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Signed Up December 26, 2015
Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 1:07 AM
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#259 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/7/16 (Meet Your Match) in TF2 General Discussion

You guys in need of a good community server? Might wanna try one of these!


posted about 7 years ago
#31 Stress Test #11 End of the Beta in TF2 General Discussion

Hope they implement calibration matches

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Maintence valve server in TF2 General Discussion

Valve MM servers in maintenance?

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic
crw89zombiezcrw89zombiezcrwSo you are saying this isn't islam?
Well we'll see, I don't know any other group that wears bombvests and shoots gays.
Literally any other mentally unstable person could have done it, not all terrorism is done by islamic people. Cmon dude get a grip.
Most of such terrorism has to do with islam. It's the most likely possibility.

Most doesn't mean all. Theres plenty of unstable people in the US alone who could have done such a thing. Religion doesnt always have to be a factor in stuff like this.
Whatever, I hope you aren't going to keep denying it when it it will be known that ISIS was behind it or something.


posted about 7 years ago
#50 Opinion: 6s needs payload maps. in The Dumpster
SideshowTF2 is not gonna switch modes. Best you could hope for is one extra koth in there alongside product.

Highpass plz

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Moving to asia, need some info/advice about tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
terminalI've been living in asia for a bit now
the dm here is a joke

Your personality is a joke

posted about 8 years ago
#39 How can we bring more people into TF2? in TF2 General Discussion
shorasSpe0comp tf2 is not as fun to watch as something like...hearthstone.I really hope you're trolling.

To each his own, I guess. I,personally, found that watching Hearthstone as a newb was easier to digest than watching tf2 as a newb and I dont think I'm in the minority here.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 How can we bring more people into TF2? in TF2 General Discussion
eeeSpe0Make it a good spectator sport. Let's not kid ourselves here, comp tf2 is not as fun to watch as something like cs, smite or even hearthstone.Good is a bad word. Easy is much better. TF2 is fucking hard to watch for me, and I can actually play TF2 at a level 99.99% of the tf2 population can't (pls no shittalk). Until the game can be broadcast in a way that's more clear and concise, it'll always be hard to watch. CS and MOBAs have the leg up here because they're primarily 2 dimensional and very focused/predictable. Combine this with how easy it is to program the predictive camera for CS compared to TF2, and you end up with much easier to spectate games. Simple round structures, relatively few objectives, very clear cut measurements for success. CS has these and as a result is very simple to spectate. TF2 isn't impossible to cast, but it requires a very good group of people to do so, and even then its more of a players' cast than a viewers' one. The people who're actually watching and understanding probably play TF2.

What do u propose to do to then? What do u think that we or Valve can do to improve tf2's viewing experience? Also, why did people downvote my comment? Is it because people seriously think that tf2 is as fun to watch as those games or is it because of my vague use of the word "good"?

posted about 8 years ago
#12 How can we bring more people into TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Make it a good spectator sport. Let's not kid ourselves here, comp tf2 is not as fun to watch as something like cs, smite or even hearthstone.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 LF Mapper (new mge maps+other projects) in Map Discussion

Can ultiduo be implemented in some way? Thatd be great

posted about 8 years ago
#161 b4nny v thalash in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#34 TF2 confirmed for i58 in LAN Discussion
eeeSpe0ShounicGoing to settle the score since there's quite some misinformation going on.

At the start when dashner hinted on Twitter at Asians at i58 everyone who was going to go was confident in going and wanting to play. The lineup was Teejay + koreans which were creep shockey larky flower and fireze or something along the lines of that. There were going to be some shuffling because of age which might cause visa issues, but basically that was the lineup.

Somewhere along the overwatch beta the koreans got into the beta, and have basically switched to it. But they still played tf2. This wasn't an issue until...

The koreans minus creep attended a LAN for overwatch and now lost all motivation to keep playing as overwatch is a better prospect for them. Creep & Teejay talked to them about it but without Larky and the other koreans its basically impossible to form a team that's competitive and doesn't throw money away while making Asia look like a joke.
If one LAN took away the interest of players maybe we're underestimating OW's potential to take away our players.
you're looking at the koreans from an american perspective. Being good at tf2 anywhere but the US basically means nothing in terms of career potential, and really only b4nny manages to be a pure tf2 guy and get stream dollars. If you wanna be esports, playing a game thats 95% as fun as tf2 but 20x the chance of being something to make money on is a pretty good trade.

I say that because some players(like getawhale) say that the only reason players would move to OW is for $$$. And I really think that the koreans would be the last people to make career out of a FPS and if one(!) LAN took away their determination to play i58 maybe ow is a much bigger threat.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 TF2 confirmed for i58 in LAN Discussion
ShounicGoing to settle the score since there's quite some misinformation going on.

At the start when dashner hinted on Twitter at Asians at i58 everyone who was going to go was confident in going and wanting to play. The lineup was Teejay + koreans which were creep shockey larky flower and fireze or something along the lines of that. There were going to be some shuffling because of age which might cause visa issues, but basically that was the lineup.

Somewhere along the overwatch beta the koreans got into the beta, and have basically switched to it. But they still played tf2. This wasn't an issue until...

The koreans minus creep attended a LAN for overwatch and now lost all motivation to keep playing as overwatch is a better prospect for them. Creep & Teejay talked to them about it but without Larky and the other koreans its basically impossible to form a team that's competitive and doesn't throw money away while making Asia look like a joke.

If one LAN took away the interest of players maybe we're underestimating OW's potential to take away our players.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Server Provider Suggestions in Off Topic
aieraHow is a private from serveme better than getting a Frankfurt 18 slot + Mumble for under 13.50 euros

For one, you're supporting a fellow tf2 player.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 6s junction brief B hold guide. in TF2 General Discussion
BUICKJunction WAS played in competitive many, many years ago. Competitive was also 8v8. :)

Awesome, strange memories.

Got a VOD of a junction match? I'm curiosu.

posted about 8 years ago
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