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Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted July 24, 2023 at 11:03 AM
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#3 Losing interest? in TF2 General Discussion

Not sure if making fun of me or being serious....

posted about 11 years ago
#2 HUD Competition? in TF2 General Discussion

Would have to find something my programmer teacher used to see if the code/ script came from the internet. I don't know what she used, but some program just ran through whole program and Google searched it all.

Who would judge also? Community or just like 10 people or something?

Also I would suggest making all the entries to be random number so people don't pick the community favorites.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Scout POV Demo - Would like hard criticism in Mentoring

So I just had a recent match for UGC Steel, I would like to know 100% why I did was wrong. Don't be kind treat me like trash and pull my hair back like a bitch.

Here is link:

posted about 11 years ago
#24 How do you keep TF2 fun? in TF2 General Discussion
AbstrActivitiesNin2246I am just a hot pocket eating machine.
I have selective reading so this is what gathered from your last post ;)

On topic though, the game does get boring. It definitely got really boring for me. At the end of the day you need to ask yourself if it's worth it to you. Can you have sustainable fun playing the game, or are you going to be spending most of your time figuring out how to make the game fun for you? If it's the latter, it's probably not worth it.

I probably won't find a game I can stick with, until something like Unreal Tournament comes back into the scene. Wish I knew more on Unreal Scripting than I do.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 How do you keep TF2 fun? in TF2 General Discussion
how does one stay hooked in to tf2 for more than 50 hours a week?

thats a ton of fucking tf2

Just like 8 hours a day or so... I have no job, but I have a girlfriend and a social life so don't be thinking I am just a hot pocket eating machine.

Came up with an idea, I like to program/ hack and what not, so why not make an aim bot.

I do not like aim bots nor do I think they take any skill, but I do wish to know how to make one for shits and giggles.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 How do you keep TF2 fun? in TF2 General Discussion

I know one thing is that MGEs are fun as can be if you find someone equal to same skill level. But finding that person is kinda a tasking quest. I honestly can not stand pubs other than the Sniper Head shot only type stuff.

I love the competitive of TF2, I just got burned out of it I guess? Played Unreal for god knows how long, since like 3rd grade or something (18 years old now) And only stopped due to Windows 7 craptastice feature of mouse acceleration on my dear old game. (Yes I did Google on how to fix it...)

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Borderlands 2 in TF2 General Discussion

Got midnight with friend, played Xbox he played PS3, both worked very well. Really love the new Siren, holy hell is that action skill stupid broken. Bezerker just sucks according to my friend.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 How do you keep TF2 fun? in TF2 General Discussion

I don't know why but TF2 has become lack luster at best. I mainly play it do to having a team with all really nice awesome people. But I find myself only doing MGE for keeping my skills rounded out, scrimming and signing on to just be their for the team.

I find it more interesting to play Starcraft, Counter Strike GO (Bad fucking game...) Hell even Call of Duty MW3....

How does one stay hooked onto TF2 for more than 50 hours a week?

posted about 11 years ago
#80 Internet in Off Topic

I almost jizzed a bit from this....

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Victory Bluntz looking for some subs. in Recruitment (looking for team)

Just gonna bump this.

Need new subs.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Cevo relaunch in Off Topic

I remember when Complexity and what not were their. But I never knew why people left it. I didn't think website was bad, I thought it was more along the lines prizes and what not were bad. But I wouldn't not know for sure.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Ideas for a Competive FPS Game in Off Topic
flynn__Allow a shit ton of customize-able config stuff :D

Dedicated servers is a definite answer. Unreal Tournament has a ton of mutators, it be on same engine so it be easily able to do so.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Ideas for a Competive FPS Game in Off Topic
How Did Tribes fail the E-Sports Community, if you don't mind me asking?

Check the Tribes Forums. Last time I checked
1. No demo record
2. No First Person Spectating
3. Made game, made pubbing around better, moved on to new game. That 3rd person shooter RPG thing or what ever it is. The creator/ or person on team even stated their will never ever ever ever be demo recording. What would this mean for any E-Sport title? Having to run a crappy client side program to detect hacks, and hoping it catches since you won't be able to check other wise.

as long as theres no retarded mouse lag that seems to be in every ue3 game ever then you're set

I think that is the lag compensation. I had 150ping in UT3 shot a bit later on all weapons. Had to predict a bit more on where they are gonna be going a whole lot more. The way TF2 makes it and all source games; is this: A TF2 sniper with 150ping, he sees everyone a bit behind what they actually are, meaning; he sees a Scout .3 seconds behind what actually is, he himself is skipping all around for when the server can catch up with his internet issues. Making the Sniper a bit harder to hit, making him able to shoot scout a bit easy.

A real life example, had 400ping, using a shit connection (Wified someone) the scout froze, I thought it was him freezing but it wasn't headshot him. But he was off behind a wall called hacks, got ban. Just lag compensation but still a lot worst then UT3.

not some stupid bhop mod shit im talking about straight bind mwheeldown +jump bhopping like real cs players did back in the da

bhop mod shit... Yea no. Binding a mouse wheel to make a person jump is skill, just spamming a single button to make something happen. Don't quite see how skill is involved. Also, bunny hopping with out mouse wheel is very very very possible on source engine. Also note; not a Counter Strike game. Think something more better. By better I mean not bad hit boxes.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Best f2p MMORPG? in Off Topic

Rappelz, played it for ever about a year or so with a friend. Had a big clan going and the who shabang. Takes a fuck ton of grinding though. Like I mean, go to a dungeon solo, sit their on 2x EXP weekands for a few nights and be leveled up in about 2 days. Hit level 150 though and become a god and be able to PK everything and anything.

Oh yea their are mother-fucking pets! Also everything is free to play. If you pay you get stuff like a pet you didn't have to grind for, get double experince and stuff, no weapons that are OP so PvP is fair.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 different rules in TF2 General Discussion

If I am not mistaken here, sandvich was allowed in every single 6v6 tournament until someone in the 6v6 league did something stupid and made the medic live a but longer to be able to pop open a can of Uber. Than the whole community went into a uproar since that team should have lost but did not.

I honestly don't see why it is ban.

posted about 11 years ago
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