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Signed Up December 21, 2020
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 9:12 PM
Posts 458 (0.4 per day)
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#54 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 6
Hi everyone, I had a splendid day today. I woke up around 10:00 and made some coffee and finished my laundry. today was the first day in the 50s which is wonderful, we started this week around 90 and have made it down to 50. post coffee I showered and got ready before I did some homework that was due today. English went well and we went over something I did in highschool in math so I didn't really need to pay attention fully. post math I went home and played some pubs with my brother who I haven't talked to in a while so that was very nice, then I went on a dateish thing with the girl I went thrifting with. Basically, I just went to like the art district in my city and walked around because every first Friday of the month they have some festival type thing that happens. I got inducted into the church of Scientology and would've bought a sick ass ninja turtles shirt if my venmo was working but because I have a different phone I didn't know my password and I didn't feel like setting it up. I was probably there for 2.5 hours before I went back to my dorm. when I got back I checked twitch and realized that wild_rumpus needed a ringer for his gup pugscrim so I joined in on that and had a blast. post pugscrim I played cs2 with them and it was a great disaster. After that I realized it was bedtime and am about to "hit the hay" a very fun Friday. This week went by fast I feel like I thought it was still Wednesday after class and I am very happy that I have nothing important to do tomorrow. good night all and enjoy the weekend ahead.

posted 7 months ago
#53 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
grifflook around sale you can figure it out.

you are a mental patient please stop

posted 7 months ago
#5 OMG 8 in The Dumpster

this bit sucks

posted 7 months ago
#11 RGL S13 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
This is actually pretty cool. How do you determine team/player rankings?


posted 7 months ago
#51 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
griffTake a look around sale, i'm doing my part too man
-keep truckin

also, what are you talking about please tell me

posted 7 months ago
#50 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 5th
Forgot to write this last night but I just woke up so I'll still do one for today. I woke up around 9:45 because I was getting pastries and coffee with my grandma, we went to this bakery that specialize in mochi donuts but they have other stuff too. we got a maple walnut mochi donut to share and I got a cheese Danish and my grandma got an almond croissant. It was delicious and I just walked around and then drove around with grandma for ~45 minutes. I got to drive her car which is always fun because she has a ~2018 red Audi convertible and I feel like a f1 driver but, I am always scared that Im going to get pulled over. After hanging with Grandma I went back to my dorm to do laundry. I had to wash my clothes bed sheets and towels and the dryers suck in my dorm so It always takes 2 cycles for my clothes to be dry. I am also trying the airdry method for my jeans because I feel like they wont be as wrinkly as usual when they come out the dryer. during laundry, I watched the rest of jjk and rewatched the movie. I was never fully into anime but recently whenever I am bored I just start watching it instead of youtube or scrolling on Instagram for hours at a time. Another thing I did for the first time in a while is actually fold my laundry usually I just throw it in a drawer after it drys but I fully went laundry mode and folded it. After laundry (I forgot to start the dryer's second cycle on my towels and I left them in the laundry room so Im drying them now) I got on my computer and my newcomer teammate messaged me asking if I wanted an unusual scattergun and I said yes. After that I kept messaging him and it was nice to catch up with him and I think he's doing well for himself but I hope he is doing great in life. After chit-chat and pubbing with the scattergun I got onto the bungalow discord to watch rome come back all thanks to scumbag Steve. That was a really good match and despite a lot of haters in the bungalow discord I am glad that Rome won. After the game, I got invited to play cs2 with some of my brother's friends who got me into video games. We won both cs games after being down 5-0 #secondhalfcs and it was just fun to talk to those guys. I also learned the homie who've Ive only see like once a year when he comes to town is moving back here in less than a week from Boulder which is awesome. Talking with those people is kind of strange because I am like somewhat of an adult and I am still just kind of like the little brothers friend after all these years, still fun though. post cs I hit the hay and passed out before I could think of writing this, I hope everyone has a good Friday and Ill see you tonight <3

posted 7 months ago
#48 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Oct 4
Haii tftv Today was a pretty good day. I woke up around 8:30 to go bouldering with my friend Brandon, I did the 4-5 I didn't do Monday and there's a 5-6 Brandon has been trying to do for the past couple weeks and he cant get past this one move and I did it like 3rd try so I rubbed that in today. When I first started he took me and I recently our schedules haven't been lining up so Im glad to go with him again, I think were going again tmrw at 4:00 so I have a lil back to back action. After that, I got home around 11 had a sugar free peach monster and studied for my math exam which was at 2:00. The study guide seemed pretty easy and I only needed to check the answer on like 1 problem so I was confident. After going through the guide once and redoing the problem I messed up I watched the Johhny Harris video about olive oil which was pretty good. Ive been watching his videos for a while and the recent ones haven't really caught my attention as well so Im glad the recent one was good. In English I was afk the whole time, I had my earbuds in and kinda spaced out for an hour. I know it wasn't anything important and the assignment is due Friday night. After English, I locked in for math. I got done with the test in around 20 minutes and basically redid the test because the last one I missed some points just for not fully answering questions and forgetting signs and stuff so I think I did pretty well on this one. ilyk though. After math I ran back to my dorm real quick to charge my phone before my 3:30 class because I am currently on an iPhone 6 where I lose 30% battery for opening my camera app and there's a qr code I need to scan to sign into the class. After lecture I went to the dining hall with my suitmate who has the same class as I. I ate a banana mashed potatoes sweet potatoes green beans and a quesadilla, They undercook the sweet potatoes which is devastating because I love sweet potatoes but I still ate them. After that I went back to my dorm and played mge and pubbed with raven, Eventually when I got tired my suitemate came into my dorm to chit chat because she had been studying for her chem exam for 4 hours straight. I was leaning back in my chair and I hit my head on the tile while talking to her and I thought I might've gotten a concussion but Ive been looking at my laptop for like 3 hours now and I feel fine so Im probably chilling. After she left I watched the rest of fooly cooly and half of the new jjk series. Ive never really been big into watching shows but this week I've been in the mood to watch more things. Im kinda mad that I did stay up late though because I have a lil date with grandma tmrw that I need to be up for but that's tomorrow so ilyk then <3 yall and goodnight

posted 7 months ago
#47 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 3
Hi October 3 Today was a better day, I've had a lot of mental fog for the past week and I think today was the tipping point back to normal brain which is quite lovely. I have always had this problem and I always think about it like having a stuffy nose, were you cant remember not having it but you still notice it and hate it. Hopefully when the head is clear again I will be thankful for it and use it fully. I woke up today around 12:00 and when to my env science lab. I did a presentation about the tundra and took notes about different biomes: interesting stuff but its very basic and I know most of the information. After that I went back to my dorm to study for my math exam tomorrow and made some coffee, At around 6 I went to the dining hall and had some chicken, asparagus, and grilled cheese. After food I went to my art/ethics class which is boring but I need it for my major for some reason. I fell asleep for like 15 minutes in that class before waking up to the class watching movie previews on youtube. After that class I walked home with my friend luke and went to a convenience store that's by my campus. I got chilly cheese fritos and a ramen noodle cup which I ate while I studied more for my math exam tomorrow and looked at my phone. After that I took a shower and checked pokemon go and I got a sinnoh stone after like 2 months so I got a ryperior (3500 cp 3 star) and now I just finished working on my English essay that's due on Sunday. I am probably going to start rewatching fooly cooly before I go to bed after writing this so ilyk tmrw if I do that. Good night all and wish everyone the best

posted 7 months ago
#46 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

oct 2
sorry for missing yesterday I didn't do much just got groceries for Mom and did some assignments. today was a pretty good day I woke up around noon and went to my English we are doing peer review and all my classmates in my group liked my paper so I am happy about that, the final draft is due Sunday so I am going to try and work on that tomorrow. after class I went back to my dorm because math was cancelled today which was pretty nice. when I got home I played some pubs and I realized I haven't opened steam in almost a week which is probably one of the longest stretches besides when I've gone on vacation in like 2.5 years. after pubs I decided to go rock climbing, they set a completly new wall this week which I had alot of fun on but it's very hard. I completed a 4-5 on it and did all the moves in like 3 tries on another 4-5 so I'll do that when I go next time. I was gassed today though so I didn't climb very long only like an hour maybe hour and a half. when I got home I got Powerball tickets with my friend (I won a billion dollars) and made some spaghetti and meatballs with him. I tried to tell him to season the meatballs more but he didn't want to and they were very bland which is sad. after that I did some math with Brandon and then after we found another friend. we were talking in my dorm and randomly my light went out so we knocked on my ra door to figure out how to put in a maintenance order. I got that in and then went inside her room to play with her cat. after cat time I went back to my dorm and watched YouTube and listened to music for a couple hours. I was about to miss today again but I remembered I'm in my bed right now and about to go to sleep goodnight all and have a great Tuesday and October. (it's still 90 out so Im ready for it to cool down)

posted 7 months ago
#9477 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 7 months ago
#45 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

sept 30
Hi reader how is everyone, Today I had another busy day. I woke up around 10 to have breakfast with Brandon because we had leftover eggs from last night and he had some chicken thighs so we had a delicious meal, He used kerrigold butter which is the best butter brand, so we had some of the best chicken ever because the skin was crispy and he used the butter/chicken oil to make the eggs. I made coffee in the french press and and we had a wonderful time, at around 12:30 I met up with dad to play frisbee golf and get groceries from sams club. At frisbee golf I kept choking my putts but idrc because I was just there to have fun with dad. after those adventures which lasted about 3 hours I met up with the homie Dawson to go to a big park with a giant forest to explore. Hes really into photography so he took a bunch of pictures which Ill share here when I get them and I climbed hella trees. the park is kinda close to the middle of the city so I was surprised to realize how big the forest there was because I've never been there before. After that we got Mexican food from this place that I forgot the name of but it was like 4 hella good steak tacos for like 8 bucks which is an awesome deal and the food was excellent. I had to go home to get my car and I realized I could use my Iphone 6 because my sim card reader is still broken on my pixel. After I got back to my dorm I set up my old/new phone and I listened to music. now I am writing this and am about to go to bed or go for a walk. Ill put some pictures from today that I took but probably either tmrw or Monday Ill post the nice camera photos.

posted 7 months ago
#44 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 29
Hi friends today was overall pretty good but for some reason, the mental space was a bit weird. I woke up at around 9:00 which is probably the earliest I've woken up in like a month, I woke up early because I had to print things for my class. I woke up hit a quick shower and went to get food with my suitemate. My sim card is still broken but my campus has a wifi network around the whole campus so I can use my phone most places. I ate some eggs and a biscuit with some strawberry jelly, I also found out my suitemate plays Pokemon Go so I got a new friend on that which is awesome. I had to leave kinda early though because I needed to get my paper printed before I took my mom to get her foot looked at, I didn't know how to use the printer at the library so I had to walk back and forth between the computer there and the printer so it took like 15 minutes to print 9 pages which was annoying and it almost made me late to pick up mom. I got there on time because I love my mom and I took her to the doctor's office. The surgery she got was on her foot because the bones are messed up because she runs too often and she hasn't been able to heal it fully but thankfully despite us thinking they messed it up the X-rays looked good but they think she might either have a muscle sore or a blood clot in her upper leg. The doctor though is the homie because I get hella ingrown toenails (I think I put to much pressure on my big toe when I run/walk) so I have to go every other year and my mom has had a lot of foot problems so shes knows us. (lmk if you want a picture of her foot its kinda gross so I won't put it here but if you really want to see it msg me). After that I drove her somewhere else to get the blood clot/ muscle sore ultrasound but they didn't have time and I had a class to get to. So we left I took her to get Starbucks and some LaCroix and I got an energy drink which I left in the car and I was really sad about it because I was sleepy. After that drove to campus and went straight to class. My car doesn't have Ac and for some reason its still 90 degrees where I live so I was sweaty as fuck, but I keep deodorant in my backpack because I hate smelly people so I wasn't gross or anything. After my classes I got home and took a quick nap on my floor before my other suitemate woke me up because she needed a ride to a pharmacy because its the only one with a Vyvanse prescription in like a 2 hour radius and she hasnt had it in like 2 weeks, Unfortunately, her there was a problem with her insurance so she couldn't get it today but they said they would keep it on hold until her doctor filled out a form to send to her insurance. After that I went to a phone repair place to see if I could get my sim card fixed but they said it would be like $200 to get it fixed. my phone is like 5 years old so Im probably just going to get a new one next weekend as a very early Christmas present. My drive home was hell and made me want to kill someone because these people just stopped in the middle of a busy intersection and had a full argument over something so I had to spend like 10 minutes trying to get around them. When I got back to my dorm I saw my friend Brandon so I walked to his dorm and watched him play Elden Ring. I was supposed to go to a friend's house who lives by the woods with Brandon so we could get drunk and goon in the forest but he never responded to our texts so I went with Brandon and my suitemate to get cake ingredients and made a cake. I think I fucked up making it but it was ok and my RA brought her cat into the kitchen so we played with the cat and ate cake. After that I went back to my dorm, watched the Tripbwai Lan vod #Frizzy and took a shower. I hope everyone at lan is having fun and have safe travels there and back. goodnight <3. Also I will try to save more picture I take on Snapchat because I think it would be good content for this but I always forget
Edit: After writing this I realized how long this is, busy day :D
Edit 2: who insta downed this wtf

posted 7 months ago
#9476 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 7 months ago
#43 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

sept 28
wsg team, Today started out looking good but it slowly got worse which was a bit saddening but that's ok. I woke up around 1:30 which is disappointing but alright because I had nothing to do. I went to my friend joshes house, who I did stuff with on Monday. We played Mario cart on his wii and I played with his cat. After that I went home because my mom had surgery on her foot and I wanted to just hang out with my parents and my dogs. It was nice to talk to her and my dad. my dad seems busy but doing well and my mom is in a lot of pain. The first surgery was done incorrectly and the second one might've also been done wrong so I need to take her in tomorrow at 11. Its very hard to see her because she is in a lot of pain and it just makes me sad because I cant do anything. I also played in my backyard with Bowie and Hoonie. I love playing with them because Hoonie is old (like 13) and just sits there and barks at Bowie while he full sprints circles around her as I chase him. After that I watched the news and I took a spring roll from my mom because her friend ordered her too many. Eventually I went back to my dorm which is only like 25 minutes away to do Homework. I got mad at it and walked like 30 minutes to the gas station to get taquitos and a Gatorade pedeolyte. (the strawberry kiwi one is awesome). I got home took a shower and I noticed my phone had the message that the sim card is not in. I don't know why maybe water got in the back of it because the back is falling off but my sim card is broken and Im kinda pissed about that. Ive tried fixing it for the past like 30 minutes but I don't know what to do. I might need to get a new phone which would suck because its hella expensive. If anyone knows how to fix that lmk because I am lost and I need to be able to use my phone lowkey :/. I think this entry has grammar mistakes but I don't really wanna fix them so sorry about the bad read. Also my cat octopus necklace I ordered like a month ago came which is sick as fuck :3.

posted 7 months ago
#42 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 27
hi team fortress television today was a average day. I woke up around 9 which is a record in the past 3 weeks, after I made coffee then picked up my friend to go rock climbing I was very sore but still had a good amount of energy so the sesh was alright, after that I ate some breakfast and went to my first class which was English. English was pretty good but I put off my work today to chit chat and I couldn't pay attention in math. I might start leaving my phone at my dorm so I don't look at it too much because I'm getting distracted really easily now. after that I feel asleep on my floor for about 4 hours and got five with my suitmate, after dinner I feel asleep again on my floor before pug scrimming. I smoked before the pugscrim which was a bad idea I feel like smoking is a 50/50 on weather or not I disassociate or I have the most fun ever. after pugscrim I layed on my floor some more made tea and went to bed

posted 8 months ago
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