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SteamID64 76561198132034737
SteamID3 [U:1:171769009]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:85884504
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up January 17, 2017
Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 3:23 AM
Posts 133 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity lmao
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse SteelSeries Rival 300
Keyboard Razer Blackwidow
Mousepad Corsair somethingorother
Headphones ATH-m40x with a modmic
Monitor Benq 144hz
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#1 DubThink LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello! I'm looking for a serious team to improve with this next season, but also one that has an enjoyable environment. I'll also be getting a mentor, demo reviewing, etc. I'm usually pretty vocal on any role if that's something you're looking for. In order of interest, I'd like to play:

Medic - I've taken a couple seasons away from med to play roamer, but I'd love to return and continue to improve. I'd like to imagine I could manage div-1 with the right team, but in reality I'm probably mid-high div-2.

Roamer - I won season 2 IM and had a decent season 3 in Main, and I'd be happy to continue playing roamer. I'm probably mid-main at the moment, and would aim to be high/playoffs by the end of the season.

Demo - I played half a season in ozf while abroad, fell in love with it, and haven't had a chance to play it since. I'm probably low/mid main here, and should be able to comfortably main call with a little practice if that's what you want.

Scout/pocket - probably.

I'm available pretty much any day of the week, hit me up on steam or discord at DubThink#3877!

posted about 4 years ago
#207 RGB LAN 4 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion
zandayo does anyone know if we're getting in-game medals this lan?

We hadn't planned anything before lan, but I'm reaching out to Valve now about doing so. I think it's likely, but as with all things Valve, nothing is guaranteed. I'll announce here if we get confirmation.

posted about 4 years ago
#48 TFTV DM Servers - Status Updates and Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I'm interested in and considering taking over or creating replacement dm servers. At RGB, I talked to a few community members who expressed that they'd be willing to donate to support said servers. I made a poll to gauge how widespread this feeling is. I believe either way I'll be able to do one or two servers out of pocket, but receiving community support would allow more servers, more locations, and particularly ensure the longevity of my ability to host the servers.

Details of the numbers:

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As it stands currently, the 6 dm servers (3 in chicago, 3 in dallas) cost $40/month to host. From server statistics, it looks like the dallas #2 and #3 servers aren't used particularly frequently, and might not be needed (particularly #3). The chicago #3 server isn't tracked, but may be the same. With these changes, it may be possible to reduce the costs to $20-34/month, though I'm happy to keep all of them running with enough support. It also may be possible to replace one of the current ones with one in a new location if people wanted to, etc.

Please fill out this poll to express how much you would be willing to support the tftv dm servers. Thanks!

posted about 4 years ago
#198 RGB LAN 4 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion
beatricemustardoverlordThey really need to enable logs.tf on these serversive been saying that for the last three lans but i don't think we're able to actually, we can't update the whitelist either so no pocket pistol or cow mangler (thank god)

The servers at use at lan don't have sourcemod, which is necessary for logs/medstats/etc, so we used sizzlingstats for rgb3. There was discussion of adding sourcemod for rgb4, but it ultimately didn't happen before the lan. We'll almost certainly have it for future lans, hopefully along with soapdm, demos.tf, etc. The whitelist is up-to-date afaik - RGB uses the global whitelist, hence cm/pbpp being banned.

posted about 4 years ago
#78 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSi think halftime is crucial, have definitely won/lost games because of a momentum swing/adjustment made during half time.sometimes you just get fucking rolled 3-0 in 10 minutes and gotta wake up at half time and try to claw back into it, and removing that would be pretty lame. i think there needs to be a time limit to ready up at half though, have had like 20 minute half times which is a majorrrrrr cooler and really lame.

On the flip side of this, playing ozf I've had a couple matches where we've lost the first map, but are able to readjust and turn around to win the second (or vice-versa). It's not quite the same thing, as it ends up a 'tie', each having won one map, but you don't miss out on the half-time thing completely with 2 maps/match.

posted about 4 years ago
#39 Most embarrassing thing you've done in tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
Screwballrolled out to my own 2nd during a last push because they changed the spawns around on pro gran

I think everyone's done this at some point. In an esea match/scrim two or three of our players did it at the same time.

posted about 4 years ago
#213 Announcing RGL.gg Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion
what about just no tho

Either way, we're having 8 maps this season. This question is asking if you'd be open to having clearcut as the 8th, or if you'd rather have a different map which would almost definitely be a previously played 5cp (not kalinka)

posted about 4 years ago
#47 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion
rowrowI remember this happening at Insomnia 61 where the rounds ended, and there was like maybe 10-15 seconds before the teams respawned, then another 10-15 seconds before the round started. The timing maybe could be put here or there, or adjusted (maybe having forced 20-30 second pauses between rounds would break momentum), but these downtimes enable at least a quick summary to talk about things. I'd like to see this introduced in some fashion to regular matches

A while back I played on a server/config with this (I think it was a little shorter) and liked it a lot. I'm not sure if it's a config thing or a plugin thing though, which would be a deciding factor in any league's decision to do it.

I've played the last two seasons in ozf, which uses the ETF2L system of two maps, and like it a bit better than ESEA personally. I feel like there's a bit more pressure in the game, which is good. People talk a bunch about how half time can be used to restrategize and make a comeback in the second half, but this actually happens even more so with the ETF2L system IMO. Mentality plays a large part in comebacks, and being able to say "sure, they won the first half, but let's reset, adjust, and beat them on a fresh map" is a lot more doable.

I also think the 2-map system may lend itself to upsets more - Whether or not it's a good thing overall is up for discussion. I personally like it, as it keeps the better teams on their toes and gives lesser teams a better chance of picking up a win by playing at their best.

posted about 4 years ago
#412 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
this has to be some kind of ffw record
one team a few season's ago went 7-9 with their wins only being ffws so not a record

They started out the season with 6 of those wins in a row, so they played the top open teams for the rest of the season. They were #1 or #2 in open off of ffws at one point iirc. Here's the team history.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 lfp low IM scout + pocket + roamer RGB4 in Recruitment (looking for players)

chill good dm

posted about 5 years ago
#64 RGB LAN 4 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion
Console-does anyone have contact with vinesauce vinny
having him cast a game would be goddamn entertaining

Never mind vinesauce vinny where's vinny da boss? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqMvo0tVcMA&list=PL0BE4B33CB87D8F02

Hopefully cu@, depends on when I get back from nz.

posted about 5 years ago
#43 CP_CHAD [5cp] in Map Discussion

Sneak peak preview 2

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Also, the map is 'done', as in it's assembled and all the logic works, but most of us don't have computers chad enough to handle CP_CHAD in all of its glory. In other words, I need to optimize it, and the raw power of this map makes that hard as fuck. Hoping for pugs this Saturday or somewhere around then.

posted about 5 years ago
#31 CP_CHAD [5cp] in Map Discussion

Here's a sneak peak insider CHAD preview

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posted about 5 years ago
#5 LFT Mid Open Roamer/Pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

xiPoison is an outstanding dude - I've been playing with him for like a year and a half or more, he was in our gamer house at rgb3, great experiences throughout. He's always been friendly in mumble, tons of fun to hang out with in or out of game, and has amazing dm. Solidly mid-high open, has tons of potential for more once his gamesense catches up to his mge skills, which are nuts. He also can enter chad mode where he only hits directs.

Forreal tho, excellent man, pick him up.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 CP_CHAD [5cp] in Map Discussion

I have an extra bad idea
I'm working on creating CP_CHAD
by combining the best parts of the best maps
like straight up copypaste that shit
to create the superior tf2 experience™
what maps are best
Best last:
Best second:
Best mid:
You can vote for more than one if you like several about the same.


CP_CHAD_A15 is now available for public consumption here. It's also available on serveme servers.

Also hosted on the steam workshop.


  • A 4-in-1 map experience™
  • 2 Dropdowns on each side
  • Modern art
  • 30% less framerate!
  • Spire
  • Dropdown aka Sewer aka The MGE Pit
  • Released directly in ALPHA since CP_CHAD isn't some beta map.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/p7zIUbN provided by antlers

posted about 5 years ago
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