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Signed Up May 16, 2014
Last Posted August 28, 2017 at 9:07 PM
Posts 821 (0.2 per day)
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Monitor Asus 144butthertz
1 ⋅⋅ 50 51 52 53 54 55
#6 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion

So far I've been getting some nice feed back.
I know esea wouldn't have any interest in this lan. I'm considering getting in contact with UGC or CEVO to see if they'd be interested in "sponsoring" the event (promotion-wise).
It would increase the turnout rate which would lead to a nice prize pool for the winning team.

Also, already Currently working on a new site.

One of the features that will be included is an online schedule for all to see and what teams will be playing. Registered players without teams will also be listed so that they may get a team together if they wish; HOWEVER, I will be working with someone else who will help me ensure that no team becomes to OP.

I would love it if we could get whole teams to show up at the event...

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Florida LAN Match VODs in Videos

Rogue and Sparkle casted those
I can grab profiles when i get home from work

Matches will be on youtube as soon as I can make an account for 'em

posted about 9 years ago
#1 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion

Alright guys.

So currently I'm in the beginning stages of planning the next FLan fest. The most important part is being the date.
Currently I have two spots in mind and I would like some input as to which may be better.

Weekend of March 14th
Weekend of May 9th

I picked out these dates because they fall on either Spring Break or after the school semester has ended for those players still in college.
Which would y'all feel is a better pick?


Entry Fee
The next FLan will be strictly for the players. The charity was nice and fun but keeping up so many lines of connection for that was mind numbing. I was thinking of doing this next event for just you guys. Bumping up the entry fee would allow for not only a nicer prize pool but would cover any additional costs for the venue folks for using up not just 12 PCs, but 18. Yes, we are going to eat the whole ass on this next FLan. Highlander is happening.
What would you guys find as a fair entry fee?

Additionally, having this as a non-charity event severs the need to have this Live Casted by us. We can still open the stv for outside players to live cast, and then those who enjoyed casting (Row, Lafaa) can hop in. But it's not essential.

Final note
I'm starting to plan out the new website. I'm hoping to get an online registration form where players can sign up and pay online. Maybe even list the registered players and teams so we can see who's going to attend. The thing is, all I know is strictly HTML and not sure where to start. If anyone that has any experience on that can give me a bit of guidance on where to start looking I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks guys, you rock.


posted about 9 years ago
#98 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

Y'all ready for FLan 2015???
The starting steps into making that happen are currently taking place but I need feedback from the folks who watched the stream and the folks who attended the event.

Things to correct for FLan 2015:
Networking issue & configs issue
Huds (especially stv hud) quality
Creation on Teams
Easier signup/registration

Monitors wont be able to be upgraded unless somehow we did a fundraiser for the venue, which is unlikely to happen.

posted about 9 years ago
#94 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

posted about 9 years ago
#92 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

Hey guys,

Just wanted to thank you all again for coming it. It was a real pleasure being able to host this event and bring local players together for a day of fragging. I hope you all had just as much fun as I did.

There were some hiccups, but all-in-all everything went pretty decent for a first time thing. Hopefully when we do it again next year everything will be super smooth. I'm going to keep the Donation Button up for another day or so for any late donors before sending it off to Childs Play.

CONGRATS to Team 3 for taking the win!
Alto, Dogfloaties, Sparkyman, Ictus, Rowrow, Nova
And another Congrats to icTus and morningfox for the unusual hat wins!

Again...Thanks guys, you were all great.


posted about 9 years ago
#87 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

It's been screwing me over
It took 90 minutes for me to get home from work

posted about 9 years ago
#85 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

One day til Lan

posted about 9 years ago
#84 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

Lan is almost here

posted about 9 years ago
#83 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

Nah. I think it would be too much of a hassle for the venue to setup the PCs with individual streams then change them out every single match. That might change depending on how many teams we can form up but it's unlikely.

posted about 9 years ago
#81 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

I have not, that would be cool. I got a couple casters who are going to be covering the event.

Also...For those who can't participate but would like to donate; I'm putting up the donation widget onto the website tonight.

posted about 9 years ago
#78 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

It's been a while, but despite the numerous delays and setbacks here's the update I promised.

The Lan is still happening. Yes, it's true. Still set for August 16th. However, there will be more changes.
After speaking to the owner we decided to just keep this Lan as a 6s event rather than HL.
The reason being is that if we wanted to continue the HL tourney we would:
1) Raise the entry fee price a little
2) Can't guarantee the owner that the event would end in a timely manner

Still the same Prize Pool, Still the same Raffle Prizes (including those 2 unusuals), still the same TF2 medal for competing.

I hope despite these changes everyone will still attend. Remember, once this event passes and my other sponsors see there is interest for
this kind of stuff in Florida then next years event will be easier, bigger, and better. Plus next year I can do a multiday event at another venue
and include Highlander.

Also of note, I met a bunch of TF2 players at the TampaBay ComicCon. Hopefully a few of them will be attending.

See you guys on August 16th


Ps: excuse the formatting, I'm posting this from my crappy phone

posted about 9 years ago
#84 TF2 countdown? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 9 years ago
#64 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

**UPDATE + Updated OP**

If you are on this list it is because you are either signed on to attend the event or are affiliated with it in some sort of manner. This list does not include tag-along-guests or local area players who aren't affiliated with any comp community.

Here's a list of hotels nearby the venue in case you are not feeling up to driving after a long day of TF2.

Also of note
This joke is being tossed around by some folks who are going, and honestly, I think it's a great idea.
Florida Lan
FL Lan

Call this event FLan

posted about 9 years ago
#63 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

Many thanks :D

posted about 10 years ago
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