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Signed Up March 1, 2014
Last Posted October 1, 2019 at 12:14 PM
Posts 1307 (0.3 per day)
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#105 StatusSpec in Projects
thesupremecommanderYou can, because player_death is emitted as an event to the STV client. That contains a lot of juicy info.

I'm just skeptical that extracting KAD is useful without also getting damage and heal stats, which is usually how people measure how well a player is doing in a match.

KAD is only the thin end of the wedge, you have kills per minute, net kills per minute (kills - deaths/time), caps per kill to measure team efficiency in converting number advantages, who killed who, medic picks.... I'd be tempted to say demo picks but they're not quite what they were at the moment, dominations, etc. You can do a lot with kills.

posted about 9 years ago
#103 StatusSpec in Projects

If picking up stuff coming through the messaging system isn't a problem then parsing kill data is possible or even better if you can get access to the death notice objects (more signature scanning required I think) then you should be able to get assists and some weapon usage.

posted about 9 years ago
#99 StatusSpec in Projects
thesupremecommanderThat was actually the subject of my investigation. I attempted to extract info from the player entity (which is how SizzlingStats collects stats) and from the player resource entity (which is how MvM displays stats, I think), but neither are revealing any information. There is one event that would suffice in the absence of those two, player_hurt, but that event isn't ever fired in a demo. I believe that the issue is that STV receives a very limited amount of information, and stats (or pause notification, for that matter) doesn't appear to be included.

This lack of information is what I've found.

As far as I'm aware the STV demo file consists of information that would be transmitted over the network to the viewing client which doesn't seem to include player events. Player data that exists seems to be to do with what's necessary to show the scoreboard, and what you could see by spectating a specific player, so loadout, health, medigun ubercharge, etc.

By this rationale damage would only be included if it's visible in the spectator hud and watching an STV from today using the default hud I don't see anything.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Sometimes I write stats articles in TF2 General Discussion

Added a bit of light analysis on the statistical effects of the sticky update. Now with added literature!

posted about 9 years ago
#107 The Doritos master is back! in TF2 General Discussion
WARHURYEAHFun fact: My partner used to be really good friends with him, he then got quite depressed when I asked her to marry me and then cut all ties with her!

Love does crazy things guys.

It was like watching his heart fly through a windshield in slow motion.

posted about 9 years ago
#149 Spec Tools in Projects
dashnerJon, it appears team health bars are no longer functioning correctly with the latest update (at least for me and extine at 1080p?)

The bars are just hovering around 100% and not really moving to account for their actual health.

I noticed this on what I saw of the cast yesterday. The function returning a player's max health I was using now just returns their current health after the update. I've replaced this with a manual calculation based on player class rather than dig through the SDK looking for an alternative. I've done a quick test and it seems to work correctly again, and uploaded the new plugin version and updated the link in the OP, or you can download it here:

posted about 9 years ago
#148 Spec Tools in Projects
DuckyJust tested it, working like a charm!

Thanks for the confirmation Ducky

posted about 9 years ago
#146 Spec Tools in Projects

Thanks for the bug reports guys, this new release should restore proper working order for alternate resolutions

Also updated in the OP

posted about 9 years ago
#142 Spec Tools in Projects

The dead player overlay stuff hanging around should now be fixed and the plugin back in normal working order. Download in the first post is updated, or you can download from here:

posted about 9 years ago
#141 Spec Tools in Projects

There is a new problem where dead player's health bars and details hang around on screen after they should disappear. This isn't as easy to fix as the crashing problem so the plugin may become temporarily unusable on stream.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Live stats for casters and streamers in TF2 General Discussion
d4m0The "Don't Ask Me About It" License. Classic.

Now this is a license I can work with

posted about 9 years ago
#140 Spec Tools in Projects

The TF2 update broke the plugin for me and probably everyone else, right in the middle of a particularly tricky bit of refactoring as well, but I think I've patched it up so it still works with no weird stuff happening. The download link has been updated in the original post and here

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Sometimes I write stats articles in TF2 General Discussion

Added ETF2L Highlander Season 6 Review

posted about 9 years ago
#24 StatusSpec in Projects
thesupremecommanderThat's odd... according to released Source SDK 2013 code, C_BasePlayer SHOULD grab the name from the GetPlayerName function in C_PlayerResource, which is what I'm overriding in my code.

Maybe you can try getting a direct hold of GameResources and using the GetPlayerName function there. If it still doesn't work, there's something weird interfering in the process.

I'll check it out and see what I can get working.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 tek roaming for epsilon? in TF2 General Discussion

Tek is also a beast on Demo should they choose to explore that route. Epsilon now have statistically the best 3 soldiers from the last ETF2L season on their team. And also Mike was a beast on Demo for Ayo as well, albeit against weaker teams.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87