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Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted August 14, 2014 at 11:58 PM
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#4 3d 120hz? in Hardware

I myself bought a 3d monitor (since it was refurbished in great condition for really cheap) because it also has 120hz feature.
I just don't use the 3d. Works like a charm tho :D

posted about 9 years ago
#353 what's yo inches/360 in Off Topic

27.3 inches/360
I main soldier

posted about 9 years ago
#123 please help jaguar in Off Topic
pie_heroHes still my friend idiot, dont tell me to grow up ive done more in 8 hours of my day than you have in your whole life. It was a joke chill the fuck out

You of all people should understand that attacking someone and public mockery are only funny if the person happens to agree.
He doesn't
How can you call yourself his friend when you're supporting someone cutting him down and hurting his feelings?
I can and will tell you to grow up, because I think you need it.
Especially because you still missed the point.

Perhaps you need a lesson in how to treat your friends better.

and that's all I have to say about that

posted about 9 years ago
#119 please help jaguar in Off Topic
pie_heroPurpleeeeeeeepie_heroPurpleeeeeeeecapnfapnyou mean johnmilter, the guy who posts people's conversations, doesnt actually care about me making personal posts about other players!?
I mean it looks like you're just trying to take the spotlight off of you being a mean little bully by justifying it with what Milter's done. That's pretty immature but it honestly doesn't surprise me. You probably don't understand the full ramifications of what acting the way you act are, but you'll find out one day. Stop trying to save face. Most of all, stop being an idiot. STOP bullying people because you want attention or more circlejerk.

Now fuck off

you are an idiot and a faggot

now fuck off

Clearly you weren't bullied before. Good for you!
I will just take the moral high ground of not caring what you say to or about me.
I'm not ashamed of sticking up for my friends. Especially when it is a situation like this.
"hey look, better publicly mock someone who used to be my friend!"

Yeah alright. Maybe that's okay with you, but I already know how much of a child you really are from previous interactions.
Doesn't bother me oooooooooooooone bit
dont act like you fucking know me i just know you take things too seriously and are quick to jump to conclusions which is what got echelon killed in S13. Fuck you

LOL you seem very salty and bothered. You're making this about me. It isn't. It's about Jag being bullied by someone acting like an immature faggot. Your direct attack of me is pathetic.
Bullying is certainly one of the things I take seriously. Especially when it is one of my friends (one of YOUR old friends too).
I know you from what I've seen.
What I saw was you being a fucking child. I'm certainly not the only one who has that opinion, I will tell you that. Grow up, stop defending the bully.

posted about 9 years ago
#116 please help jaguar in Off Topic
pie_heroPurpleeeeeeeecapnfapnyou mean johnmilter, the guy who posts people's conversations, doesnt actually care about me making personal posts about other players!?
I mean it looks like you're just trying to take the spotlight off of you being a mean little bully by justifying it with what Milter's done. That's pretty immature but it honestly doesn't surprise me. You probably don't understand the full ramifications of what acting the way you act are, but you'll find out one day. Stop trying to save face. Most of all, stop being an idiot. STOP bullying people because you want attention or more circlejerk.

Now fuck off

you are an idiot and a faggot

now fuck off

Clearly you weren't bullied before. Good for you!
I will just take the moral high ground of not caring what you say to or about me.
I'm not ashamed of sticking up for my friends. Especially when it is a situation like this.
"hey look, better publicly mock someone who used to be my friend!"

Yeah alright. Maybe that's okay with you, but I already know how much of a child you really are from previous interactions.
EDIT(THANKS COLIN): your opinion doesn't bother me oooooooooooooone bit
It's called sticking up for friends.

posted about 9 years ago
#114 please help jaguar in Off Topic
capnfapnyou mean johnmilter, the guy who posts people's conversations, doesnt actually care about me making personal posts about other players!?

I mean it looks like you're just trying to take the spotlight off of you being a mean little bully by justifying it with what Milter's done. That's pretty immature but it honestly doesn't surprise me. You probably don't understand the full ramifications of what acting the way you act are, but you'll find out one day. Stop trying to save face. Most of all, stop being an idiot. STOP bullying people because you want attention or more circlejerk.

Now fuck off

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Mumble Mic problems in Off Topic

Alright folks, so I think I may have solved the problem.

It didn't happen to me last night while scrimming (which is a first).
What I did was:
-Go to Configure > Settings
-Make sure Advanced is checked
-Simply go down to the Compression settings in Audio Input
-I moved my Quality to 60 kb/s
-I moved my Audio Per Packet to 40 ms

Try this, and hopefully it works!

posted about 9 years ago
#2 ammo style? in Customization

from half the minimalist huds in tf2?
idk you'd have to show the rest, it looks pretty similar to what many ammo counters look like / can be made to look like.

Just search through the posts on here about huds, you'll find one

posted about 9 years ago
#16 need a rocket jump script in Customization
SideshowPurpleeeeeeeescripts can break muscle memory wont
wtf when has the crouch jump script ever broken? That's such a bad reason.

I've had multiple people tell me about how their weapon switch script, class change script, crosshair switch script, etc have broken or something fails. I wasn't specifically speaking about that one script that has never failed (actually I've known people to fuck up mid scrim / something because their crouchjump script derps or something and they're stuck crouching on the ground after their jump)
I'd rather just learn to do the proper inputs myself because it gives you complete control over what you're doing rather than chance it on scripts.
I'm pretty sure most people know this, but scripting in tf2 is far from perfect

All I'm trying to say is that people who learn to do it themselves without help are better off than those who use scripts as a crouch. It's beneficial to not have to always crouch in midair, you know

edit: idk what the problem is, since I have a legitimate reason to not use those scripts. Your only real reason is being lazy...

posted about 9 years ago
#14 need a rocket jump script in Customization
SideshowEveryone always says this stuff about learning to jump properly without scripts but I'm gonna go ahead and say that I've always used a script to crouch jump, I never do it "properly" and it doesn't hinder me at all.
I also learned to ctap properly then when I found a script I used that instead. It really doesn't make a difference to your "control" or ability to do this stuff.

Use a script if you want, hell it's probably easier.

scripts can break muscle memory wont

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Mumble Mic problems in Off Topic

Just informed from Saint that some of his teammates that it happens to people who use Push to Talk as well.
So I don't exactly think it's PTT

Edit: Holy fucking ninja'd ^^

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Mumble Mic problems in Off Topic

I am one of those people that has the same problem.
I have friends who I exclusively skype with, they say they've never heard it happen, not once. I speak with them like 3-4 times a week on skype, so it's not that they are just lucky and never have had it happen.
This happens pretty often in mumble, which I only know because my team freaks the fuck out when I kill their eardrums.
Any help appreciated.

(I use voice activation btw, maybe that has something to do with it)

EDIT: copied what I said below up here for more visibility

Alright folks, so I think I may have solved the problem.

It didn't happen to me last night while scrimming (which is a first).
What I did was:
-Go to Configure > Settings
-Make sure Advanced is checked
-Simply go down to the Compression settings in Audio Input
-I moved my Quality to 60 kb/s
-I moved my Audio Per Packet to 40 ms

Try this, and hopefully it works!

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Open Roamer LFT ESEA in Recruitment (looking for team)
sky_Purpleeeeeeeeidk about IM since he's probably pretty rusty, but he was definitely an excellent roamer when I used to play against him back before he quit. No idea how he is now, but at least he's not bullshitting about his past qualifications :P
Try him out
he did just fine last season

tbh I didn't even know he played last season, I just came here to say he was definitely a good player from my personal experience. Oops

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Open Roamer LFT ESEA in Recruitment (looking for team)

idk about IM since he's probably pretty rusty, but he was definitely an excellent roamer when I used to play against him back before he quit. No idea how he is now, but at least he's not bullshitting about his past qualifications :P
Try him out

posted about 9 years ago
#2 lf mentor in Mentoring

I'd be open to helping you out from anything I can see, hit me up

posted about 9 years ago
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