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Signed Up August 19, 2013
Last Posted December 9, 2022 at 5:32 AM
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#7 Insomnia 65 in LAN Discussion
AlfieMaxi-ok where's the unofficial tf2 seating areaplease lets all sit together and not have a few teams yeet across the other side of the hall

Agreed, this was one of the reason CPH Games was such a great experience, all TF2 was stacked up together.

posted about 4 years ago
#285 Most aids log? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#1 Pause causes players to be stuck on a weapon in TF2 General Discussion


So, during one of our last game, we paused for a bit and when we unpaused, two of our players were stuck with the weapons they were holding (medigun & winger). They couldn't switch until they died iirc.

Has anyone ever seen that before or is it a really recent bug ?
Is there anything we can do to fix it (like, maybe it's a class config issue I don't really know) ?

I can see this becoming a concerning issue, because your scout could be stuck with its sword or your demo with stickies right before a push and you'd loose because of that...

posted about 5 years ago
#5 who makes their living off comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#47 Announcing ETF2L Season 33 in TF2 General Discussion
EoNreposting from my twitter but i dont think anyone talked about thisSomething weird about the new GC rule is that lets say round timer ends with less than 30 second left on the map timer, the round will reset and neither team will be owning mid when the map timer expires

True, could we do something like last team to have held mid wins ?

posted about 5 years ago
#35 Announcing ETF2L Season 33 in TF2 General Discussion
Jynxiimetalworks been in esea for years - so it has been tested

I completely agree, same goes for sunshine. My points is, since the map is pretty new in ETF2L, it would make more sense to play it only once since a large portion of ETF2L players are still relatively new to this map (compared to sunshine).

posted about 5 years ago
#32 Announcing ETF2L Season 33 in TF2 General Discussion

This is very interesting, I'm really curious about how good this rotation is going to be, however, why is metalworks there twice and sunshine once ?

Sunshine was played during the previous seasons and wasn't disliked, so it's a "proven" map.
Metalworks comes from a preseason cup and therefore (even though it's been played before in etf2l) hasn't been really deeply tested.

To me it would have made more sense to do twice sunshine and once metalworks but heh, it still looks pretty good.

posted about 5 years ago
#6953 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 5 years ago
#4 How do I change the HUD welcome screen? in Q/A Help

I think it is meant for you to post your question there.

f_blueI noticed that a lot of new threads only contain one short question so I thought we could use an "aggregate thread" for that instead.

Post your question here, ideally add a screenshot, and hope for a quick answer.
posted about 5 years ago
#3 CPG 2019 Photos in TF2 General Discussion

Very nice pictures, they look really clean.
Thanks for uploading them, must have been pretty tedious to sort them out.

posted about 5 years ago
#5960 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
What's the modern way of changing the damage numbers' size(I know the colors are from adv.options)?

The way the damage numbers are displayed is dictated by the font used (on your screen HudFontMedium is used for instance). In the ClientScheme.res, fonts are defined with what system font should be use and with what size. So, if you want to alter the size of the damage numbers, you have to change the font used. You can either use an already existing font with a larger size or create one yourself by replicating lines and increasing the number.

posted about 5 years ago
#35 You have successfully voted for: Karnax in TF2 General Discussion

You are all delusional, Klassy and Matthes are 10s/10, 2 literal babes. Not voting for either of those is simply wrong.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 ETF2L S33 maps // Global Map Pool in TF2 General Discussion
HyceI've not heard much about how Logjam faired this season in either ETF2L or Ozfortress. I've got a minor list of things to go through on it but if anyone's got any more insight I would appreciate it!

Unfortunately, I didn't get to play a lot of the map so when I say " I have the feeling that this map wasn't liked either", it's mostly by speaking with people rather than actually playing it.
If it turns out I was wrong (and it seems that for the moment, this is the case) then logjam could actually be this very map that stays in the map pool (and you seem to be a quite active/open to criticism map maker so that is cool)

Also, one of the reason I am asking about the maps is that teams are playing scrims regularly now and I think it would be quite helpful to know which "newer" map we will need to practice (So this is more a questions for ETF2l admins I guess).

arnoId. Seems generally well liked and was picked heaps in playoffs.

In ETF2L playoffs, the map was never picked in prem and picked twice in D1 if I'm correct and it is quite interesting to see such a difference.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 ETF2L S33 maps // Global Map Pool in TF2 General Discussion

Dear gamers,

ETF2L Season 33 is going to start in a few weeks and I personally haven't heard about the maps that are going to be played.

I have the feeling that for a few seasons, there is 1 map that gets added and then removed because it is not particularly liked (S30 cardinal, S31 prolands). S32 featured logjam but I have the feeling that this map wasn't liked either. (No disrespect to the creators of the said maps tho).
What map would you like to see in the next season ?
Maybe it is time to agree on a map that will be played for several seasons in a row ?

It could also be a good idea to synchronize with whoever are the creators of the new NA league (replacing ESEA) to have the same map pool across the 2 regions (and maybe even with OZFortress/AsiaFortress as well).

I personally liked metalworks and it seems like it's been played for a lots of seasons in ESEA so I would guess NA players liked it... But maybe I am wrong.

posted about 5 years ago
#6901 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 5 years ago
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