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Signed Up December 15, 2012
Last Posted April 2, 2016 at 10:37 PM
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#7 Transporting computer to college? in Off Topic

I lay my computer on its back so that the motherboard is facing upward with gpu pointing upward as well. This helps minimize any vibration that would come to your pci ports by pushing the gpu down into the port. As for the monitor, definitely secure the screen well, my first trip I didnt and it now has a giant scratch from my case.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 democall - ikpure in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#237 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic

some big names are talking about this on stream now

posted about 11 years ago
#228 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
synchroNone of us are legal experts so I'm not sure why we're all trying to pretend we are.

Unless you are a legal expert, in which case, please keep pretending to be one.

I am just attempting to understand the situation. I think I am done though. I just want my point to be that people are just throwing out laws and stuff saying that they show ESEA breaking federal law, when really no one here knows what they are talking about, including myself.

posted about 11 years ago
#224 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic

thank you for that. now upon looking at the wikipedia link this states that this act protects computers that are:

exclusively for the use of a financial institution or the United States Government, or any computer, when the conduct constituting the offense affects the computer's use by or for the financial institution or the Government; or
which is used in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or communication, including a computer located outside the United States that is used in a manner that affects interstate or foreign commerce or communication of the United States...

So it still does not apply in this as I'm sure none of our computers are parts of a financial institution, unless they are somehow? Still no legal expert.

posted about 11 years ago
#222 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
FzeroComputer Fraud and Abuse Act added with a bunch of cases that expands it

Can you provide a link. I'm trying to fight my ignorance of cyber laws in America here. Also I actually dont understand this sentence. So far the only law linked is this
Which is not completely applicable here since they are talking about "electronic communication hardware" and some wiley lawyer could portray computers as instead electronic computational hardware or something. If this is wrong correct me though.
EDIT: Oh nvm its not hardware that they are offending it is a SERVICE. I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply then. But I am no legal expert.

posted about 11 years ago
#219 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
FzeroPaalsFzeroDid you two even read the whole thread? It's in here and if you read some of reddit you will see it tooIf by "you two" you meant me, I have been going through it sporadically, and have seen numerous links to laws that I am too lazy to click on. I am not a legal expert, so I would have to take someones word on it. It seems that there is a plethora of evidence showing the breaking of Federal Law and very little defending them with their ToS.
If you wont read 7 pages on a thread, you really wouldn't read a whole law but here is a short of part

So after seeing the error of my ways, I am now reading every thing in this read and clicking every link. I read this, went to a link on the top called "bill status" and found THIS:

Since many will be like me and not read it, i shall say what this url contains. This bill was introduced into the house on May 14, 2007 and was passed in the house on May 22, 2007. It was subsequently dropped in the senate. So this IS NOT AN ACTUAL US LAW.

Please provide more proof.

posted about 11 years ago
#212 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
hookyPaals[words and stuff that I don't want to repost here]Proof of laws broken

Thanks :)

posted about 11 years ago
#208 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
FzeroPaalsFzeroDid you two even read the whole thread? It's in here and if you read some of reddit you will see it tooIf by "you two" you meant me, I have been going through it sporadically, and have seen numerous links to laws that I am too lazy to click on. I am not a legal expert, so I would have to take someones word on it. It seems that there is a plethora of evidence showing the breaking of Federal Law and very little defending them with their ToS.
If you wont read 7 pages on a thread, you really wouldn't read a whole law

The thread has been open for 20 hours, and has 200 posts. If you expect me, a person who has class, a life (heh), and other things to do to go through and click every link that i see and expect to understand a field which I have no understanding in, I am sorry. I was merely trying to understand what this emmawatson devil's advocate person was doing showing that irrelevant img.

posted about 11 years ago
#203 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
FzeroDid you two even read the whole thread? It's in here and if you read some of reddit you will see it too

If by "you two" you meant me, I have been going through it sporadically, and have seen numerous links to laws that I am too lazy to click on. I am not a legal expert, so I would have to take someones word on it. It seems that there is a plethora of evidence showing the breaking of Federal Law and very little defending them with their ToS.

posted about 11 years ago
#201 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
I'm no way defending ESEA, just playing devils advocate.

What federal law are they breaking?

I am no legal expert, but this seems to be referring their policy on changes to the SITE not the client. Also even if this was for the client, they are saying that they will give notice of these changes, which was not done when the bitcoin miner was added. So under this random img that has no link or source, and is not even relevant to the client, they have violated the ToS.
But again I am no expert.
As to what federal law has been broken, idk.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic
" [ESEA Premium Member] Based
If you thought you owe us some compensation, let's see what you owe the IRS.

Heres the link to the IRS fraud report form, i know i'll be sending one in:";

For those curious, and more for those angry and have legitimate right to be.

I get a 404 on that url... Anyone else?

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Laptop Suggestions? in Hardware
sulnPaalsIt's not possible. For 600 bucks you will be lucky to get 30 fps in a 33 man pub on a laptop. "Gaming laptops" are in the $1000+ range at minimum and in my experience they can barely handle tf2 as well. My friend got an Alienware after I told him not to, gets around 30 fps in pubs, and paid 1000 dollars. My suggestion is to just get a netbook and wait until she gets back to play games.
Edit: grammar

I'm on a laptop right now and get 130 fps on pubs. Even better during comp matches.

did you pay 600 dollars for it? What I am saying is that his expectations are high for 600$. You could get 60 fps with chris's max frames, but he does not want to do that.
EDIT: of course you would get higher fps in a comp match, there are less people, explosions etc., less strain on your cpu.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Laptop Suggestions? in Hardware

It's not possible. For 600 bucks you will be lucky to get 30 fps in a 33 man pub on a laptop. "Gaming laptops" are in the $1000+ range at minimum and in my experience they can barely handle tf2 as well. My friend got an Alienware after I told him not to, gets around 30 fps in pubs, and paid 1000 dollars. My suggestion is to just get a netbook and wait until she gets back to play games.
Edit: grammar

posted about 11 years ago
#8 InfernaLAN 2013 LANfest in LAN Discussion

Row L is down my friends. There are only 35 spots left. I am sitting in L24, and it looks like so far only 5 tf2 players have registered. Cmon people we need to at least get to play some form of competitive.

posted about 11 years ago
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