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Signed Up April 17, 2016
Last Posted December 10, 2020 at 1:39 AM
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#6 Momentum Mod in Other Games

The Momentum team are also still looking for volunteers who can contribute to the project. If you have any skills related to game development, I know they'd be very grateful for all the help they can get.
It's not just coding stuff they need either, things like: sound design, music production, modelling/texturing, level creation etc. are all needed.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 why does water affect explosion jumping? in Off Topic
maxxyMacIf I remember right, soldier uses a multiplier of 0.6 for calculating self damage/knockback while in the air to make rocket jumping less powerful, but the multiplier is reset to 1.0 while in water since you aren't technically in the air if your feet are submerged.
I imagine this is what you're talking about:

Yeah that's what I was thinking of, but there's too much information for my tiny brain so I might be interpreting it wrong.

posted about 4 years ago
#6 why does water affect explosion jumping? in Off Topic

If I remember right, soldier uses a multiplier of 0.6 for calculating self damage/knockback while in the air to make rocket jumping less powerful, but the multiplier is reset to 1.0 while in water since you aren't technically in the air if your feet are submerged.

posted about 4 years ago
#94 Team Comtress 2 in Projects
YeeHawMacAnother trick jumpers use is hud_reloadscheme to fix latency that shows up after 30+ minutes of playing. If you could figure out what causes that lag and why hud_reloadscheme fixes it, that would be that when you play 30 minutes on the same map or just having the game launched? do you only have to do it once or every 30 minutes?

I believe it resets on map change. It progressively gets worse as time goes on, but for me it starts to become noticeable at around 30 minutes. If pregame lasts 20-30 mins I think it's worth doing before readying up, but it's usually not that big of an issue in competitive.

You will need to do it every 30 mins or so if the map doesn't change regularly though, like on jump servers. Which is why it's useful for those 3+ hour T6 pleb times.

posted about 4 years ago
#90 Team Comtress 2 in Projects

Another trick jumpers use is hud_reloadscheme to fix latency that shows up after 30+ minutes of playing. If you could figure out what causes that lag and why hud_reloadscheme fixes it, that would be great.

posted about 4 years ago
#244 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Forward spawn on mid definitely needs to be changed, you can see everything. It was much better on the ground.

The other changes seem cool though.

posted about 5 years ago
#40 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
PetroklosTo begin with some technicalities, their AoE damage wasn't increased, their DoT DPS was increased but their DoT total Damage remains the same. 20 ticks of 3dmg changed to 15 ticks of 4dmg, 60dmg both in 10 and 7.5 seconds respectively.

More DPS is worse than longer afterburn. Hitting a flare every 7 seconds for maximum dps isn't the most difficult task in the world.

I'd also like to point out here that for the detonator it's 20 initial damage from the flare plus another 60 damage of afterburn, making it 80 damage from any range without really aiming at all, and with the possibility of hitting multiple people at once. This goes up to 30 initial damage and 75 afterburn on minicrit making a total of 105 damage.

To put out those kinds of numbers on demoman you need to get within spam range, putting yourself at risk of being punished, and even then stickies are harder to hit than the brainless detonator spam.

I remember seeing viaduct pyro logs with 400dpm just from spamming detonator, and that is the kind of hell I don't want to return to.

PetroklosAbility to remove Stickies is a decent point, though by placing traps on walls or above doorways the Scorch Shot can't hit them, and the Detonator needs to self detonate with a correct timing to actually hit and break the Stickies. I won't go on about if it's strong or not because I'm definitely not in the skill level needed to judge this for top level competition.

Detonator does this extremely easily, and honestly the ability to remove stickies on any weapons besides hitscan is just awful.

posted about 5 years ago
#34 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Were the ban/unban votes somehow weighted by the previous questions, such as division played and what a person wants out of a whitelist? I seem to remember the survey was not purely ban or unban questions, so how do the other sections factor in?

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Play a .dem file on a server? in TF2 General Discussion

If team demo reviews is what you need it for, Discord's video call feature is pretty good. The quality isn't perfect but it's good enough to see what is happening, and there's practically no delay from the guy streaming the in game POV.

posted about 6 years ago
#24 Bully Hunters in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#451 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
sageI havent played the old cave flank in a while but if i remember correctly the size of it made it hard to use
the new smaller cave is probably better

The smaller cave is too close to the main choke in my opinion. Having the entrance deeper into 2nd makes the defending team have to split their attention and force rotates, making pushing much smoother and more dynamic.

posted about 6 years ago
#447 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

I liked the smoothed out mid to 2nd choke in the latest version. Bombing into mid or 2nd is infinitely cleaner. If you could change that but keep the cave connector in the same place that would be great.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Bounding Boxes and Map Geometry Breakdown in Videos

If I remember correctly the reason spire is so weird is that it's made using blockbullets (basically playerclip but for weapons too), which as far as I'm aware you can't show in game with any commands.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 JumpBug in TF2 General Discussion

Okay so I've been playing around with this plugin, and have found some heights to practice this from. Jumping from the higher side of catwalk on granary (pro8 if that makes a difference) to the health pack floor, or jumping from the top of snakewater mid (the flat roof, not the logs) to the wood surrounding the point are both consistent.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 JumpBug in TF2 General Discussion
Starkieif you fall from certain heights you'll be able to consistently jumpbug so there could be some useful ones out there

Are they different heights to crouched bounces?

posted about 6 years ago
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