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Signed Up August 8, 2012
Last Posted August 6, 2018 at 5:20 PM
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#32 avengers infinity war in Music, Movies, TV
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The movie goes out of its way to explain why he did that tho so I dunno why you dislike it. Doctor Strange saw basically every possible future outcome thanks to the Time Stone combined with his magic, and knows the only possible outcome that actually wins the fight for them or has a chance. His actions after that moment have everything to do with the 1 outcome he saw, i.e. he knows the only way the Avengers eventually win is with Tony alive and with Thanos having the gems, as if they actually tried to keep the gems away from him, Thanos would just kill everyone on Earth until he got them all as he doesn't care about just Earth but balancing the entire universe - the only way they have a chance is to give him the stones and fight back later. Strange's dust lines tie into this being his reason for the decision as well.
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Plot twise since Strange already saw every future, he already saw one where he attempted that and for whatever reason it fails. In universe it makes sense at least.

My dislikes of the films setup are:

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* I didn't like the 4 year time skip since GOTG2, they really should have had a GOTG3 closer to IW in timeline before this because it makes Peter-Gamora's relationship feel silly. Last we saw of them in GOTG2 it was just starting, now it's 4 years later and she's fanatically in love with Peter and their team had probably saved HUNDREDS of galaxies. It feels really disjointed for such a big part of the emotional beats of the film tbh.

* I didn't like that they didn't show Thanos taking the Power Stone from Xandar and the film just starts after he already has it - this might seem minor but it's like catching Thanos in media res of his journey, and even if it was an extra 5-10 minutes I think it would have been cool to see him gathering all 6 rather than just already having one of them. The opening of the film would have been even stronger IMO if it opened up to Thanos defeating the Xandar mooks for the Power Stone and Thor and his group come flying in to help them out. Audience gets hyped because the heroes are coming to save the day, boom destroyed in the same way basically. [/quote]
posted about 6 years ago
#29 avengers infinity war in Music, Movies, TV
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-Dr strange giving up the time stone to save 1 life, thereby dooming 50% of the universe
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The movie goes out of its way to explain why he did that tho so I dunno why you dislike it. Doctor Strange saw basically every possible future outcome thanks to the Time Stone combined with his magic, and knows the only possible outcome that actually wins the fight for them or has a chance. His actions after that moment have everything to do with the 1 outcome he saw, i.e. he knows the only way the Avengers eventually win is with Tony alive and with Thanos having the gems, as if they actually tried to keep the gems away from him, Thanos would just kill everyone on Earth until he got them all as he doesn't care about just Earth but balancing the entire universe - the only way they have a chance is to give him the stones and fight back later. Strange's dust lines tie into this being his reason for the decision as well.
posted about 6 years ago
#38 Esea medals in TF2 General Discussion
vulcfuck esea dude, this shit irks me so much because there is literally no reason not to do this, every other league does this and they all benefit from it.

it irks me because it makes no business sense. making a wrapper for the API isn't the most time consuming thing and there are plenty of people who would make an ESEA brand medal for ESEA for pretty cheap (if not just their league fees/Premium comped or something)

it'd be like if you owned a wal-mart, someone comes into the wal-mart and they give you like 45$ and you give them a special wal-mart shirt except people actually want to wear the shirt

it's minimal effort with plenty of benefits, AND they're the only competitive event without one.

posted about 6 years ago
#33 Esea medals in TF2 General Discussion
uberchainPops contacted Tri who pitched it to ESEA, I was told they turned it down though and didn't see the value in doing it.

tfw your company doesn't see the value of plastering your brand name to any person the owners happen to play with or against.

tbh im flabbergasted, it's pretty close to free marketing

posted about 6 years ago
#19 TF2 update for 4/26/18 in TF2 General Discussion
glasscan you ctap with the short circuit

much like the detonator it only seems to really help with horitzontal distance in my experience

posted about 6 years ago
#15 TF2 update for 4/26/18 in TF2 General Discussion
mastercomsThe push issue was because Nightfall and Pipeline don't have setup time on a certain stage, so the fix where you can't do an objective during setup time was applied to the whole round for those maps.

A similar bug happened to these maps when the Uber build rate was set to be faster during setup time.

Tells you how much I've played either that I had no idea, thanks for the info! :)

posted about 6 years ago
#11 TF2 update for 4/26/18 in TF2 General Discussion
Twiggyengi jump maps wooooo

does it work if the orb hits the ground?

it has to damage an enemy, if it damages an enemy then yes

wickedplayer494DarkNecrid - Fixed players not being able to push the payload cart on some maps
Wondering if this fixed the long standing physics issue with the cart where it could occasionally in certain areas get knocked off the tracks and break the round.
Doubt it.

I wondered because that's the only cart push bug I know of.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 TF2 update for 4/26/18 in TF2 General Discussion
wishshort circuit change was a buff


for the people who want the horitzontal version:


posted about 6 years ago
#2 TF2 update for 4/26/18 in TF2 General Discussion
- Fixed players not being able to push the payload cart on some maps

Wondering if this fixed the long standing physics issue with the cart where it could occasionally in certain areas get knocked off the tracks and break the round.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 LF High Level 6s Video Content in Videos
glassthings that come to mind that are already on youtube:

-habib and shade have some match povs up
-b4nny has a few match demo reviews, mostly of blaze, but at least one of shade (pretty informal)

yeah I got the latter added currently even though they're pretty old (2-2.5 yrs ago) so I don't think the meta is entirely accurate to how teams are currently playing, if you could link me the former that'd be helpful

posted about 6 years ago
#9 LF High Level 6s Video Content in Videos
EemesWith the high level pov videos/demo reviews to what extent should I try to explain the basics? Or should I just assume a fairly high level of knowledge?


Pretend you're trying to mentor a player in the lowest division of your league. You don't gotta go super hard into stuff like "and now im rolling out because demo rolls out to mid because going fast is good" level of basic (I already try to cover all the basic stuff like that in the other parts of the guide), but stuff like why you're trapping a specific area (or opting to trap), if you go a different rollout why you went that particular rollout, why you're choosing your particular positioning, when you die what you could have done better/what your mistakes were, etc.

That kind of stuff is really helpful for new competitive players.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 LF High Level 6s Video Content in Videos

Things I could use immensely:

Another Medic POV or Demo Review (someone said they were working on one tho)
1-2 Demoman POVs or Demo Reviews (I have literally 0!)
Another Scout POV or Demo Review

Anything extra would be G R E A T but especially when it comes to Demoman I need stuff.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 surviv.io in Other Games

It's okay but personally I find http://zombsroyale.io/ more fun. Better look, better crosshair, more content, you don't need to rely on finding x8 crosshairs, you actually dive into the map, etc. It's based on Fortnite minus the construction tho so yeah, YMMV.

posted about 6 years ago
#28 halo online in Other Games
indecencyaint work

hm :(

might just be an odd error with your setup then, that's unfortunate for you though because how the original Russian Halo Online was optimized is basically beyond these developers and they can't really fix that very much. :(

posted about 6 years ago
#25 halo online in Other Games
indecencyi get 10 fps even tho i have an okay computer ree

some people have issues with overlays, make sure you have mumble/discord/ overlays disabled and dont run it through steam

posted about 6 years ago
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