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Signed Up March 2, 2013
Last Posted September 11, 2021 at 8:54 PM
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#37 What are you Thankful for? in Off Topic

"masterchief is my hero" this is fake as shit

posted about 9 years ago
#26 I need a team in Recruitment (looking for team)

man if people only helped people with their looking threads instead of shit posting with their circle jerks trying to farm +frags

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Live from the streets in Off Topic

fuck cops

posted about 9 years ago

stop that

posted about 9 years ago
defycalling someone who is trans a gender they dont identify with is pretty shitty. like you coulda lived your whole life without that comment defy
so stating a fact of something that actually happened is shitty? sure

you're so fixated on my comment but you completely ignore lucrative saying "every chick in tf2 is/was a dude"

why dont you go off about that? please get off your high horse already and move on

im not trying to police people on a forum but like... do you not see the irrelevancy in stating something thats so obvious? like youre not doing some public service by outing a trans person and making sure everyone keeps away

posted about 9 years ago
defyyeah but you dont have to say it. like at all. someones gender/what their gender used to be literally means nothing dont be that guy
there is absolutely nothing negative in my previous comments, you're seriously taking this the wrong way

calling someone who is trans a gender they dont identify with is pretty shitty. like you coulda lived your whole life without that comment defy

posted about 9 years ago
defygoatdefygoatcute girl!!!
that was/is a dude
i dont see the problem??????

where did i say it was a problem? i'm just stating a fact if you're into that sort of thing hey i'm not judging you here

yeah but you dont have to say it. like at all. someones gender/what their gender used to be literally means nothing dont be that guy

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Looking to play Hearthstone in Other Games

i didn't feel like necroing the handful of other hearthstone threads so here this shit is. laddering is hell so if anyone wants to play any bo3/5 tournament style games post your battlenet ID in here. mine is Justinisokay#1903

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Where could/should I start? in TF2 General Discussion
assassinR78Ok, so the newbie mixes are a good place to start for being new to competitive, got it. Do I need Mumble to join these? Even if I don't need it, is it just easier to have it?

mumble is the predominantly used voice chat program people use in tf2, so yes you absolutely need it. from lobbies to pugs to the newbie mixes, everyone will be in the respective mumbles talking and communicating in-game

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Where could/should I start? in TF2 General Discussion

well, like shizno said yeah newbie mixes aren't for people new to the game tf2, more for the concept of competitive tf2. i've attended some and they're pretty informational for someone who's brand new to the scene, i highly recommend them.

by "optimizations" i assume you mean customizing tf2 for a competitive play style. by this, i'd suggest grabbing yourself a custom hud (massive list here ), and getting yourself a max/high frames config (like the one here )

for me when i got into tf2, the hardest thing was finding people who i enjoyed playing with. honestly, the only advice i can give for this is just get out there. play pugs, lobbies, just be in a general environment where you can find players around your skill level interested in the competitive side of tf2. for this though, i'd highly suggest UGC if youre interested in getting into a competitive format. its free, relatively easy to get on a team, and far less stress than jumping straight into ESEA open (UGC website here ). the dream is to get on a team, get acquainted with everyone and branch out. add people from scrims and matches, and just get your name out there

dm/aim/game sense come with time, so dont worry about that. worry about being a cool person, committed to playing competitive tf2, and always trying to further yourself skill-wise. hope this helps friend

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Looking for a new desk in Hardware

you should try trolling around craigslist tbh. i was tight on money when i need to get a new one so i just browsed craigslist looking for cheap, solid ones to buy. usually you'll find a ton of people selling massive office desks which are perfect for gaming (lots of desk space, decent height, very solid).


from the setup thread. i found this desk for 40 bucks

posted about 9 years ago
#18 HotLikeSauce-LFT Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

killed our team a few seasons ago when he got picked up on an invite team, team killer

sike though playing with him was awesome. has ridiculously strong dm and always hilarious in mumble

posted about 9 years ago
#24 KaiThePhaux LFT Open Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)


dflame you feeling alright? you good? im worried

posted about 9 years ago
#17 KaiThePhaux LFT Open Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

the only thing i know of her is a year ago i was playing a dustbowl pub and she joined the server talking mad shit to everyone in the server about how she plays in gold. i called her out on it and she said something along the lines of, "youre pretty good though! you should try and play in iron :)"

posted about 9 years ago
#52 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)

axio you do realize whenever max streams we can all see you blatantly hacking right? what are you even talking about

posted about 9 years ago
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