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Signed Up May 6, 2013
Last Posted January 30, 2019 at 12:15 PM
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#20 Help with life please in Off Topic

Make video games a reward. If you don't earn playing by getting your shit done, then you don't play. If you do earn it, then you play, and have all that much more fun.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 cp_intermodal (5CP) in Map Discussion

Played it with you last night (tagged as Plinkooo) and gave some of my thoughts in mumble. Posting them here so you don't forget:

-As a demo on mid I still feel really exposed. I can do the fast rollout and show up with low health, but getting the medpack is a death sentence. If I do a slower rollout, I'm just baiting my team.

-It's too easy to push into second. Doing a forward hold was the only way we could make any defense work. The entrances were spammable / stickable and we could see everything. This isn't the case if you're defending on point. You have a height disadvantage to every entrance, it's too easy to send flank classes around and have them come in behind you (without being seen), and there's no good spot for the medic to stand where he can't be simultaneously spammed from at least two entrances. Maybe make the point area a bit bigger. The point area seems too small / spammable to me, favoring explosive classes too much and making it hard not to be forced.

-Height distances are sometimes too drastic. For instance, pushing from second to last. Main is far below the point and also the furthest away, making it practically useless. Left side is closer, I wouldn't change it. Right side's entrance was too small and far away. The defending team can just put a gun behind the wall and it's near impossible to take down.

-Make a second viable demo rollout. Any other rollout causes almost as much damage but is significantly slower. Either make it so you show up to mid with more health, or at less of a time disadvantage.

Overall, very fun! I'd prioritize fixing rollouts.

posted about 10 years ago
#27 ESEA-Main: AG Rinkuing with Rinku vs. Green means GO in Events
njayes match

yes cast?

posted about 10 years ago
#77 TFTV Merchandise in TF2 General Discussion
you better be joking
smobodoes it come with a complimentary puberty stache?


posted about 11 years ago
#73 TFTV Merchandise in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#21 Thoughts on expanding TFTV NA casts into s15--> in TF2 General Discussion
PYYYOURTFTV CHILL CAST: much more relaxed viewing experience maybe with music in the background. For people to be able to understand some basic concepts and feel much more intertactive with casteres.
TFTV INVITE CAST: 2 high level (Main+) cast and bring a much more indepth stuff -- essentially for people trying to go from OPEN to Indust.

I'd vote to combine these two (occasionally).

Viewers get the benefit of getting first hand tf2 knowledge and a more personal way to interact with their favorite players.

The players, who are busy enough as it is, will have more fun if they're allowed to be relaxed and casual, and would be more likely to offer their time to do it.

Seanbud cast one of the first matches of S14. It was informative and entertaining in ways that regular casts aren't, and it seemed like the casters were having a fun time as well.

posted about 11 years ago
#82 Back to school in Off Topic

WPI on the 24th

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Untie From Steam Account / Change Display Name in Site Discussion
ScorpiouprisingHKDidn't mean to come off as impatient. I took that as a sign that the powers-that-be were likely too busy to be bothered with small stuff like that.
So, they are too busy to just change your name, but they would be readily prepared to unlink your steamid and alias, and completely alter how the forums work?

If you want to know why we are tied to steam accounts,

Oh my.

Alright, point taken.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Untie From Steam Account / Change Display Name in Site Discussion

Didn't mean to come off as impatient. I took that as a sign that the powers-that-be were likely too busy to be bothered with small stuff like that.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Yet Another Name Change Request in Requests

I'd be very thankful if my name could be changed to "plinko"

Signed up here awhile ago with an old tag, went inactive, came back and now I use a different name.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Untie From Steam Account / Change Display Name in Site Discussion

Really? I scrolled through the requests area and noticed at least a weeks worth of unanswered "change my name please." Ah well, guess I'll add to the noise.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Untie From Steam Account / Change Display Name in Site Discussion
dMenaceI'm going to go off on a whim here and say you weren't around when gotfrag was our home.

No. Storytime?

Edit: Googled it, got re-directed to MLG. Is that all I need to know?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Untie From Steam Account / Change Display Name in Site Discussion

Yeah, it's kind of annoying that we can't change our name. I'm going to assume there's a good reason behind this though, so whatever. Also, people have already asked for this.

What really strikes me as odd is that I can't disassociate this account from my steam account. What I want to do is unlink this tftv account from my steam account, make a new tftv account with my actual tag, and then tie that account to my steam account. I'm pretty much shackled, though.

Edit: Ignore. I have been shown the light.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 LF moar music (another music thread) in Off Topic

Passion Pit (A bit mainstream, you may have already listened to them)
Catchy, pop, amazing vocals: (Take A Walk, you've almost certainly heard) (Sleepyhead, same deal here) (Carried Away, my favorite)

Closure In Moscow
I believe the genre is "progressive rock" but I can't keep up with the kids these days. Basically it varies between aggressive guitar (kinda like screamo, but without the annoying screaming) to catchy, almost pop. Again, rather high-pitched for male vocals.

If you're going to listen to just one CIM song, make it the last one. It really shows off their broad musical talents / tastes.

Seems like what a lot of you're interested in is older stuff, with the exception of electronic. Hopefully these work, despite being new artists.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Looking for Team Mentor in Mentoring

And Lactose is the best disaccharide.

posted about 11 years ago
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