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Signed Up August 21, 2014
Last Posted August 22, 2014 at 2:07 AM
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#11 Been a while... looking for some info in Q/A Help
KapowwStrife am I missing something?Did you make your own custom folder?
Put the hud stuff in steamapps/common/TeamFortress2/tf/custom/USERFOLDER/
Userfolder can be named anything

oh wow that works, thanks.

that folder wasn't around when I used to play, I would just replace all the files in the tf folder :x

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Been a while... looking for some info in Q/A Help

Okay so I went with yahud, and maybe I'm retarded, but for some reason my hud isn't updating.

I did a fresh install because my old HUD was completely fucked up.

Logged in to confirm my hud was fresh.

Copied in my old cfg folder for things like my custom crosshairs and class configs/auto exec.

Downloaded the updated yahud:

Opened the yahud-fl red folder and copied in the materials/resource/scripts/sound folders and overwrote all of the default files... my hud is still vanilla tho.

Pretty sure that's what I did before, am I missing something?

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Been a while... looking for some info in Q/A Help

Actually watching i49 docu made me want to get back in and play a bit again lol.

Alot of the people in the beginning of the vid for ESEA finals were people I used to play with. My 2nd season in ESEA was actually in High Koala Ts with YZ50 before he became all pro and went invite and I used to play on a team with vhalin and harbleu... also filled in for a shitty local lan with EmG since 3 of them live right by me in SoCal, and of course playing with alot of people in back in the day.

Looks like alot of the people at the top of the NA scene now are pretty old school since I recognize the names of like 70% of the people who were in the ESEA finals in that i49 docu... damn they've been playing forever then.

Thanks everyone for the advice tho, I'll check out HUDs tonight when I get home and probably try to get back into it with some DM servers first..

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Been a while... looking for some info in Q/A Help

Used to play 6v6 in ESEA-O/Int during S5-S7 as roam soldier and decided to start playing again more casually in PUGs/DM servers.

I literally have no idea what's been going on the past 3-4 years though, so...

I used to use Flame's/Community HUD and made further tweaks to it... what HUD is currently popular/the closest to that if people are familiar with it.

With all the new updates is the allowed weapons pretty much the same i.e. vanilla weapons with only a few updated items like ubersaw/melee weapons?

I'm assuming I can just check the servers tab for current DM servers, what about PUGs? I used to use mIRC with captain picks and tf2lobby, do people still use those or is there a better solution now lol?

Anything else I should know having not played competitively since like 2010? Thanks.

posted about 9 years ago