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Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted November 25, 2016 at 12:55 PM
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#47 Twitch offically aquired by Amazon in Off Topic
HKOne concern is that amazon has a bad rep as an employer. Friends at companies who've been acquired by amazon complain about the new management, and some have left their otherwise very good development jobs.

I've heard that warehouse employees are treated horrendously, but to be fair most warehouse employees are treated horrendously everywhere. It's not a great comparison, but the folks at the Washington Post I know seem to have had positive (or not negative) experiences after Bezos acquired it so I remain hopeful as far as workplace conditions go.

posted about 9 years ago
#74 i52 best players in TF2 General Discussion

I didn't get to watch much more than a few minutes at a time but every time I pulled up the stream, Lansky was doing work with his ubers.

posted about 9 years ago
#530 i52 in TF2 General Discussion

Haven't been able to watch any of the games this weekend but seeing all these comments is making me super pumped to watch the casts later. I might need to take a day off work this week and bingewatch TF2 games all day. I'm hyped.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 TF2 Update: 8/21/14 in TF2 General Discussion
Teapot_seeing a tf2 update on the eve of i52 is terrifying.

I was expecting the return of the demo nerf

posted about 9 years ago
#14 ONSLAUGHT by deli in Videos

Loved the slowmo with the scout on Badlands mid. The clip on Process 2nd nearly gave me a seizure though, maybe cut back on the flashing a little bit.

posted about 9 years ago
#74 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
KoobadoobsI would play the Valve lobbies and in the long run being it the officially sanctioned system everyone would which means Valve makes more players happy, and happy players play more often for longer periods of time and buy more stuff, plus they get even more free press if they play it right, Dota 2 made headlines because of the huge prizepool if they build the right gaming platform for comp it could make them really rich just because they would be first to market with something people would love.

tl;dr: They do get something in return, but they have to play their cards in the right way to make it financially interesting.

I'd literally spend hundreds of dollars on official cosmetics/skins if they looked half as good as the Exertus uniforms in that SFM video. F2P got people into the game, and interest in comp would keep people here. The more time you invest in a game, the more likely you would be to support the developers/top teams, right? That's how my mind seems to work.

posted about 9 years ago
#59 New Unreal Tournament in Other Games

Someone's been compiling the builds so you can download and play.
Also, here's a video of Fatal1ty playing a pre-alpha build.
Looks fun but I never played any UT, anyone with UT experience have insight or comments on these?

posted about 9 years ago
#58 Formers smokers in Off Topic
shocka1What is the appeal of smoking?

Relives stress, tobacco in general helps stave off drowsiness/heightens my reflexes. Dipping tobacco is a disgusting habit, but there's a reason it's so common with baseball players and I tend to play better TF2 when dipping (not at all a good reason though). I've also met a ton of people who asked me for a light on the street, and some of them stayed in my life. Got my current job on a smoke break, and I've met some pretty high powered politicians/lobbyists/businessmen smoking in the right places.

It obviously doesn't outweigh the health costs of lifetime smoking, but you're not doing a rational analysis when you light up, the same way you don't weight the pros and cons of alcoholism before knocking back a few beers.

Good for you Kirby, I'm quitting tomorrow too so I'd love to hear updates. Keep it up.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 type 1 tf2 players in TF2 General Discussion
alec_being low is a lot worse than being high according to my brother but he manages it super well so he never goes above like 300 (i'm not sure what number that would be on the 0-10 measuring system)

Being low is worse, but it's also a lot easier to notice because the effects are immediately noticeable. It's also a lot easier to manage, just take some glucose or food and you'll be fine in 15 minutes. I've had high blood sugars persist for over a week, despite complete fasting and using a month's supply of insulin in that same week.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 type 1 tf2 players in TF2 General Discussion
2cwhat's high blood sugar do to u that causes impairment

Makes you feel pretty sick in general. Harder to play/do anything with nausea, constant thirst/need to pee, pounding headache, stomaches, etc. Slower reaction times, general loss of motor control as well. Also makes my joints ache and my breath smell really fruity. It's not as bad as that sounds, sometimes it's subtle and I don't notice I'm high for some time, but sometimes it all comes at once.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 type 1 tf2 players in TF2 General Discussion

I always think I can play with a high blood sugar until I get in game. I had a match the other night where I came out wondering why I played worse than usual, then checked my blood sugar and saw it was 560.
And while I almost never rage, playing with high or low blood sugar makes it much easier to get in my head.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Formers smokers in Off Topic

I quit smoking a while back. Then fell off the bus when work got stressful. Quitting again (hopefully for real this time) on Saturday.
What helped last time, a lot, was quitting with someone else. Peer pressure made a huge difference.
If that's not possible, I remember I drank a ton of coffee last time.
And if possible, avoid the people or places you places you usually smoke. I had a place outside the office where I would go, and after I quit smoking I would have a hard time when I was around there.
Running also helps.
Ultimately, though, there's not too many tips or "tricks" that I can offer. It comes down to a force of will, convincing yourself that your mind is stronger than your body.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 MGE iT V2.0 in TF2 General Discussion
Oblivionagecan people use this as their go to mge server please like i'm tired of playing on clan servers with 100 ping & shitty class locks/whitelists as well as having elo. i miss when mge it had 10+ players always

I was trying to MGE the other night and was matched up against a C&D spy. Reminded me why I don't use other MGE servers.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 working multiple jobs in Off Topic

I worked upwards of 80 (sometimes 90) hours a week for most of last year. At the end, I was exhausted and hibernated for a month.
Keep your schedule as regimented as possible. It's easy for your time to slip by and to have things take you unaware. It's also easy to want to sleep in some of the days, skip work, etc. Don't do that unless you have to. Set yourself a regular bedtime, stick to it.
On the weekends or when you have time off, it's important to keep some social interactions in your life. That being said, sleep and rest should be prioritized so if you're not keen on meeting up with friends, cancel and take care of yourself first.
For me, I don't think I could have gotten through it without running in the morning. I got up two to three hours early and just went running for a long, long time. It cuts back on sleep, but I found the stress relief and the ensuing runners high was more than enough to make up for it. It helps you center yourself. Obviously you don't need to run that much, or run at all, but physical exercise is going to be critical.
Keep your eyes on whatever your future goal is and be sure to treat yourself. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work you'll be doing, but I presume you have a reason for doing so. Keep that in mind, and splurge (when you can afford it).
Be sure to stay on good terms with your coworkers and be upfront about it if you think you'll be tired, irritable, etc. Spending that much time at work with people you don't like is a death sentence.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Firefall in Other Games
turtsmcgurtsyou guys want to know some cool facts about firefall?

I had heard some of those stories, didn't the CEO get forced out because of issues like those?

posted about 9 years ago
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