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Signed Up September 24, 2013
Last Posted July 28, 2023 at 2:11 PM
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#14 is it only me? in TF2 General Discussion

is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?

posted about 4 years ago
#149 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
landunderwaveI really hope you're a troll, but for many people who've been in situations like this, it's very hard to talk about. I hope you'll have empathy.

Uberchain has literallly spoken up about his actions but decided, for some reason, to not name him. And it seems like everyone here hated dashnerr and knew about how evil he was, yet decided to keep quiet becasue he's hard to replace I suppose. There are people who haven't been victims of dashnerr but didn't speak up anyway, too. I know about the whole victim-blaming, I may have gone overboard with how I expressed myself, but it's actually angering me that people let this person stay in the community for so long.

posted about 4 years ago
#146 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

LMAO at all you people sitting on your high horses talking about how awful and evil Dashner is when all of you knew what was going on all along. Next time get together and speak up instead of hiding it, jesus, what is wrong with you people. This is exactly why people like these are allowed to thrive.

posted about 4 years ago
#23 overwatch 2 announced in Other Games

Literally MvM copy paste for 60$. How can they be so shameless?

posted about 4 years ago
#45 What would you choose? in Off Topic

Anime girl becomes real and a gun with 3 bullets.

posted about 4 years ago
#16 TF2 Center ban misunderstanding + how to contact? in Q/A Help

Deserved, cheater.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 butter question in Off Topic

I just put it out in the open man its all slimey and melted but it tastes fine

posted about 5 years ago
#63 what are you sad about lately in Off Topic

died on my hardcore minecraft world man i had all diamond everything enchanted big base but these stupid shaders were so dark i couldn't see anything in the nether and fell down into lava and died big RIP

posted about 5 years ago
#76 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events

Right, nothing bad will happen out of it. Except the EU telling Poland to shut down coal mines and therefore thousands of jobs because enviroment. Meanwhile Germany mines twice the amont of coal that Poland does, but quotas are quotas hehe. We must destroy weaker economies that can't afford to go green, right?!

posted about 5 years ago
#74 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events
fireindaarcadescrab CO2 levels and global temperatures were constantly changing well before modern man even existed. I love when I see this line trotted out because it immediately tells me the person is arguing in bad faith. There's two eplanations for using it. Either you're being deliberately misleading or you're an idiot who accepted that line from someone else who was being deliberately misleading.

What about this tho
Seems like it's more about the sun here my man, nearly everything here has something to do with solar levels

posted about 5 years ago
#67 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events
You've linked a study thats behind a paywall mr big brain.
Yeah that's something that happens in science all the time. You can read the abstract to get an idea what it's about (I included it because it makes it clear that we are actively fine-tuning the accuracy of our models, which only works if the concept behind it is essentially undisputed and well-tested).

If you're not satisfied with that one, maybe the 3 other examples and the 3 meta-analyses going over thousands of papers should be enough for you

You know jack shit about science if you link study that's behind a paywall as an argument. Reading an abstract does not equal reading the study. Also the 97% thing you cite also does not work as an argument at all, and it certainly doesn't make anything a "scientific fact." Furthermore, again, Intergovernmental panel on climate change says it's extremely likely, not 2+2=4 type of proven, yet you act like listening to and considering what the 3% are saying is something outrageously stupid.

posted about 5 years ago
#59 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events

You've linked a study thats behind a paywall mr big brain.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 is it bad to judge someone by appearance in Off Topic

depends man

socially ok:
- short people
- mildly unattractive people
- smelly people

gray area:
- fat
- very unattractive people
- lgbt (geographically dependent)

big nono:
- ethnicity
- severely unattractive people (scarred, burned, illnesses)
- job attire
- using "beneath me," just makes you look narcissist no matter the circumstances

posted about 5 years ago
#31 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events

Lmfao just how communist is this site? I knew it was left wing, but damn

posted about 5 years ago
#15 1 of the koch brothers died in World Events

Guys, has it ever occured to you how nearly every right wing party doesn't believe human caused climate change and the left wing parties believe it completely? Perhaps trusting so much in politicized science is not as wise. I mean, intergovernmental panel on climate change says its only "extremely likely," but we can't know for a fact that we are at fault! Haha just a thought guys, can't be wrong for asking some questions, right? haha

posted about 5 years ago
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