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Country France
Signed Up July 7, 2018
Last Posted August 6, 2022 at 8:41 AM
Posts 131 (0.1 per day)
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#6367 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
chostarmanchostarmanDoes anyone know how I can fix the casual and comp levels from displaying [unknown]?
Example pic:
delete PvPRankPanel.res see if it fix it

Still doesn't work

what's your hud? so i can take a look

edit: found a hud with the same issue, deleting pvprankpanel.res fix the unknown label or you can extract it from the default hud and put it in your hud

posted about 4 years ago
#6365 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
kuroI'm using ahud with the top left chat customization, but the chat box randomly moves back to the default bottom left position sometimes. Hudreloadscheme does fix this but I'd want it to stay top left permanently, how do I do that?

Here's my basechat.res:

don't play casual

posted about 4 years ago
#6363 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Kimi07hi, i use morehud black 2.0 and sometimes i have problems about seeing countdown in hudmatchstatus thing like it shows how many seconds left to your respawn. I want to make this bigger and bold maybe, how?

go to resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res

search respawntime

				"font" "PlayerPanelPlayerName" // replace that with m0refont10
posted about 4 years ago
#6361 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
CollaideAnyone know if it's possible to display the scoreline on HUD without having to open the scoreboard? And if so, what would you need to do?

i don't think it is possible do to that but who knows

posted about 4 years ago
#6360 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
chostarmanDoes anyone know how to modify and shrink down the huge spy outline when disguising is finished?

go to scripts and hudanimations_custom.txt or whatever you file name is, HudSpyDisguiseChanged section
a good example i have :

event HudSpyDisguiseChanged
	Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage		Alpha		"200"			Linear 0.0 0.2

	Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage		Position	"c-400 c-0"		Linear 0.0 0.2
	Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage		Size		"200 200"		Linear 0.0 0.2

	RunEvent HudSpyDisguiseHide	0.7

looks like this :

chostarmanDoes anyone know how I can fix the casual and comp levels from displaying [unknown]?
Example pic:

delete PvPRankPanel.res see if it fix it

ZeRo5I'm using default hud, is there a way to make ammo flicker in red or have a clearer indicator when it's low?

you need to add scripts/hudanimations_tf.txt go to event HudLowAmmoPulse, replace HudLowAmmoPulse,HudLowAmmoPulseLoop,HudLowAmmoPulseStop with this :

event HudLowAmmoPulse
    Animate HudWeaponLowAmmoImage       Alpha       "255"       Linear 0.0 0.075
    Animate HudWeaponLowAmmoImage       Alpha       "0"         Linear 0.125 0.075

    Animate AmmoInClip            FgColor     "TanLight"   Linear 0.0 0.075
    Animate AmmoInClip            FgColor     "LightRed"   Linear 0.125 0.075

    Animate AmmoInReserve     FgColor     "TanLight"    Linear 0.0 0.075
    Animate AmmoInReserve     FgColor     "LightRed"    Linear 0.125 0.075

    Animate AmmoNoClip            FgColor     "TanLight"   Linear 0.0 0.075
    Animate AmmoNoClip            FgColor     "LightRed"   Linear 0.125 0.075

    RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulseLoop    0.25

// call to loop HudLowAmmoPulse
event HudLowAmmoPulseLoop
    RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulse 0.0

event HudLowAmmoPulseStop
    StopEvent HudLowAmmoPulse 0.0
    StopEvent HudLowAmmoPulseLoop 0.0

    Animate AmmoInClip        FgColor     "TanLight"       Accel 0.0 0.0
    Animate AmmoInReserve FgColor     "TanLight"    Accel 0.0 0.0
    Animate AmmoNoClip        FgColor     "TanLight"       Accel 0.0 0.0

also add resource/ui/hudammoweapons.res and change HudWeaponLowAmmoImage xpos and ypos values to 9999

what the animation looks like: (taken from tf2hudplus)

if you want the default hud files

posted about 4 years ago
#2 HUD Damage Numbers in Customization


"delta_item_font"	"surface23shadow" //normal damage
"delta_item_font_big"	"surface23shadow" //crit damage
		"font"  "surface28shadow" // damage numbers that appear near health
		"font"  "surface28" // damage numbers shadow that appear near health

next time post here PLS

posted about 4 years ago
#537 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
masterTF2 what hud is that?

modified hypnotize hud

posted about 4 years ago
#2035 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

DeathPanel (the team colored bg) in hudmatchstatus is the problem i guess, if i change the value the lines disappear:

posted about 4 years ago
#2033 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsScoutmando you know what cause this strange line on the team status when using medium low preset ?
Is that the party chat menu?

it's the timer and the team status control by hudmatchstatus.res

posted about 4 years ago
#2031 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

do you know what cause this strange line on the team status when using medium low preset ?

posted about 4 years ago
#6355 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
agentsarrDoes anyone know what file the razorback charge meter is located in rayshud?

huditemeffectmeter.res but it also control the sandman/wrap assassin, jarate, buff banner/concheror/battalion backup, sandvich/steak, cloak

posted about 4 years ago
#2 cliphud in Customization

nice hud, did you made some changes with the hypnotize fixes ?

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Seasonal Attire in Customization
funhaver1998niko why did you censor your hud
Uhm a lot of reasons. For one, I think that everyone will be clamouring to use dis HUD once they know that I'm using it and I want to embrace the ideas of just being your self and playing by your own style. Secondly, by releasing this kind of info it leads me to be vulnerable. Same thing with what xHair on using.

Maybe U can get this kind of info on my only fans sometime but for now, just enjoy my outfit :D

congrats for using rayshud

posted about 4 years ago
#5777 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
JBGot back into tf2 and my hud again today. Always wanted to make a tournament spectator hud that has a team on each side.


posted about 4 years ago
#6338 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
untamedWhere do I go to change the color in the image?


		"fieldName"				"CHealthAccountPanel"
		"delta_item_x"			"13"
		"delta_item_start_y"	"50"
		"delta_item_end_y"		"0"
		"PositiveColor"			"0 255 0 255" //heal color
		"NegativeColor"			"255 0 0 255"
		"delta_lifetime"		"1.5"
		"delta_item_font"		"HudFontMedium"
posted about 4 years ago
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