :]

AdebisiMy cousin teaches English at a university in Beijing.

Good money but he hates it. Too many people. I'll ask him for some tips. I also have a friend who lives in Tianjin, and he loves it. So I may as well ask him too :D

Added you on Steam! <3

posted about 8 years ago
#86 What will you quit tf2 for? in TF2 General Discussion
_intronA wise man said one day: "You never really quit TF2"

I did, many others too. :(

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Working in China. in Off Topic
-protowhy would you want to move to china? i know poland is not the most desirable country to live in but im sure its better than china...

if you do go to china keep in mind the government sees its citizens as numbers, not people

I feel slightly insulted, I don't know if you've been to my country, or China, but I traveled around yours, and not to take anything away from it, I'd chose Poland or China over it any day. Main reason besides falling in love with Asia is that my girlfriend lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand and I want to be able to see her twice a month.

fade-flufWhat happened to your main tftv account
im assuming mobile auth or sda or some variation caused login problems

This. My mobile authenticator is half the world away while I'm in Bangkok.

StevieHey, I go to school in China right now, specifically shanghai! While I don't hold a job, if you move here, I can offer some advice.

Awesome! I'll pm you!

posted about 8 years ago
#33 how do i make the boy i like like me back in Off Topic

Ask him out and see if he likes you. You can't make anyone like you.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Working in China. in Off Topic

I'm looking to relocate to China among other options (Kunming, Changsha, Chengdu, or Guangzhou, eventually Shanghai) and I want to have a chat with someone who works or worked in the past in China, preferably a software engineer, but anything will do. If you didn't do that personally maybe you know someone? Any help will be much appreciated. <3
Let me know and I'll add you on Steam with my main account or give you any other contact info if you prefer (Phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, LINE, WeChat, QQ, VK, everything).

Thanks <3

Proof I'm CHERRY:

posted about 8 years ago