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Signed Up May 15, 2013
Last Posted May 2, 2024 at 7:10 PM
Posts 736 (0.2 per day)
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Mousepad Steelseries QcK Heavy
Headphones Sennheiser PC350 SE
Monitor Benq xl2420t
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#214 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
DwapkingT0metf2l becomes worse every season.
How come?

Legitimate question. I've only played one season.

I'm only going to go off prem as I honestly haven't looked at the other divisions in a long time. The best team in europe doesn't play etf2l currently. The incentive to play just isn't there so the effort put in is just non existent.
The actual games have become very sloppy and unorganised in my opinion. I'm not saying this like I'm really good and the teams I've played in have been perfect. They have been far from that and some were the worst offenders for sloppy play. Top teams from other games just seem to have much more of a drive and have much more incentives to put in the effort. Yeah its in their contracts and shit that they have to do this but still all of the top teams in any game which has had a shred of support and not the "just wait and see guys its gonna happen".
Se7en is the only team that gives off the impression that they don't just show up to scrims and officials and thats it and as I said before they don't even play etf2l atm, they might in the future for rewind practice but I'm not a mind reader it just makes sense for them to next season.

posted about 6 years ago
#211 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINYou guys are right, Valve is so slow at making changes that we shouldn't rely on them to grow our scene for us. I'm not advocating that we sit around and wait for them to help us.

What I'm saying is, there's more productive ways to grow the scene besides hating on Valve.

There's two camps:
1. People who think we shouldn't change anything in comp. They're happy with the game being small and hated by the casual community, and they want to continue excluding others to preserve the game they love so much. "The game is fine as is, let us play our game."

See this is what is ridiculous. People who are being realistic and not completely delusional are given such a bad name. No one has the opinion that they don't want new players to play etc. For sure an increased playerbase for comp would be great but its just not going happen. Having the old school whitelist wont bring in new players and this new whitelist also wont bring in new players.

Razer cups died, matchmaking died, faceit is dead, pugchamp is just the same aids every map, esea numbers are falling (invite doesnt even have the required teams atm unless 2 im teams follow through with b4nny's repayment thing he proposed), etf2l becomes worse every season. How many things are going to have to be tried and fail for people to realise its just not going to happen. Yes I know faceit is getting an update/refurbished.

People just want to play non aids tf2. This whole idea that people dont want new players and want a more severe whitelist so pyro mains can fuck off is just plain stupid. I'm tired of this idea that "valve are really listening guys things are going to change just you wait". I've played comp for 9 years now I've seen the attempts at getting tf2 bigger, I've seen the attempts at changing things its all just come to the same conclusions, failure. I'd love tf2 to be at the stage where I can stream all day and that would be my job but its simply not going to happen.

posted about 6 years ago
#5870 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
#3 Comp pick-up games in TF2 General Discussion

tf2center until you learn whats actually going on and what to do etc. You'll only get drama or you wont get picked at all if you jump straight into pugchamp

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Class Change Nerf Idea in The Dumpster

will just slow the game down even further

posted about 6 years ago
#70 best videogame soundtrack? in Other Games


posted about 6 years ago
#150 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

So how many season has it been now since this idea of unbanning everything will encourage people to play comp tf2?
Numbers for leagues are still declining and fucking no one plays the actual matchmaking game mode. This whole if we unban the engie/pyro/heavy/spy will make the people who main those want to play 6s is just ridiculous. The game mode itself makes these classes pointless. Engie will get run over by everything, spy is easily counterable if u actually pay attention to the game, pyro will get run over by coordinated scouts. The argument for heavy might be there as there has been some success with muuki running it to mids but even then you can deal with it with some simple coordination.

People just dont wanna play competitive. How is this so hard to realise. Please just fucking give up with this bullshit as the numbers arent going to rise to where it actually means something. We are always going to be a small community. Tf2 is never ever ever going to be like dota/cs/lol/ow.

Can we just enjoy what we have and have a non aids whitelist?

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Leagues don't try new maps in TF2 General Discussion

Theres been no decent maps to include so whats the point?

I've played in the older seasons when there was freight, bazillion, obscure, logjam etc. The maps were fucking awful and I would have loved to have the map pool we have now back then. I would take reckoner any day over those maps and I fucking hate reckoner.

posted about 6 years ago
#112 lol b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

b4nny goes on about hating idiots etc yet comes across as the biggest idiot out there

posted about 6 years ago
#3 dogs in the EU in Off Topic

ur dog is awesome

posted about 6 years ago
#13 spotify year in review in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 6 years ago
3006T0m3006T0mYou do realise that having a pyro will just mean no sacs from soldiers or anything. They will see the pyro then just play safe as fuck and run a sniper. Have fun covering all that ground to get to the sniper as pyro. Or they can just run 2 scouts into you and then ur just dead.
Then why does he go 13-1 playing pyro if peoples are so smart
Its a pug...
And the main conversation is about pugs

urm people are going on about changing the meta and I was saying theres no point changing it?

posted about 6 years ago
3006T0mYou do realise that having a pyro will just mean no sacs from soldiers or anything. They will see the pyro then just play safe as fuck and run a sniper. Have fun covering all that ground to get to the sniper as pyro. Or they can just run 2 scouts into you and then ur just dead.
Then why does he go 13-1 playing pyro if peoples are so smart

Its a pug...

posted about 6 years ago

You do realise that having a pyro will just mean no sacs from soldiers or anything. They will see the pyro then just play safe as fuck and run a sniper. Have fun covering all that ground to get to the sniper as pyro. Or they can just run 2 scouts into you and then ur just dead.

posted about 6 years ago
#5788 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
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