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Last Posted February 27, 2021 at 2:57 AM
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#2 Backcap #26 - May 7th to 14th in Videos

Continuing to mess with soundtrack, I think it's actually pretty good / I'm getting better at it.

Also hope you enjoy the new intro! It's pretty simple but it took a lot of time and planning to come up with it. To be frank the icons don't have too much meaning besides looking nice, but if someone asks me about it I have an answer that's not "aesthestics lol".

We made our match summaries pretty short this time, and also new roster listing? It was kinda unpolished but I threw in it anyways so people could give me feedback on how it looks, or how do it better next time around.

I clicked on all the dates for the articles, thanks to whoever it was that reminded me about it last week.

I'm sure I've forgotten something else I should've mentioned too but whatever.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Backcap #26 - May 7th to 14th in Videos

Special guest! New intro! Pre-season stuff! Roster shuffles as if we didn't have enough!

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Top 10 TF2 plays - February 2016 in Videos

@4:40 I don't think the tomislav makes that noise?

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Backcap #24 - April 30th to May 7th in Videos

I tried to make the soundtrack more interesting this time instead of just tossing in a bunch of random songs. Let me know what you think. I can see some flaws in it still, so i don't consider it perfect but feedback will be great. What works, what doesn't, etc.

Also here's another survey lol . Many thanks

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Backcap #24 - April 30th to May 7th in Videos

tons of roster changes, the ETF2L Pre-Season Cup Grand Finals and some ozfortress games.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 shounic lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

soldier / med IM. Some extra info on my latest post.

League Exp:
AsiaFortress League 5 Division 2: cRs 4th
AsiaFortress Cup 6 Division 3: exe 4th
AsiaFortress Cup 7 Division 2: inA 3rd
AsiaFortress Cup 8 Division 2: CASUALS 2nd
AsiaFortress Cup 9 Division 2: sweaty tryhards 2nd

Backed up as pocket for BLANC and played when Crasian lost his arm
ESEA IM S21 - BLANC Esports
ESEA IM S22 - Fortunate Dudes
ESEA O S23 - Anal With Alan (3rd Place)

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Backcap #24 - April 23rd to 29th in Videos

First of all, I think around the 15 minute mark somewhere Avast just had something ring, couldn't do anything about it so forgive him. Also continue forgiving him because it was his first time hosting Backcap, just like Gecks it'll be a learning experience for them and they'll improve! I'll make sure to try fix up Avast's mic quality as well if possible. We also don't condone the questionable things Avast said about certain players :P

Besides that, I'm glad that I could actually provide legitimate journalism on the lmaobox stuff since reading reddit is a massive headache. There's never actual sources or evidence, just hearsay. So I'm proud that we can actually say whatever we presented confidently.

20 minute episode. Hope your monday morning is boring :)

edit: fuck i got ninja'd

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Backcap #24 - April 23rd to 29th in Videos

Tons of roster changes, Dreamhack Qualifiers and ozfortress games, & a more complete report on the lmaobox story.

posted about 8 years ago
#106 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion

this is definitely going on backcap lmao

posted about 8 years ago
#22 New Medals Added in TF2 General Discussion
campershounic what hud is that its sick

I want to stop bumping this thread so whoever wants it can PM me. It's a personal HUD that I didn't want to release publicly yet. Anyways, update still has a bunch of HUD stuff to fix so if you PM me (on tftv) I can send you the link to DL it when all the issues get fixed.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 New Medals Added in TF2 General Discussion
RhettroWhen are all medals supposed to have been distributed?

assuming the other leagues work the same (as how the TF2 Team asked me to do it), the respective league administrator has to manually distribute and send the medals out, so just be patient.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 New Medals Added in TF2 General Discussion

we can't goto i58, we can probably only compete at low invite level, but who gives a shit when you look great right? AsiaFortress <3

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Backcap #23 - April 16th to 22nd in Videos

a bunch of interesting announcements and highlights from the crazy 5 hour ESEA GFs!

posted about 8 years ago
#27 TF2 confirmed for i58 in LAN Discussion

Going to settle the score since there's quite some misinformation going on.

At the start when dashner hinted on Twitter at Asians at i58 everyone who was going to go was confident in going and wanting to play. The lineup was Teejay + koreans which were creep shockey larky flower and fireze or something along the lines of that. There were going to be some shuffling because of age which might cause visa issues, but basically that was the lineup.

Somewhere along the overwatch beta the koreans got into the beta, and have basically switched to it. But they still played tf2. This wasn't an issue until...

The koreans minus creep attended a LAN for overwatch and now lost all motivation to keep playing as overwatch is a better prospect for them. Creep & Teejay talked to them about it but without Larky and the other koreans its basically impossible to form a team that's competitive and doesn't throw money away while making Asia look like a joke.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Backcap #22 - 9th to 15 of April in Videos
PumWhat are you guys future plans to handle the "drama" section? Seeing your response here:
ShounicI wanted to revisit Backcap's stance on drama so I decided to hold off on going through the drama. While it is super entertaining I feel like it's irresponsible to spread information like that. The drama segment was part of the show when it was a smaller project but now that we're growing and wanting to legitimize ourselves, I want to give more thought to the potential damages we could do by just featuring things on the show. Think about how bad it is if I incited witch hunts and got people up in arms about small issues etc.
What are your plans on this? Are you gonna just skip the drama entirely from this point on? Are you gonna make a new smaller sideseries focused on the drama?

I don't agree with the sideseries plan too much. I don't think this is called a slippery slope but it kinda presents a problem akin to that. If I split off drama from the standard news show, then maybe I should split highlights as well? I want to avoid the situation where I'm producing like 3-4 videos a week with minimal content. The idea of Backcap at the moment is about having a neat package to consume all at once for everything you need in a week, so it would betray this concept.

I have intentionally skipped the more community related pieces of news like Saloon's issues (though we tweeted about it) and Mang0 playing TF2. If you look at it from my perspective, what I decide to mention about Saloon will make an impact whether I like it or not. My thought process was that if Saloon was going to fix their stuff up or say something about it soon, then I rather give them the opportunity to mend their mistakes before calling them out for it. Geel did end up saying something about it so I think retrospectively it was probably the right decision to not say anything about Saloon.

Another issue with talking about Saloon is that I don't want to become TF2's police. If I allow (without careful thought) the show to call out people or groups who makes mistakes then Backcap also becomes a platform for people to air their dirty laundry. It's not my responsibility to handle, settle or deal with other community member's issues. What happens when people start tweeting me to pressure Saloon into fixing xyz bug?

And Mang0, I think this one is quite negligible. The main thing with this one was that I thought it'd be hard to capture this on the show, would I show clips from his stream? Do I try interview him on it? Why does it matter this guy is playing TF2, and how am I going to decide who is "worthy" enough to be mentioned just for launching TF2?

But there is a plan. I'm going to avoid trigger words and just sensationalization in general so in the show it'll be called "Fluff of The Week" & we'll approach it lightheartedly. The main motivation for keeping the drama segment alive is that I think it's also bad that we don't let ourselves speak out on issues that affect the general community so this is the line I'll try to balance on.

posted about 8 years ago
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