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Signed Up April 16, 2014
Last Posted September 23, 2018 at 11:54 AM
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#54 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV
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All these people suddenly hating Stannis for this are blind. His men were starving and they wouldn't have stood a chance if it wasn't for the sacrifice from where I see it. It sucks that an innocent girl had to be burned alive like that but it's not like Stannis wanted to do it. He didn't exactly have many options and that sacrifice might end up saving A LOT of other innocent people.
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Honestly I might maybe agree with you, but it was a ridiculously contrived setup. He let a band of 20 men completely wipe out all his supplies and cripple him to the point that he can't even make a retreat, and do it unnoticed no less? What would have happened if the Boltons had decided to make a surprise attack? They would have been wiped out. That was a massive failure of military readiness. And furthermore, Jon HAD to go get the wildlings ASAP, or they would have been wiped out. Stannis didn't have to continue and fight the Boltons at that moment, he could have left and came back. Davos was advising him that this was a terrible idea the entire time. I don't think its an apt comparison to Jon's situation at all.
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Honestly IDK why someone would click on a thread called GOT S5 and not expect spoilers but whatever. An entirely spoilered thread looks dumb. Just put "spoilers" in the title

posted about 8 years ago
#47 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV

stannis the mannis more like stannis the anus

posted about 8 years ago
#14 High skill level pub server balance in TF2 General Discussion

may be crazy, but how about keep track of whoever plays medic the most on the server, and give them reserved slots?

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Best mics? in Hardware

Can vouch for the modmic here. It's all about the positioning, a blue yeti or snowball will technically have better sound quality but pickup your keyboard and all background noise as those are usually not ideally placed.

I also run it fine on onboard sound, on realtek no less so I wouldn't worry about buying a soundcard until you try it with onboard first

posted about 8 years ago
#211 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion
miwohonestly you have to be fucking retarded to hate/boycott esea now.

what the fuck are you doing in your bios and kernel and shit that somehow is just now an awful privacy violation? are you worried that kane is gonna steal your naked anime pics and bank passwords that are stored on your motherboard bios?

HOW many programs on your computer do you have installed that you havent compiled from source yourself and checked against the public MD5???? cause they all could, potentially, POTENTIALLY, go full blown stuxnet matrix on your ass and fuckin mix up all your files, 0 out your hard drive, and send your school homework over the net to a server in a abandoned stalin-era steel factory in the caucasus.

and if your job requires you to have confidential files, national security secrets, or HIPAA protected documents on your HOME COMPUTER, that you play tf2 and watch porn on, you work for someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're doing with regards to data security and your organization will probably go under by now because they can't afford to give their employees a company lenovo thinkpad.

PLEASE, by ALL MEANS, continue getting upset at every fresh lpkane post. i'm sure he is enjoying trolling the ever loving fuck out of the entirety of esea open and like half of IM.

everyone, EVERY SINGLE PERSON, who is "concerned about software privacy" had better be running tf2 on Arch linux with a framed, RMS signed poster print of a wildebeest on the wall in front of your PC.

Or else, you are fuckin dumb.

Hey this is some grade-A bullshit

Security is a sliding scale, a tradeoff between being secure and being practical/usable. For example, it's not practical or possible to compile every program yourself and check against a public md5, but you can be reasonably sure about the programs you run by only downloading from trusted, reputable sources, and by limiting the program to the minimum level of privilege it needs. You don't have to run arch and have a neckbeard to be secure. Downloading and running steam from the official steam website is reasonably secure. Downloading and running naked_girl_pic.exe from an obscure porn website is not.

Likewise, taking a program from a company known to have a history of poor security practices (passwords in plaintext), poor accountability (from earlier), and has actually installed malicious software in the past (BITCOINS AYY), and then giving this program kernel mode access to your computer 24/7 (Literally the highest privilege level possible) would generally be considered to be "fuckin dumb."

I understand that the TF2 community has pretty much no choice but to deal with it, but belittling people for being concerned about the security implications is quite fucked up. Anybody with no investment in tf2 would pretty much agree that trusting this client would be a terrible idea.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Weapon Balance Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
TwiggyDisciplinary Action : A cool item overall that poses problem only in sixes. I think it should be doable to 'slightly' modify it so using it forces boosted players to be a bit more careful.
  • speed boosted players take mini crits for the duration of the boost
  • no longer boosts multiple teammates

too much griefing potential

posted about 9 years ago
#98 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion
Frost_BiteThe above pyro suggestion isn't a ping thing. It's an issue with how airblast targetting works.

Right now, when you airblast, say, a rocket, it finds whatever your crosshair is pointed at (potentially the inside of a teammate's model if you're inside one another) and aims the rocket at that point in space. Thus, if you are inside a dispenser or a teammate or something, you can redirect a rocket to yourself. This is also why you can airblast a RJ-ing soldier and he'll get hit no matter which direction he fires.

It should just note where in the airblast it was hit, and then travel from that point in the same direction you're looking.

Given that the client sends that exact information to the server with every packet, this should not be difficult to implement.

I have wonky reflects literally all the time with no one clipping through me

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Tip of the Hats needs a Web Developer in TF2 General Discussion
Jack_FrostI have experience with Web Development. I have a Web portfolio on That is a small example of what I can do. Threw that together in a few hours.

I'm all for wordpress templates but you should really get rid of / replace the placeholder text left over in the web design section

posted about 9 years ago
#34 GXL feedback in LAN Discussion

dem chairs
dem splintery tables

The most important thing i think is there needs to be a central place to get information and to talk with other players, and everyone needs to automatically know about it.

Maybe you could have a private official steam group, that you are invited to when you register for the LAN.

posted about 9 years ago
#999 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
MoyDoes anybody want to let a 16 year old kid stay with them at the hotel last minute? The place I was going to stay no longer has space (last fucking minute).
I'll be getting there Friday afternoon and would be happy to pay someone for it.

Added you on steam, waiting for a response

posted about 9 years ago
#918 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
elinonisProject M?

Im up for PM, and Ive got someone else who would probably be up for it too.

YOOO lets set up a group or something for people who want to play some PM,

we could get some doubles goin

posted about 9 years ago
#822 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News
KBlairm4risaWhat is the easiest way to block USB ports from accepting / reading flash drives?Control Panel -> Hardware & Sound -> AutoPlay, uncheck "Use AutoPlay for media and devices"

This will only prevent the flash drive from opening automatically.
To disable flash drives completely, you are going to want to disable the whole usb port, which can be done with device manager.

posted about 9 years ago
#764 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

Add me to the list as

ChinGooLooking for a pocket to finish our roster

How good a pocket are you looking for? Im like silver

posted about 9 years ago
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