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Signed Up July 3, 2013
Last Posted January 5, 2019 at 1:04 PM
Posts 1075 (0.3 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ⋅⋅ 71
#38 EssentialsTF June NA Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
#144 Most underrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion

when i first played against tojo last season his style of roamer caught me off guard more than any other roamer did that season

safrix is a really good demo when he doesn't tilt but the downside is he tilts super fast. i swear jarrett is so close to becoming the god of all demos if he can find out how to activate his godmode more consistently

it's hard to tell which scouts are up & coming because they all honestly blend in, imo. all the invite scouts can pretty much aim well but they just don't have that high level game sense. they can take 1v1s and can get tanked well but when it comes to using ubers optimally or how to properly chase every scout besides froyo and new god flow mess this up really bad. i really liked playing with sandblast and i think he falls under the category of people thinking he is worse than he actually is because he's such a jokester.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Rocket Launcher Name in TF2 General Discussion
pyxelizeNurseydisgracestrange kill transfer thing

what the HELL IS THAT

now I lost to froyo AND LOOK DUMB

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Rocket Launcher Name in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#2 Rocket Launcher Name in TF2 General Discussion

you literally just got that RL how does it already have 5.4k kills you fucking strange farmer

posted about 5 years ago
#87 bad habits in Off Topic

Imagine telling someone to "get raped" in real life and then having to defend doing that on a team fortress 2 video game forum.

What a fucking badass.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 kegaman appreciation thread in TF2 General Discussion

I met him at LAN and he's such a nice dude. He was the guy with the signed duck and getting it signed was the best thing ever.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Smash'N'Splash 4 in Esports


posted about 6 years ago
#242 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 6 years ago
#33 What would a team of 6 yous be like? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#26 frkshw (mxr) lft open roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)
SpaceCadetLiterally proven that that habib cheated like kev and frkshw. You legitimize Habib using the same logic you vilify Kev and frkshw? I am just going to assume its ok to cheat as long as its not in an ESEA match outside of Open.

Where in my entire post did I say it was okay that habib cheated?

posted about 6 years ago
#20 frkshw (mxr) lft open roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)
_Makkabeusaieraex cheaters (habib)
IIRC there was a huge thing about that, but a ton of people who played against him said he never cheated in scrims/matches/pugs and only cheated on an alt in pubs (skial specifically)

On subject, cheating is cheating, and frkshw emo'd out of the community after that happened so if something he doesn't like happens he will most likely leave again (inb4)

Habib has openly admitted himself before that he did cheat but he has stopped any forms of cheating outside of open. He also said he never cheated in any ESEA match, the open comment thing only being used as a time frame.

And as stated by aiera, kev777 was literally vacbanned for cheating, cheating in an UGC grand final (I think it was silver at the time but I don't remember which division exactly). If kev was willing to cheat in something as insignificant as a UGC match, what makes people believe he wouldn't be willing to cheat in something much bigger as an invite match?

I think it's absolute bullshit that people who have been proven to cheat before are still being allowed to play, but if you guys are gonna to let someone like kev777 stick around you might as well be consistent and let someone like frkshw play.

posted about 6 years ago
#12 Old Players vs Modern Meta in Q/A Help
Joe_ShroeWhy wouldn't any top player from back in the day still be able to be a top player today? It's not like there have been very many significant meta changes over the years that would make today's game seem foreign to an old player. The only big ones would be the demo sticky nerf, double gunboats soldiers, and pocket scouts getting more heals, but the first two should already be familiar to most players depending on how old of a player you're talking about. Then I suppose the only question is whether old non-scout mains would be willing to give up their heals to a pocket scout, and I don't see a lot of players being such stubborn heal-hogs that they would refuse to adapt.

How good mechanically players have gotten at TF2 over the last few years is much better than players years ago. Shotgun soldier may still be viable but keeping the mobility with shotgun soldier is something older players would severely struggle with. Anyone who was good at demo before would not be able to keep the magic on demo. Teams also play aggressive off of much better reasons now. For example modern era teams are much better at punishing at the slightest mis-step in positioning (i.e. one player not holding the correct doorway) when older levels of punish game were teams punishing people for not having good team positioning (a whole team choosing to play passive in situations where they should be playing aggressive).

Ma3la was retired for a year and when he came back was still a high level player. Watching seagull play back then his positioning and timing was extremely solid that he can probably still be a very good player today. MGEMike would also still likely be good.

The saddest truth of any of this is that if your favorite invite player from back in the day is most likely going to be dumpstered by low-mid level invite players.

posted about 6 years ago
#17 why did most of tf2's secondary leagues die in TF2 General Discussion

Why do people not want to play HL & free 6v6 in TFCL? You still get medals and a free prizepot. It seems very confusing that people never want to make the switch.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Can someone plz fix tf2hud+ in The Dumpster
can someone plz fix tf2
posted about 6 years ago
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