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Last Posted May 16, 2024 at 7:57 PM
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#19 RGL Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldwin without having to work as hard

If you're going to do a match-only team and are accepting class restrictions, that suggests it's a laidback team from the get-go. So, yes, the match-only teams don't want to work as hard as the team that scrims four days a week with a demo review on the weekends and each player having their own personal mentor. And I still don't see a compelling reason why the compromise of class restriction should be taken away because of your personal belief that people should be playing at their peak and strive to improve all the time.

posted about 2 years ago
#11 RGL Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

Some people still enjoy a league ladder, or having set match dates, or having a league do some of the work for you by essentially scheduling a scrim twice a week. Whatever the reason why people do match-only teams, what reason is there to remove the option of allowing people to play in lower division with friends because of your own expectation of why people should be playing in a league? Removing options seems like a step backwards.

posted about 2 years ago
#521 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Young_SanityHeres everything that happened because of ybg losing to Prime Era.
  • Lost 1st seed
  • Got a minor penalty

Shitposters who are confident they'll make grand finals wouldn't be phased by that.

posted about 2 years ago
#512 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

What if this was a big brain strat by ybg to purposely do something that would result in a FFW because they assumed Young Sanity would take the bait of bragging that he won against ybg but everyone else would go, "Yeah, but it's a FFW" and he goes, "Don't care, still beat them" thereby getting one final troll out to Young Sanity before his season ended since his team wouldn't be in play-offs so ybg wouldn't be able to fuck with him after that?

It's all coming together...

posted about 2 years ago
#5 b4nny coheed pt 2 (redux) in TF2 General Discussion

2014 was a different time

posted about 2 years ago
#43 fullerton lan photos in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#12 beef frag movie in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#273 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


But ybg DID play Advanced, their team was losing and then died after Week 3. Compared to Anglerfish who got 5th in Adv and even with class restrictions, are still going toe-to-toe vs. the Advanced Team with no restrictions and able to play their best mains. It's been a pretty consistent decision that if you're bottom in Advanced, you don't get class restricted in Main. If people in ybg got class restricted despite being low Adv, then every other low Adv player who joined Main this season would also have to be class restricted, otherwise they're getting singled out for nothing.

They're good players, but I feel like some people at the top of Main are getting overhyped as being the equivalent of sandbagging Invite players. The reality is their skill level is not that far off from other Adv players currently in the season, they just have better synergy because they've already played with each other for a bit. That synergy is the same reason why teams like Sweaty, a team full of people who have zero Adv div experience, have been able to beat new teams that had a mix of Adv + Main players.

If the div was full of mostly IM move-ups and Main players, it might seem unfair. But it's full of Main + Adv people with a few IM move-ups thrown in, so the line is so blurred that I don't know why some Adv players are being singled out while several others are ignored.

posted about 2 years ago
#269 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
aieraI am quite literally referring to winning the division I don't know how that could be considered anything but spotlight. I'm not gonna bite on your mischaracterization and suggest that there are no former adv players who are washed out of their minds, merely that if you have a team full of adv players and are sweeping the div you probably shouldn't be cheered on. Instead they should be judged especially in a season where adv is so thin due to a lack of teams.

Except you're specifically referring to players who were part of an Adv team that lost almost every match and then killed the team after like, six weeks. Suggesting that those people are stealing main and that it's unfair is putting so much fear in their "advanced experience" that it's crazy. By your own logic, there is maybe two teams in the top 10 total that are participating "fairly" because no one on their roster has ever been on an Advanced team. Almost every other team has at least two or so low Adv players, including Young Sanity's team.

posted about 2 years ago
#267 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
aieraI also would hate to see any team like that win, it's not exclusive to ybg.

How is it missing the point? There's a ton of people with Advanced experience right now in Main that are on teams going 5-5, or 4-6, or 3-7. But only the ones that are going positive at the top of Main are stealing the spotlight from the "up and comers"?

posted about 2 years ago
#7 beef frag movie in TF2 General Discussion

I convinced my friend to make this ages ago after he took a long break from TF2, came back to a single in-house pug, and recorded it.

posted about 2 years ago
#262 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
aierayeah man i really hope the team where almost every player has adv+ experience wins main instead of the up and comers, totally man, like sure youngman shouldn't be posting logs and talking shit but he is a kid, what do you do again?Young_SanityIm friends with everyone on ybg but, I still think its bullshit the admins even allowed this team to fucking exist. They have choked main a lot so its understandable why they would sandbag.

Aren't the only people with Adv experience on ybg people who got last place, or close to last place, in Adv? Tanline has players with equal amounts of Adv experience and they aren't rolling through teams. I think it's just a psych-out to try to explain why a team is unbeatable in a season. "I checked their RGL, they were in Advanced, that explains everything".

posted about 2 years ago
#163 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

^ what happened to the dog :(

posted about 2 years ago
#5 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic


posted about 2 years ago
#17 TFCL Is Back in TF2 General Discussion
hannah...would rather see RGL be improved to a point where we are happy with it than start a whole new thing

The only problem I have with there being one league is that it gives too much power to control its player base. A person getting banned for a minor non-cheating offense on RGL means they just can't play comp TF2 unless they want to resort to ringing or pugging. If your demo is banned for three months for whatever reason, you're not going to keep scrimming with him and then find a ringer for matches. You'll just find a new demo.

If the bans were limited to cheating, horrible behavior, or other things that the community can agree, "Yeah, we don't want this dude who keeps DDoSing teams to stick around in comp TF2, fuck him, gatekeep him the fuck out" it'd be one thing. But a lot of cool people get caught in the crosshairs with demo bans and casting bans, and we've had many threads about this before. And those aren't the things that you can fix by throwing money at them.

posted about 2 years ago
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