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SteamID64 76561198035683516
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:37708894
Country United States
Signed Up November 24, 2012
Last Posted November 9, 2020 at 10:34 PM
Posts 349 (0.1 per day)
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990 cpi
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Headphones Superlux HD 681
Monitor Asus
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#59 quake live? in Off Topic


I play every now and then, I'm up for pugs and joining the clan

posted about 11 years ago
#13 ESEA Registration Closes Monday Night in TF2 General Discussion

rip please pick up milk's chance in open

posted about 11 years ago
#10 would it help? in TF2 General Discussion

HRG vs. The AGay 5

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Your Biggest Regrets in Off Topic

Putting so much time into this game and still being bad at it.
Putting less time into other games and managing to do well in them.
Being too embarrassed to join an IRC channel full of friends anymore due to being the worst "artist" out of all of them, and being jealous of their art.
Not practicing said art.
Not learning all the things I want to learn.
The fact that the only class I can play at a competitive skill level is my main, and everything else is shit.
People that started playing competitive later than I did are eons ahead of me in terms of skill, connections, and futures, and it will remain that way forever.
Looking back on my life and realizing the only social skills I have are making an ass of myself in an attempt to make people laugh.

posted about 11 years ago

Shiki confirmed for kawaii as fuck <3

posted about 11 years ago
#208 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

I wanted a name that was cool.
(please don't hurt me that's probably my best joke)

Apparently though, its a pokemon move

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Why do I get hit on by gay guys but not girls? in Off Topic

Because its hit or miss whether or not the guy you like is gay

posted about 11 years ago

swing and a miss

posted about 11 years ago
#154 Stupid shit you've done in Off Topic

I don't know how it is for other schools, but in 6th grade, we got what was basically part 1 of sex ed. Imagine a dark room with a projector, a bunch of sweaty, nervous, and most likely embarrassed 12 year old's, and an old lady, somewhere around the ages of 50 to 60. The old lady was our teacher, and she had gotten to something about breast feeding. Me being the guy who tries to make a joke to feel less nervous, I raise my hand and ask her what boobs look like, and if she could show us. She flat out ignored me, and I shrunk down in my seat, all my friends looking at me like "you fucking dumbass."

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Steam pug group for ESEA-Open players? in TF2 General Discussion
ToastyTHTIcyWindI like this idea, send me an inviteOh shit, i'm just gonna say the name "3color" and say i wish you the best in your tf2 career.

Are you and the others still together?

posted about 11 years ago
#253 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
CranCARRYIcyWindCranCARRYI don't understand why any of you would even think TF2 would die if ESEA goes under, which it should...you honestly think there isn't somebody in the community right at this second trying to get a new league started?
There really isn't. TF2 won't die if ESEA drops, it just won't grow, and will eventually die a slow and painful death.

so you're saying it wont grow because....?

the community would move as a whole, now as a former CS player I know most of that community wouldn't even bother...if ESEA dies, they'll just stop playing. Whereas; our community wouldn't want to just let it go, somebody would make a league for TF2 and then integrate CS, SC, LoL, etc...just as ESEA had to. I remember when I joined ESEA it was just DOD and 1.6 lol.

Just because ESEA dies, does NOT mean the community will stop growing or "die a slow and painful death" that's just absurd for you to even think like that. The only reason it would die is if the community as a whole gave up.

Where does ESEA get the prize pools? Players league and premium fees, which would also follow to a new league. Not to mention, there's tons of people in the TF2 community that dish out mad amount of money into keys and shit like that, that would be a way to get started with a smaller prize pool of actual money...they could throw in keys, hats, etc. to make up for it until the prize pools become up to standard.

We can all agree, ESEA was so wrong in what they did and they can make any excuse they would like...I personally like the "April Fools Joke" excuse. Good card to pull lpkane I liked that! With that being said, there's 2 things that can happen. lpkane can step down or ESEA is probably going to die "a slow and painful death" which would then result in somebody like idk...maybe ENIGMA or somebody getting this going.

just my 2 cents <3

It wouldn't grow because all we'd have left in terms of leagues are UGC and CEVO, possibly IGL.

posted about 11 years ago
#250 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
CranCARRYI don't understand why any of you would even think TF2 would die if ESEA goes under, which it should...you honestly think there isn't somebody in the community right at this second trying to get a new league started?

There really isn't. TF2 won't die if ESEA drops, it just won't grow, and will eventually die a slow and painful death.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Steam pug group for ESEA-Open players? in TF2 General Discussion

I like this idea, send me an invite

posted about 11 years ago
#3 saber lft open in Recruitment (looking for team)

kawaii as fuck/10
good at soldier
likes anime

posted about 11 years ago
#52 TF2 scout LFT in TF2 General Discussion
anjirocoolAm I the only TF2 player under 15 who doesn't act fucking autistic all the time?

no, me too. i m 11 but im mature for my age

edit: guys, it was a joke, I'm not 11

posted about 11 years ago
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