Account Details
SteamID64 76561197960286784
SteamID3 [U:1:21056]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:10528
Country United States
Signed Up August 20, 2012
Last Posted April 20, 2018 at 2:49 PM
Posts 277 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.1
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech MX518
Keyboard Razer Lycosa
Mousepad Razer Goliath
Headphones Sennheiser PC350 SE
Monitor Asus VG248QE GSYNC mod
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#125 who are your favourite players of all time in TF2 General Discussion

syckness and slardel

those were the only 2 guys i would ever get nervous to play against, because i knew what was about to happen

posted about 10 years ago
#63 Your most special/memorable TF2 moments? in TF2 General Discussion

This match went into overtime and lasted almost 90 minutes. Both teams had literally been within a hair of capping last points several times...also i believe the winner of this decided the 4th spot in playoffs. Favorite TF2 match of all time.

Also got this gem out of the match

posted about 10 years ago
#65 Quick Fix? in TF2 General Discussion
bmanPeople want to ban a weapon that gives medics an opportunity to enjoy comp as much as frag classes? The quickfix is a blast. Personally, the amount of fun that my team has had from running qf since the update has been a breathe of fresh air.


Scrimming with it (nd against it) the past few nights have proved to be some exciting rounds. Play seems to be much more aggressive, medic play is more dynamic, and it throws some new strats into the mix. Anything that can make medic more attractive to play is a good thing.

It has it's upsides and downsides, and can be countered by a coordinated kritz (or running QF of your own) it's not as invincible as some think it is. I hope everyone gives it a chance in the off season before jumping on the ban wagon.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 ESEA-IM Power Rankings Week 8 in News

No more Phaser's Canal after July 30th.

The dream is dead.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 ESEA-IM Power Rankings Week 7 in News
london_callingthe results tonight were not expected.

I'm adjusting better!

posted about 10 years ago
#210 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion
- Escape Plan
- Players receive the Marked-For-Death effect after deploying, and for a short period after holstering.

First person to mod this effect with Segal's face from this picture is my fucking hero.

posted about 10 years ago
#303 age in Off Topic

32 @_@

When i played TFC, there was a guy in my clan from 99-03 that was 56...hopefully i'll still be a strong backup/benchwarmer in 2030 like him.

posted about 10 years ago
#74 An Abrupt Farewell to You All in Off Topic

I remember you said you were in PA ghost...but wow you're like literally 40 mins away. Absolutely sickening how some insurances work. Definitely try to talk to people who have been in similar situations. There's definitely people out there that can help...medical bills may look outrageous but there are ways to pay them down without losing everything. I know people who have been in similar situations, and there's always hope. My thoughts and prayers are out to your family.

If you need someone to talk to let me know, i can always meet you somewhere since you're so close to me.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 TF2 Bloopers in TF2 General Discussion

An oldie i know, but still one of my fav.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Active Backup (starter if needed) LFT - IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump - still available for IM if anyone needs a player.

posted about 10 years ago
#90 First Job in Off Topic

First part time job - when i was in highschool i was a bus runner at a local bar in town in walking distance from my house. The place was a complete shit hole, but they payed under the table and i worked with a really cool group of people. The owner payed all the health inspectors off pretty much on a yearly basis...everyone loved the food there but if they would have seen the kitchen or freezes like i did, they would literally never eat there again.

First real job (full time)- right out of college i worked for GNC's help desk for 2 years. This was hands down, out of any job, the worst place i ever worked at. For the 2 years i was there we went through 3 CEO's...closed 1500 stores, and was in constant fear of losing our jobs (therefore there was a lot of backstabbing from everyone). A month after i quit, 67 people on my floor were let go...good timing i guess.

posted about 10 years ago
#116 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion

I think Arx's idea/screenshot is definitely on the right path. Along with a 9v9 highlander and 6v6 traditional, you could add a 6v6 comp as well - rule sets could be added etc. I mean there's numerous ways Valve can go about this, but ultimately they are going to go with what caters to the masses (don't be suprised if it looks exactly like the MvM system). The issue being for Tf2 is the mass has always been the casual pub player. They honestly don't need to draw people to the game at this point with comp, simply because the steam store and the chance of getting unusual hats has really carved it's own stamp. TF2 is really just a money dump for valve now...i would love to see how much (total) the steam store generates on a monthly basis.

TF2's biggest success is that it's a relatively easy game to just pick up and have a good time with. You don't need to be at even a high open level to just go into a pub and do well...people like that, and it makes for a fun time as a casual gamer. All you need to do is look at steam stats...TF2 is consistently in the top 3 played games ranging from 30k-70k gamers daily.

Now unfortunately, an incredibly small percentage (probably around 5%) of that is comp players. I don't want to come straight out and say Valve doesn't care at all about comp tf2...but they certainly have never done enough to promote it. I can count the number of times on one hand 6v6 has been mentioned on I'm still at a loss after all these years as to why they never even tried...with such a big audience to advertise to, they could have turned a lot of people onto the game and made an entirely new niche for themselves. The problem is they've had their chances, but as in the past, they tend to cling to one game and really promote the hell out of it (see Dota 2 - 1 million dollar challenge, and now upcoming 2 million dollar challenge). Hell if they even had a TF2 10k challenge, just think of the amount of people that would bring in.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Active Backup (starter if needed) LFT - IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

I know it's a bit late now that the season started, but if you need an active backup i'm your huckleberry. Can play anything except medic (trust me you don't want me as your medic). Can start if needed, but i don't get on typically until after 10pm est which i know can be prime scrimming time.

Numerous seasons of IM/Invite experience...would like to stay mid/high IM like last season but if i can find a really cool bunch of guys looking to build a solid team i may be down.

add me on steam if u wanna talk

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Interp Toggle Exploit in TF2 General Discussion
Waldono one is dumb enough to use it in ESEA/IGL/CEVO/UGC/

If video games have ever taught me anything, it's that there's always someone dumb enough

posted about 11 years ago
#19 cl_smooth 0 or 1 in TF2 General Discussion

I too have always had it set to 1 until i read this thread. I just pubbed for an hour with 0 and seemed to have way better hit reg on shotty/scatter. Something i've always struggled with was up close shotty aim...always seeing sparks like it hits but does absolutely nothing or hitting for the dreaded '9' dmg....seems like i had alot better results just now, but since this is only my first time using this it could just be coincidence. Interesting none the less , i will have to mess around with this some more.

posted about 11 years ago
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