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Signed Up December 3, 2012
Last Posted February 18, 2023 at 3:43 AM
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#5 soul lft open med in Recruitment (looking for team)

never stopped improving since the day we met
super fun to hang out with
learns fast and takes criticism really well
also really good arrows

posted about 9 years ago
#9 ddrsensation, mid-open, LFT to backup S18 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Played with him on Oregon swat unit and zombie redneck family

hes got great comms and hits good rockets + he is an awesome friend

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Twitch nuking VODs: we need help saving them in TF2 General Discussion

someone has to archive Tyrones old vods!!

posted about 9 years ago
#7 making your tf2 look blocky again in Customization

have not tried it yet but I assume it gives better frames? if so I really hope this does not get fixed/banned or anything, I could possibly get consistent frames at mids/teamfights again.

posted about 9 years ago
#136 ESEA-IM S16 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

you fucking idiots

posted about 9 years ago
#6 killemdeader lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

if he has not found a team yet you should really consider him, every time he wants to play scout he practices a lot and then as soon as he gets pretty good he gets picked up as medic.

He will practice a lot and get really good + he is a great person and friend <3 gl Killem

posted about 10 years ago
#111 YouMustMike Demo Reviews in Mentoring


You can download STV from

Or my pov from

Whichever you prefer.

posted about 10 years ago
#54 2048 in Other Games

I just spent about 4 hours straight on 9007199254740992

I got to 301284 points and then my fucking big toe pressed spacebar and reset my game.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 2048 in Other Games

Highfive!, Romeo Love.

I dont know how to add the picture to my post but whatever

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Festive Scattergun skin removal in Q/A Help
FoxI know this doesn't help, but why don't you just sell the S. Festive Scattergun/just get a regular S. Scattergun, or just play with viewmodels off? I don't understand how you can love a weapon that you have, but don't like to look at it? It sounds like a paradox ?_?

It was a Christmas present from a good friend, I enjoy having viewmodels on but the lights are distracting. Anyway I think I figured it out if I join a random pub before anything else the lights will be gone and then I can join any other server and they will be gone but if I join a comp server or an mge server first before the pub the lights will stay on no matter what.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Festive Scattergun skin removal in Q/A Help

Hello! Recently I really want to try using my viewmodels on as scout but I have a S. Festive Scattergun so the lights are super distracting, is there any way I can continue to use my S Festive Scattergun (I love it so much) but remove the lights so it looks like the stock scattergun? I would prefer if it would work within sv_pure 2 (I think its 2 the one that comp uses that disables a lot of stuff)

I remember trying out a bunch of stuff from the tf2 fps improvement compilation a while ago and when I installed the hatless mod it removed the lights but I prefer hats to be on and back then I played with viewmodels off but now I want them on with the lights removed so I tried to just take some of the files from the hatless mod that I thought would remove the lights

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\cfgstuff\particles

I have 2 files "item_fx.pcf" and "item_fx_dx80.pcf"

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\cfgstuff\models\player\items\scout

6 files "xms_scattergun.dx80.vtx" "xms_scattergun.dx90.vtx" "xms_scattergun.sw.vtx" "xms_scattergun_v.dx80.vtx" "xms_scattergun_v.dx90.vtx" "xms_scattergun_v.sw.vtx"

After putting these files in I launched into tf2 and tried to play MGE but the lights were there so I was kinda sad and went to play some cp_orange and the lights were gone so I went back to MGE and the lights were gone and they stayed gone for a day or so and I was loving it but now they are back!

Anyone know what is going on? Thank you!

posted about 10 years ago
#6 New game mode idea in Map Discussion
HeadfulofSandvich since by the time you respawn the enemy timer would probably either have already counted down or be on the verge of doing so, and suddenly that pick class that you sacked for becomes a liability

Lets say the attacking team sacs for a sniper and the defending team has started the clock at last to lock it down by the time the sniper gets up and into position yeah they will have capped/locked last and unlocked second but they are still completely contained and the team with the sniper can just cap second again and eventually unlock last with the sniper already up and ready to make the advantage they need/want.

Sorry if I am misunderstanding how the mode works but it seems like everyone is assuming that you cannot go past the point you own and hold a forward position.

I have been imagining this all on Snakewater for some reason, I think the mode would work best on a new map with really well thought out forward spawns so if you wipe a team that pushes your last right before last locks down you can quickly move up, put a scout on second to start running down the timer while the rest of your team can move up into the enemy forward spawn area (area not spawn door like a nice area to fight in that they respawn at) to try and keep them out and keep pushing your momentum and then say you win that fight do the same to the next forward spawn area.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 New game mode idea in Map Discussion
DavidTheWinThat sounds like an interesting take on the "shot clock" idea, which had a few flaws. This sounds quite good, but the first problem I can see is what if the attacking team completely fucks up their push, which in a normal game would leave the defending team open to take mid. If mid was locked in this case, the defending team would be stuck on their second, introducing a stalemate.

You can still take the position on the middle point, right? Its 4am so I am having trouble imagining how this works but if I understand it correctly then the team holding middle pushes into second and fucks it up like you say then the team defending second caps second so their timer starts going down and then they move ahead into middle and take the position and deny the enemy team of any entry and then once their second timer runs down they can capture middle.

Also I like the idea I agree it seems like an interesting take on the shot clock

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Killstreak question in Q/A Help

If you have the melee out you will see the eye effect I am pretty sure.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Meat Market LFP(Main)ESEA/CEVO in Recruitment (looking for team)

Cheesymcnugget. plz

posted about 10 years ago
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