Account Details
SteamID64 76561198120494035
SteamID3 [U:1:160228307]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:80114153
Country Belgium
Signed Up June 21, 2015
Last Posted February 8, 2019 at 5:08 PM
Posts 456 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.646
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
1280 x 720
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Abyssus 1800
Mousepad Steelseries
1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 31
#1 Buggy left click in Hardware

The left click of my razer abyssus 1800 has become a bit buggy. It doesn't work when you click on the outside of the button, but that has been like that for a while and it was never a problem because I click close to m3 anyways. But 2 days ago it has started not working 50% of the time when I try to rocket jump. When I play scout it works 100% of the time. Only when rocket jumping is it buggy... Which makes me suspect that there might be a different issue then the switch just being worn out. Does anyone have experience with this?
Right now I'm just using m2 to shoot, which is fine for now. But I want to try to fix this before getting a new mouse.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 songs that sound good when played together in Music, Movies, TV

Any riddim dubstep song mixed with another riddim dubstep song

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Tunnelvisioning my aiming in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulIs this your monthly "pls halp how i dm?!111!?!" thread?

you are having a bad day today aren't you?

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Why do all the top soldiers use the original? in Q/A Help

Not only jumps, with the rocket coming from the center of the screen aiming is a bit easier

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Change Mixchamp! in TF2 General Discussion

Copy and paste what source code onto mixchamp? And what would be the difference with just using mixchamp?

posted about 7 years ago
#4 etf2l prem happenings/discussions in TF2 General Discussion

Unexpected are looking to make some roster changes: samski might switch to scout and look for a new soldier and demomankf

posted about 7 years ago
#14 EU mix groups? in TF2 General Discussion
ZetsuSiga em frente c isso


posted about 7 years ago
#12 EU mix groups? in TF2 General Discussion

And the advantage is that you can force ppl on med with last to spec, you don't have to wait for ppl to volunteer

posted about 7 years ago
#7 EU mix groups? in TF2 General Discussion

Now we're on the topic: What's the best way to host a mix group? get ppl to join and then post an announcement when you start a mix? Have them at set times?

posted about 7 years ago
#6 EU mix groups? in TF2 General Discussion

yeah but they always die so quickly... I've been wanting to make one for a while too but I always assumed ppl wouldn't join it because most mix groups are only alive for about a week

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Shaking up the stale 6s meta in TF2 General Discussion

this is some nice basher jumping

posted about 7 years ago
#2 who wants to play mge with me in Mentoring

Actually nvm I will just contact someone who has posted that they are lf mentor in this section

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Free mentoring sesh in Mentoring

I think it would be a useful experience for me to try and teach another player the things that I've learned. I think that might be the best way to find out what are the important things so I can be sure to remember them.

Therefor I will give out a free (ofcourse) mentoring sesh to the first european who comments on this thread and is serious about it.

I will also give out 1 free demo review to the second person to shittalk me on this thread.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 LF STV demos in TF2 General Discussion

If it's your goal to learn, why dont you watch prem demos? Prem STVs are really easy to find on etf2l and there's no reason to start by watching mid demos. You wont be too bad to comprehend prem strats or anything

posted about 7 years ago
#51 whats your oldest steam screenshot in Off Topic

No one here had a different game in their first screenshot?

posted about 7 years ago
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