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Signed Up January 28, 2014
Last Posted May 28, 2017 at 4:48 PM
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#3 Koth_King Airpogo in Videos
shiznothat was tubular!

Thanks :)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Koth_King Airpogo in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#4 SVP - SmoothVideoProject in Off Topic

holy shit

posted about 10 years ago
#11 End of school in Off Topic

Somewhere in july ;-;

posted about 10 years ago
#159 What lack of sex does to you in Off Topic
Saber? why would i argue about it it's not like my opinion matters or will change anybody else's

Yeah lets be mindless drones XD the government is smart they will decide for us <3 they know what is best for us.

posted about 10 years ago
#157 What lack of sex does to you in Off Topic
Saberamerica where complex issues about gun violence, mental health, and gun control can be solved by witty one-liners on internet forums about video games XD

Mainly because actual arguments don't work on you peeps

posted about 10 years ago
#155 What lack of sex does to you in Off Topic

The USA, the only place where killing yourself means taking atleast 5 people with you because a gun is laying there in your daddies night stand anyway.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Cant Jump and crouch in Q/A Help

i can't either someone please find me a.tutoriel

posted about 10 years ago
#131 What lack of sex does to you in Off Topic
MemphisVonExquisiteStoneAll I see in this thread is Americans defending their gun law rights, and giving the statement "they can get their hands on guns anyway" So basically you're saying, If they want to do it, why don't we just make it a hell lot easier for them.

All these killing spree's are by white outcasts who are in highschool/college, Here where I live it's kinda really hard to your hands on those type of weaponry if you aren't involved in any sort of criminal group, or know those type of sketchy people.

I am not saying the reason there are more killing spree's in america like this than anywhere else in the world because america allows guns, but I really don't get if we as humans want to move forward into a "peaceful" world, why you'd need those guns, it just seems rather uncivilised.

If someone wants to kill people and they are motivated enough, it doesn't matter if we ban guns or not. That's not the only point defending gun ownership its just the most glaring fact because its a counter point. Everyone attacking gun ownership thinks 'less guns = less crime'. You have to think about all of the other reactions that banning them would do. Every other country that has banned guns has seen a drop in gun crime but a rise in other violent crimes.

If you're walking down the street with your bird and me and my 4 big niggas want to get a piece of that ass. It's all up to us. It's 5 v 1 and you have no force multiplier. We're going to fuck your girl and then fuck you and there's nothing you can do about it. We know that there's nothing you can do about it because guns have been banned. If you don't think shit like this happens read this:

Now imagine you were carrying a concealed firearm. That story might end differently. Guns do stop crime. Imagine if these guys didn't have their concealed firearms. It would have been up to the crazy guy when he stopped shooting. These two guys decided not to be victims.

This shit didn't happen back in the day. We still had guns 30 years ago. Guns are the not the cause of these crimes, they are simply a tool used. I think it has the most to do with our culture and our ability to prescribe SSRI's like candy. Mind you, you don't need guns to fuck people up in a "peaceful" world. You can just pull some shit like the Unabomber.

It's kind of ridiculous to say "If you're walking down the street with your bird and me and my 4 big niggas want to get a piece of that ass. It's all up to us. It's 5 v 1 and you have no force multiplier."

Because I can just as simply that they'd all have weapons as well, making you and 1 gun useless again.

Your idea is basically, whoever has the more firepower wins which will result in nothing.

I am not saying all guns can just be removed from the US, that'd be impossible, however I can not see why you all stand behind your gun laws.

posted about 10 years ago
#118 What lack of sex does to you in Off Topic

All I see in this thread is Americans defending their gun law rights, and giving the statement "they can get their hands on guns anyway" So basically you're saying, If they want to do it, why don't we just make it a hell lot easier for them.

All these killing spree's are by white outcasts who are in highschool/college, Here where I live it's kinda really hard to your hands on those type of weaponry if you aren't involved in any sort of criminal group, or know those type of sketchy people.

I am not saying the reason there are more killing spree's in america like this than anywhere else in the world because america allows guns, but I really don't get if we as humans want to move forward into a "peaceful" world, why you'd need those guns, it just seems rather uncivilised.

posted about 10 years ago
#1809 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

insane quality jump frag sheebedee bop shebedee bop sheebedeewoooooaaaaow

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Name suggestions for my HUD. in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#108 cp_intermodal (5CP) in Map Discussion
KumaheroI made a rollout video for Demoman, this is one gets you to mid at roughly 9:44.
There's also other rollouts that get you there faster with less health. This one gets you to mid at 9:45 (9:46 if you do it perfectly, I didn't in this one.)

By the rollouts I tried, the scouts should get there at 9:41 and the combo at 9:39. I also noticed that there's no angle you can use to shoot the initial sticky onto the enemy demoman.


Mine is fast enough to sticky you out and take the health pack under mid lol

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Frame skipping/freezing? in Q/A Help
r4ptureI just upgraded to two SSDs, one for Windows and one for Ubuntu. Ever since reinstalling, I've found TF2 seems to freeze for a half a second every once in awhile, usually when I fire my gun or during a battle, or just when turning sharply without much else going on. The frame freezes for a second, then continues as normally. It seems to be getting worse, and I can't seem to figure out why, and it only seems to be TF2 doing it, and on both OSes. Anyone else have this issue, or know of a fix? I've read disabled multicore rendering can help, but its done nothing for me.

Reinstalled TF2, and now it is gone for me

posted about 10 years ago
#1 cp_intermodal_rc3a | Fast Demoman Rollout in Map Discussion

This rollout is roughly 5.5 seconds, you arrive with a standard 125~ on mid, if you are however are a lot faster than the other demo, you can grab the Health kit under the rails, giving you 160 hp.

posted about 10 years ago
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