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Last Posted November 8, 2020 at 10:12 PM
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#1 cp_bluff in Map Discussion

Map made with help from Hyce, Lucrative, and Luc's pugging friends/King's Crew discord.

You can find everything about it here (TF2Maps):

Current version: A4

posted about 5 years ago
#10 koth_ordinance in Map Discussion

Map updated to B5. See the tf2maps thread for download and changelog.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 koth_ordinance in Map Discussion

I have a B5 in the works that fixes the invisible wall and slightly adjusts cover on the fence rock so that if you're sniping from the window, you can't get a good view of the 1st floor tower exit. Let me know if there's any other things I can touch up on for B5 before I release it.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 koth_ordinance in Map Discussion

Thanks to testing from TF2maps (in alpha) and Lucrative and his buds/Kings Crew/etc (in beta, so far), I'm ready to put up this uniquely-structured koth map. This map deviates significantly from the traditional (Viaduct) formula, mainly at mid, with the point being set on the low ground in a large building with several different entrances at different heights, as well as a few other unique design choices.

Map thread (contains download link):

Current version is B5a

posted about 5 years ago
#472 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

is there a reason the metal floor at red's last is blue and has been blue for several years straight lmao

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Euclid (5cp) in Map Discussion

New update, now A4.

tf2maps post:
Changelog and download can be found there.

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Euclid (5cp) in Map Discussion
StereoA. If the demo gets his rollout right he can lay down far too much spam (i was able to prepare 3 stickies) before the enemy team gets there (as in, the medic etc)

Currently redesigning the rock area, part of the changes should make the fast rollout I kept seeing at least a little bit slower.

StereoB. The sniper sightline on last is too big

I can fix this pretty easily. Snipers definitely shouldn't be able to cover that area for free from near the spawn door.

StereoC. There's no actual choke to hold on second. The rock is just splitting it and making it hard to hold/maintain

Again, redesigning. Something like a tall building connected by a tiny bridge to the valley vantage point.

StereoD. Spawn times are far too fast

Thank you. Will definitely be fixed in A4.

StereoE. you should add a few hiding spots (like lamp in gully)

A lot of those hiding spots seem to crop up during detailing/beta, but I'll see what I can do.

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Euclid (5cp) in Map Discussion

Thanks for the feedback! Do you have a demo of when you played on it?

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Euclid (5cp) in Map Discussion

So I made a new version. Granted, the changes aren't based on gameplay, since I have no idea if A3 has been played on yet, so I'm gonna call it A3a instead of A4. These changes may not be final, but I think they're superior to A3.

Download and changelog at tf2maps:

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Euclid (5cp) in Map Discussion

Wow, that was quicker than I expected.

TwiggyWhen i walk on them it's not smooth, and I couldnt test on my own rocket splash on the vertical parts of stairs. I suggest smoothing the movement at least.

That's the result of me doing the "two brush" method for clipping spiral stairs. It might take me a bit, but I'll definitely update the stair clipping to use more triangles (or make them not spiral stairs at all).

TwiggyThis platform needs to be less shallow. As defender i can just spam the walls and hit anything. On gullywash for example this is not the case.

Too thin or not high enough? Or both? I'm guessing too thin, which I agree may be problematic.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Euclid (5cp) in Map Discussion

A bit new to this, hopefully nothing went wrong here (and if anything DOES go wrong, I'll fix it as soon as possible).

cp_euclid is a standard 5cp I've been working on for about 2 weeks off and on. Right now it doesn't have much of a """theme""" as I want to get the gameplay where it should be before anything else. Inspirations are from all over the various 5cp maps. The map's been tested a small bit on tf2maps to iron out some things, but now it's here too.
Current version (circa May 25 2018): A3

tf2maps post (includes screens and download):
screenshot album (just in case):

posted about 6 years ago
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