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Last Posted October 1, 2019 at 12:14 PM
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#32 i61 Feedback in LAN Discussion

I don't think anybody has mentioned these things yet so I will chip in with a view to continued improvement in the future

I think you could use the services of a design specialist to improve some of your layouts, specifically use of text and paying close attention to the various scenarios the stream's information graphics could deal with. I felt like the overlay only did a limited job of keeping people up to date, I dipped in and out a lot and frequently didn't get a clear impression of the stage of the competition or status of the production. This could extend to enhancing and producing materials outside the stream as well. No disrespect intended to anyone doing this already obviously

Probably related to the above, a production basic that seemed to be missing was name tagging people on stream, I didn't watch the whole thing but the only attribution I saw was in the in-game hud. For a live production that isn't really the appropriate place when people are frequently on camera

The hud technology looks interesting and clearly has promise, but as others have said a lot of what seems to be CS:GO inspired stuff isn't really appropriate to TF2, although the suggestion to highlight unusual unlocks only is a good one. One area to look for other inspiration might be plugins or hud developments from the past that have been dropped for one reason or another. For example the team health bars were quite popular, and drawing attention to a medigun change or a possible spy play (not just checking in spawn) would be informative for viewers. Also the short uber bar baffled me a bit.

The various hosts sometimes seemed to be left with little clue what was going on and left to fill indefinitely. Although it's amusing to hear them calling for production aid once or twice it gives a chaotic impression after a while that goes beyond charming amateurism. I think by the end of the event you could hear it in their voices they had been left to talk a bit too much.

Nuze's sections were excellent - for me they were without doubt the single biggest triumph of the production, you should probably open a sister channel just for him. Very good decision to keep War away from the cock drawing technology

posted about 6 years ago
#21 i61 Feedback in LAN Discussion
Deeper insight on the players. TFTV showed analytics of prem players as they waited for matches to start. Who has the better scouts? The better soldiers? What experience do these players have? Are we seeing a case of new talent rising up or of hardened veterans? Have these players won any Insomnias before?

Just so you're aware they have the option of using these if they like, they're not a tftv exclusive asset. My understanding is that they don't want to use assets other channels use.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 i43 Grand Final VOD Infused vs. Epsilon in Videos


e: Multiplay had all their old vods hosted on a video hosting site that shut down a while ago so all the prehistoric stuff was lost.

posted about 6 years ago
#33 Marc Laidlaw posted HL3:EP3 story on his blog in Off Topic
BBiA_duchessWhich is probably why they went from one the of the best devs ever to one of the worst

Have you read it? It's truly a unique situation. At any given time they might have had multiple separate loose groups of people working on something Half Life related. Could be 3, could be 30. Might have got pretty far, might have gone nowhere. You could even have had groups working against each other.

Ultimately the momentum behind the series leaked away and they went in other directions, ironically some of that probably went on TF2 when it was higher profile.

posted about 6 years ago
#30 Marc Laidlaw posted HL3:EP3 story on his blog in Off Topic
BBiA_duchessThey just don't want to for some reason.

Snivy linked this today and I found it a very interesting read about their internal structure which is very rarely talked about

The tldr is that it doesn't matter how much money they make, it will never be relevant. The only thing that matters is that whatever social magic is necessary to get a big project supported by a lot of people internally takes place. That usually involves a big influencer like Gaben or other senior people pushing in that direction.

Making single player games or turning TF2 into an esport don't seem to be on many people's agendas.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 Marc Laidlaw posted HL3:EP3 story on his blog in Off Topic

The fate of Half Life is something to consider when you're tempted to think that something might be too valuable for Valve to drop, or that they act like a normal company and follow rational business logic.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 TF2 Blog: "Insomnia61" in TF2 General Discussion
glasswho actually are the casters this weekend? is that anywhere yet? please say bren

Bren currently seems to be trying to get Sideshow killed at great expense in Colorado

posted about 6 years ago
#26 i61 teams preview! in LAN Discussion
FozzlmMoist_PenguinSo the writers are so busy that it took them a week to write the ozfortress news post.
Look I get the vibe of what's going on here, but don't chuck all the blame onto tftv, we (ozfortress) were lax on getting the info over to their writers just for some clarification.

Look at what giving your announcement article visibility for a day is doing as well. Fucking Aussies

posted about 6 years ago
#25 i61 teams preview! in LAN Discussion
Moist_PenguinIf this home of competitive tf2 cant produce a news post in 48 hours then you need more news writers. I work with etf2l, I know that volunteer run websites can be chaotic and slow to get things done. That 48 hours is based of essentials twitter account, Id assume as an established website and the close nit nature of the scene TFTV staff will have known the 7 teams in the invite group for a lot longer. See Toms comment.

The viewer's guide typically includes more than just the teams though, this is for i58

Again there were no hype articles speculating or confirming attendance that I have seen before that, it seems like the approach overall is consistent. The time between this information being available, a few days ago, and now may be long enough that you think it should have been written and published. Only you can make that judgement but the suggestions of conspiracy, malice and even a little abuse in this thread seem misplaced to me.

posted about 6 years ago
#23 i61 teams preview! in LAN Discussion
AdebisiThe question was implicit

To Tom's original question the answer is that there was an announcement here That obviously hasn't taken weeks to write because it was written weeks ago.

Afaik final information was only confirmed a couple of days ago (format, detailed schedule, etc), and that's because Multiplay only confirmed it very recently as well. Also afaik tftv has always waited for official confirmation to put articles together, and doesn't write them every time a team confirms attendance to a lan. I might be wrong, you can check back and look but I haven't seen any when I just did. It's mostly roster moves, event announcements, etc. There weren't any for i58 until the viewer's guide which tftv obviously covered.

The i58 viewer's guide included schedule and all that stuff, so presumably that's what's being produced now wouldn't you say? Given that articles announcing attendance aren't normally considered worth writing. If nothing appears at all then that's obviously a failure in coverage, but if you're disagreeing with the editorial approach that doesn't equal fucking lazy to me.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 i61 teams preview! in LAN Discussion
T0mEverything I said was directed at tftv?

That's not a question

posted about 6 years ago
#18 i61 teams preview! in LAN Discussion
WARHURYEAHThis, it's not going to kill anyone to have a very brief write up to say, this event is happening on this stream...

It's very disappointing that there's no initiative being used.

It's certainly inconsistent with the listing of an ESEA event, I wouldn't put it down to a deliberate conspiracy though. Presumably different people have different responsibilities.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 i61 teams preview! in LAN Discussion
T0mYour writers are lazy/cant be fucked.

Are you under the impression that I represent tftv in some way?

posted about 6 years ago
#13 i61 teams preview! in LAN Discussion clearly someone's taking the piss.

Why are you assuming malice?

posted about 6 years ago
#10 i61 teams preview! in LAN Discussion
Moist_PenguinTo be fair to essentials it isnt like tftv are covering the event and essentials are competing with them. TFTV staff seem to want to pretend it doesn't exist. They are being petty because they themselves are not producing it.

Most of the people doing the production have in the past and will in the future continue to contribute to tftv, you're manufacturing drama where none exists. This time last year many things were confirmed weeks in advance so they were written about weeks in advance. That is not the case this year. There's not much else to say.

posted about 6 years ago
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