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Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted July 31, 2023 at 10:33 PM
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#23 anyone listen to any new good music lately? in Off Topic

eclectic playlist of songs i think are neat, based on 0 understanding of your preferences

posted about 3 years ago
#39 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

I started playing again a week ago after almost a decade away. I appreciate this conceptually, and all the work being put into it, but I'm not sure whether it will scratch the itch (for me, anyway). I never really played for the cosmetic rewards, so they don't really add anything for me here. I think I just miss things like joining the same people in 24/7 pl_badwater purgatory and grinding aim skill and gamesense so I could be mediocre in 6s later on my team comprised of similarly aged friends I spent all day every day playing with. I don't know that trying to force 12v12 the entire time by utilizing bots for leavers and prioritizing an item progression system is it. Having to use an external website or client is also going to be a deterrent for new people, so I wonder if this will end up splitting an already small community further. Who knows. I hope it works out for others, though.

posted about 3 years ago
#88 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
owlcan i get an over/under on how much longer this thread lasts

giving it an hour or so

posted about 8 years ago
#85 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion

This is also me.

posted about 8 years ago
#82 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
TurinPascal went out of their way to give constructive criticism, and because Pascal didn't waste their time defending future from retards on a forum, they're contributing to the asshole community?

Yes. She didn't defend him from people actually being shitters. But she is interested in defending the shitters from me. If you don't see why this is a problem, I guess I don't know what to tell you.

posted about 8 years ago
#80 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
owlthis person has drawn literally thousands of cartoon ponies i am not engaging them any further

Guess who got paid to draw something easy as fuck for more than minimum wage when factoring in the time it took? It's me!

posted about 8 years ago
#76 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
CondescendingCandlestickyou dont seem to understand future said word for word "puke is a compliment to me, disgusting things are pieces of art in my eyes"

Even if you're dense enough to take that at face value, it doesn't negate the malicious intentions behind people calling it garbage.

posted about 8 years ago
#74 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
Turinpascal is one of the few people that posted detailed criticism

like look at people names before posting hahahahaha

I consider ignoring everybody else literally calling his work garbage, and only piping up to tell me to quit being mean to the shitters, as contributing to the asshole community.

posted about 8 years ago
#72 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
pascalIt's not THIS community, that's how the internet works in general. And real life too. Sure there were some insensitive comments here but idk, deal with it I guess?

This whole thing has blown out of proportion. No one hates future or his artwork. His intentions here are good - doing something for the kids with some self-promotion. I can understand that. And then there's the criticism, which he can take it or leave it. Let's not make this thread more complicated than it should be.

"Everyone else is mean, so that makes it okay for us to be too!"

You can continue using "it just internet culture" to try to justify being a turd if comparing yourself to other assholes is what makes you feel better about your own behavior, I guess.

There is a massive difference between valid criticism, and just saying mean shit. Learn the difference.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
pascalOk so one person called some artwork garbage and now you're here telling someone to die? Don't be a hypocrite.

"I'm going to ignore the part about several other people being shitty and pick this comment to pipe up about." Yeah dude, continue defending the shitty attitude of this community.

posted about 8 years ago
#57 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
komorebiI somewhat agree with the overall sentiment of your post Renhet but at the same time, considering it's being portrayed as a selfless act of charity, I think criticism is warranted. In this context, any reason someone wouldn't buy it is 'valid criticism'. Or, rather, can be valid criticism if future is genuinely interested in helping people. If he's just making things to be happy, as you imply, then there's no reason to criticize, you're right. However, in this case, the fact that you disagree with peoples' choice of what to criticize doesn't invalidate the criticism itself.

There is a very CLEAR difference between criticism, and straight-up calling someone's work garbage.

CondescendingCandlestickthe world isnt an artists hugbox lmao. if you make something public you are putting it up for criticism, period.

Nobody said it was. But if you think that submitting one's work to the world validates being an asshole, then you're kind of a giant piece of shit. Pointing out problems? Constructive. Literally calling the art garbage? Fucking die.

posted about 8 years ago
#54 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
CondescendingCandlestickalso he is allowed to draw whatever makes him happy but we aren't obligated to upvote it on a tf2 forum

That's right, nobody is obligated to upvote it. No one is obligated to insult the dude and his work personally either, but they're doing it.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
CondescendingCandlestickidk Renhet I think if you are making the same thing over and over again people should always call u on it. receptivity sucks

No, they shouldn't. People should fuck off because they're not entitled to enjoyment out of someone else's art. Can they tell an artist that they are stagnant? Sure. Should they? Fucking no. A lot of the time the artist may even know if they are, but have a multitude of personal reasons behind it. Fuck off and leave people alone.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
Justinisokay@renhet i get where youre coming from as an artist, i dont think most of the ppl think his art is bad, its just not appropriate. i like futures work a lot, but for a livestream for a charity something like his aesthetic may be a bit lost in translation. his work is stuff i'd see on like a punk bands flier or stickers for skateboard companies, but for something like this its simply just different art style for what is necessary. i dont think in the slightest he should change his art style, its just his art style is appropriate for what hes making it for

If this is what people said, that would be fine, because it gets the point across without being a dick. But they're literally calling his art garbage. What is that supposed to accomplish?

posted about 8 years ago
#48 Sin6 Ultiduo Comp Poster for TOTH in TF2 General Discussion
XCVchill lol wtf

"I don't have anything of merit to add, so I'm just going to try to devalue everything you said by saying that you are mad."

sick nasty dude

posted about 8 years ago
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